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Racer test-imm. and cities


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What is a rundown, low-rental apartment building, has harsh conditions?
Chinese Exclusion Act
What act effectively ends chinese immigration for around 10 years?
Boss William Tweed
Who ran the political machine at Tammany Hall in New York?
Hull House
Which settlement house was founded by Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr in Chicago(most famous)?
settlement house
What is a community center that provides child care, education, & other services to the poor?
new immigrant
which immigrants came from Greece,Hungry,Italy,Poland,Russia,China(southern and eastern Europe)?
What is a section of the city occupied by a minorty group
Ellis Island
Where would the immigrants processed and evaluated?
reasons why cities developed
What do these examples explain:specialized industries ,immigration from other countries, movement of Americans from rual to urban areas for job oppurtunities?
Statue of Liberty
What was the immigrants fist view of America?
mass transit
What vocabulary word describes these types of transportation:subway,trolley,street car lines?
What are these factors considered as:Religous freedom,economic oppurtunity,Land,Factories/jobs,adventure?
What is the growth of cities called?(pg.99)
reasons for increased immigration
What do these examples explain:hope for better life,religous freedom,escape from oppresive government?
What are these factors considered as:Politial unrest,Religous persecutions,famines,depressions,overlycrowded,wars?
irish and chinese
Who was discriminated the most?
Jane Adams
Who founded the Hull House?
old immigrant
Which immigrants came from Great Britian,Germany,Ireland,Scandinavia(Nouthern and western europe)?
political machine
What is a Political organization that used legal and illegal methods to remain in power(like a political gang)?
the cities
housing,transportation,water,fire,crime,etc. was a problem where?

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