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poli sci 1000 part 2


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political ideology
a package of interrelated ideas and beliefs about government, society, the economy, and human nature that inspire and affect political action. each ideology provides a different perspective that is used to understand and evaluate how the world actually works. most ideologies also provide a vision of what the world should be like and propose a means of political action to achieve their objectives
rule of law
the idea that people should be subject to known, predictable and impartial rules of conduct, rather than to arbitrary orders of particular individuals. both the rulers and the ruled should be equally subject to the law
classical liberalism
a form of liberalism that emphasizes the desirability of limited government and the free market place
laissez faire economic system
a system in which privately owned businesses, workers, and consumers freely interact in the marketplace without government interference
reform liberalism
a version of liberal that combines support for individual freedom with a belief that government action may be needed to help remove obstacles to individual development
neo liberalism
a perspective based on a strong belief in the free marketpalce and opposition to government intervention in the economy
a perspective or ideology that emphasizes the values of order, stability, respect for authority, and tradition, based on a view that humans are inherently imperfect with a limited capacity to reason
a conservative who favours a return to the values and institutions of the past
welfare state
a state in which government ensures that all people have a decent standard of living and are provided protection from hardships resulting from circumstances such as unemployment, sickness, disability, and old age
new right
a perspective that combines, in various ways, the promotion of free market capitalism and limited government and traditional cultural and moral values
an ideological perspective based on the view that human beings are basically social in nature and that the capitalist system undermines the cooperative community oriented nature of humanity. socialism advocates the establishment of an egalitarian society.
historical materialism
the view that historical development and the dynamics of society and politics can be understood in terms of the way society is organized to produce material goods.
a system in which private property has been replaced by collective or communal ownership and everyone is free to take from society what they need
the version of marxism that includes the belief that the capitalist system can be overthrown only by force, by means of a tightly disciplined party controlled by a revolutionary vanguard
democratic socialism
the perspective that socialism should be achieved by democratic rather than revolutionary means and that a socialist society should be democratic in nature with political rights and freedoms respected
an ideology that views the state as the key source of oppression and seeks to replace the state with a system based on voluntary cooperation.
an ideology that combines an aggressive form of nationalism with a strong belief in the naturalness of inequality and opposition to both liberal democracy and communism
a version of fascism associated with adolf hitler, the nazi leader of germany, emphasizing racial conflict and the superiority of the aryan race
social darwinism
the sue of darwins theory of evolution to argue that competition and conflict allow humanity to evolve through the survival of the fittest
corporate state
a system associated with fascist italy in which business and labour work harmoniously to achieve goals established by the state to advance the good of the nation
a perspective that views society as patriarchal and seeks to achieve full independence and equality for women
a system in which power is in the hands of men and many aspects of women's lives are controlled by men

liberal feminism
a version of feminism that advocates equal opportunities for women in such areas as education and employment as well as equal legal and political rights
socialist feminism
a version of feminism that views women as oppressed by both the male dominated character of society and the capitalist system. the liberation of women is connected to the transformation of capitalism into a more cooperative and egalitarian socialist system
freeing the human potential that has been stifled by the organization and values of society
a perspective based on the idea that humanity needs to change its relationship to nature so as to protect the natural environment and ensure that it can sustain all forms of life
the focus on human well being that is at the centre of most political thought
the view that nature has intrinsic value and should not be valued only it terms of its use for human beings
participatory democracy
a democratic system in which all citizens are able to participate directly in the decisions that affect their lives
reform environmentalism
a perspective that views the solution to environmental problems primarily in terms of better science, technology and environmental management
free market environmentalism
the perspective that holds that guarantees of the rights of private property and a free market economy are crucial to environmental protection
deep ecology
an environmentalist perspective that vies anthropocentrism as the fundamental cause of environmental degradation and advocates the cultivation of an environmental consciousness and a sense of oneness with the world that recognizes the unity of humans plants animals and the earth
social ecology
a perspective that views social, economic and political relationships of hierarchy and domination as the cause of both human and environmental problems
a combination of environmentalism and feminism that views male dominance as the basic cause of the degradation of the earth

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