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undefined, object
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orthogonal vs. oblique
orthogonal are NOT correlated
Oblique are correlated
quality work life vs. quality circles
QWL is like JSSC--reps from various groups get together to make work conditions better.
QCC are just members from one area/group
helm's white racial identity model
contact, disintegration, reintegration, pseudo independence, immersion, autonomy
can dogs really play in icy avalanches
sublimation vs. reaction formation
reaction formation you engage in bx the opposite of your desires (Haggard!)
in sublimation you refocus the energy in socially acceptable ways. (I will run a marathon because I am stressed about this test)
James Lange vs. canon baird vs. schacter
JL: we perceive an event, then we physically react, then we interpret these emotions. e.g., i am sweating so I must be nervous
CB: we feel the emotion, then we act ex: i am afraid of the bear, so i will run
S: I feel something physical, so I check my environment, then I can have the emotion
Schacter: I feel funny, but everyone is laughing, so I must be ok
IQ correlations
sibs together: .50
sibs reared apart: .25
identical twins: .75
parent-child: .45
schizophrenia: chances if you have a first degree relative w/dx
piaget's stages
0-2 sensorimotor
2-7 preoperational
7-11 concrete
adol formal operations
kohlberg's moral development
7-11/childhood: preconventional=punishment/obedience/rewards
adol: conventional=good boy/girl/how do others see me
adult: post coventional= higher ethics/my own needs
schedules of reinforcement: least to most resistant to change
flooding vs. systematic desensitization vs. implosive vs. aversive counterconditioning
flooding: real or imagined, high anxiety and prevent maladaptive response.
implosive therapy: imagined only; high anxiety and prevent response
sys desensit: gradually expose feared stimulus and relax at each stage. used for specific phobias
aversion: used for paraphilias and smoking
vision development
poor acuity at birth
fully developed acuity by 6 months
depth perception develops over the first 2 years
availability vs. representative heuristic
availability is based on info you know up to this point representative is generalizing based on some features. ie, for availability I will say I know a rock star who is a drug user, so all rock stars must be drug users. Representative will be that i see that person is wearing black, so he must be a rock star.
Factorial ANOVA
repeated measures ANOVA
path analysis
discriminant analysis
factor analysis
partial correlation
semi-partial correlation
multiple regression
ANOVA: compare the means of 3+groups (2 groups is a t-test)
MANOVA: compare 2+ groups on 2+dependent variables
ANCOVA: compare two groups, but add some regression too for prediction
Factorial ANOVA: compare groups, with 2+IV
repeated measures ANOVA: subjects are measured repeatedly
path analysis: use multiple regression to test a causal model
LISREL: test a causal model
discriminant analysis: using predictors to determine groups
factor analysis: grouping subsets indep of the others
partial correlation: take out a covariate
multiple regression: predict on a continuous variable based on several independent variables
kappa's coefficient vs. kuder-richardson
kappa is a measure of interrater reliability
kuder-richardson is a measure of internal consistency of a test

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