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AP European History Multiple Choice


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Which of the follwing is NOT true of the "Glorious Revolution of 1689?
a. It established, once and for all, the right of Parliament to levy taxes.
b. It established that the monarchy and Parliament ruled England together.
c. It reflec
Hobbes's works supported absolutism
Religious toleration by English government from 1534, when the English Reformation began, to 1689, when the Toleration Act was passed
a. guarenteed the right to worship to all Christian sects
b. denied the right to worship to all except Anglica
Catholics and some Protestant sects were denied religious freedom at various times
Whic was NOT a goal of Christian humanists like Erasmus and Thomas More?
a. To recapture the moral force of early Christianity
b. To reform the RCC
c. To criticize the pomposities of leaders and inequities of society
d. To support Pro
They wanted to reform, but not dismantle Roman Catholicism
Regiomontanus and Nicholas of Cusa helped lay the foundations for Copernicus's Radical theory of astronomy by their work in
a. telescopic observation
b. phsyics
c. mathematics
d. empiracle science
e. philosophical disputation
Their work allowed Copernicus to develop a more elegant and simple model of the universe than that of Ptolemy
Machiavelli's "The Prince" was significant because
a. it became the "Bible of 20th-century dictators"
b. it was one of the first reality-based treatises on political behavior
c. it was written with the goal of unifying
It was not a moral tract based on the Church law or dogmal it attempted to evaluate real politics and then offered a prescription for divided Italy
In the 14th and 15th centuries, mystics, such as Meister Eckhart, Thomas a Kempis, and the founder of Brothers of the Common Faith, Gerard Groote
a. preached rebellion against the papcy
b. stressed the importatnce of sacraments
c. laid the
The Mystics' personal approach to communion with God and the simple piety preached by Groote set the tone for Luther's tenets.
An important accomplishment of the Treaty of Utrecht (1713-1714) was
a. that it allowed a Bourbon monarch to rule both Spain and France
b. it established a French empire in North America
c. it set up an independent and unified Netherlands<
France's overwhelming strength and Louis's penchant for war had disturbed the balance of power for decades
The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day in 1572
a. marked the renewal of religious civil war in France
b. resulted in the slaughter of Catholic leaders
c. marked the end of Protestantism in France
d. restored religious toleration in Fra
Catholic plotters and Catholic mobs slaughtered Huguenot leaders, and the religious civil war broke out with renewed fervor and brutality
Which of the following is NOT a major tenent of Lutheranism?
a. Salvation by faith and faith only
b. The Bible is the final authority for Christian Doctrine
c. Absolution from sin comes only through the grace of God
d. Baptism is the
Baptism and Holy Communion were both considered sacraments by Luther.
Which of the following is a significant difference between medieval and Renaissance sculpture?
a. The shift from Old Testament to New Testament themes
b. The use of stone rather than wood
c. Renaissance sculpture was devoid of religious su
It showed emotion, anatomic accuracy, humanity. It was religious but lacked the symbolic representation of medieval art.
Calvin, a Frenchman, established a theocratic government in
a. France
b. Scotland
c. Sweden
d. Switzerland
e. England
Zwingli and Calvin preached in Geneva, a Swiss city.
"The church is not subordinante to the state, but rather must be ruled according to God's plan. The Chosen few should not only govern the church but also the state." An adherent of what religious group is likely to hae believed this in the 16th
Theocracy was a feature of Calvinism, which argued that religious morality should influence the state
During the 16th century, which dynasty ruled a dominion that stretched from the Atlantic to Eastern Europe, from the Baltic to the Mediterranean?
a. Valois
b. Hohenzollern
c. Bourbon
d. Tudor
e. Hapsburg
The fabled Habsburg family was one of the oldest and most powerful in Europe
All of the follwing are accurate depictions of the Thirty Years' War (1618 - 1648) EXCEPT
a. it was fought mostly in Germany
b. it involved the major states of Europe
c. it was a religious struggle between Protestants and Catholics
Cardinal Richelieu got into the war in order to nullify Austria's power and influence among the German states
Choose the correct chronology
a. Peace of Augsburg, Thirty Years' War, Peace of Westphalia
b. Thirty Years' War, The Reign of Charles V as Holy Roman Emperor, Peace of Westphalia
c. Ministry of Cardinal Richelieu, Diet of Worms, Thirty Yea
Philip II of Spain (1556 - 1598)
a. championed religious toleration of Spanish Jews and Moslems
b. granted independence to the Spanish Netherlands
c. abolished the Alcabala, a 10 percent tax on all sales that inhibited commerce
d. ded
He forcibily converted or expelled Jews and Moors, Spain's most productive and educated groups; he crushed resistance in the Spanish Netherlands; he put a restrictive tax on all sales; he helped defeat the Turkish invaders.
The 17th century witnessed the rise in Central and Eastern Europe of two states:
a. Austria and Prussia
b. Poland and Austria
c. Prussia and Austria
d. Poland and Prussia
e. Russia nad Poland
Prussia and Russia modernized and expanded under wise leadership
Prussia has been called "a state built around an army" meaning that
a. the kings were recruited from the High Command
b. in a nation of separate states, the army was a unifying force
c. the Junkers were militarists
d. the ar
A Christian buffer states between the West and the Russians, its army was always its focal point.
Joseph II of Austria (1780 - 1790) has been called the "ideal Enlightened Despot" for all of the following EXCEPT
a. he abolished serfdom
b. he fostered freedom of the press
c. he granted religious freedom to most Christian sects
The secret police actually helped Joseph to extend his reforms by making centralization of his government easier.
Louis XVI of France convened the Estates General in 1789 for the first time in over 150 years because
a. he wanted to show support for the growing democratic movement
b. he wanted approval to exempt the First and Second Estates from taxation
The high court, the Parlement of Paris, declared it was necessary if he was to initiate a tax on the exempted First and Second Estates
When the French people drew up cahiers (lists of grievances) in 1789 for the Estates General to consider, which of the follwing would NOT have been likely?
a. The peasants wanted relief from feudal dues.
b. The bourgeoisie called for access to
The battle for power between a centralized monarchy and the nobility was a familiar theme all during the growth of the nation-state
The Age of Napoleon spanned what years?
a. 1799 - 1815
b. 1803 - 1815
c. 1789 - 1815
d. 1795 - 1814
e. 1799 - 1814
Napoleon made a comeback in 1815 after exile on Elbe. The French Rev bega in 1789, Napoleon was in power before 1803
Choose the correct chronology.
I. Congress of Vienna first assembles.
II. The Concert of Europe is formed.
III. The First Treaty of Paris is signed by Louis XVIII
IV. The "Hundred Days" brings Napoleon's return and defeat.
Why is it significant that Napoleon crowned himself as emperor of the First French Empire in 1804?
a. He was the first of his line.
b. It was a symbolic gesture to show his independence
c. Because of the Concordat of 1801, the clergy refus
Beholden to no one and nothing but his own abilities. That was his point.
All of the following were results of the Industrial Revolution EXCEPT
a. it created two new social classes
b. it displaced the landed aristocracy as the dominant social class
c. it brought great wealth to factory owners
d. it subjecte
According to Ricardo's Iron Law of Wages
a. workers in pig iron production must earn subsistence wages
b. population will outrun the food supply
c. a ten-hour workday was the most productive
d. variations in the supply and demand of l
He tried to explain why Adam Smith's "natural law" economy did not bring about the general prosperity that he had promised in Wealth of Nations
How did Edward Jenner's development of a vaccine against smallpox influence the Industrial Revolution?
a. It increased the food supply by protecting farmers from developing the disease through exposure to infected cows.
b. It led indirectly to
Healthier people work harder, live longer. His original experimental innoculation of a diluted solution containing a cowpox scab was into the arm of a small boy.
"The Age of Reason diminished the human spirit by denying the emotionality that flows from the soul. Miracles are acts of God, not illusions for the senses. Myster is at the core existence. The tiller of the soil is purer at heart than the factory l
The Romantic movement was a reaction to the rationalism of the Enlightenment
Hapsburg rule in the Austro-Hungarian Empire prior to World War I was most threatened by
a. the growth of socialism
b. liberal reformers
c. German agression
d. the Pan-Slavic movement
e. a decline of the fine arts
Of the many non-German minorities that were part of the empire, the Slaves were most vocal in their anti-German, anti-Hungarian nationalism.
Rejection of Romanticism and the adoption of realism in the arts and literature in the mid-19th century was affected by
a. the impact of industrialization
b. the impact of various scientific discoveries and theories such as Darwin's Natural SEl
A revolution in psychology at the end of the 19th century popularized the notion that human behavior springs from irrational forces and unconscious urges. It was pioneered by
a. Auguste Comte
b. Leopold von Ranke
c. Sigmund Freud
d. W
Monet, Renoir, and Pissarro pioneered which style of painting?
a. Romanticism
b. Impressionism
c. Realism
d. Abstractionism
e. Cubism
Romanticism flowed from the reactions to the French Revolution, realism from the the ugly realities of the industrialized world, abstract art and cubism developed during and after the First World War
Who was the most influential statesmen in Europe for the two decades before 1890, and why was he so powerful?
a. Prime Minister Cavour because a united Italy had become a major player on the world stage
b. Kaiser Wilhelm I because Germany had b
Which of the following were strongholds of Protestanism by 1600?
a. North Italy and Southern Germany
b. Poland and Austria
c. Hungary and Northern Germany
d. Scandinavia and Norther Germany
e. Austria and Germany
England was also an important center
All of the following are accurate assessments of the New Imperialism EXCEPT
a. it degraded the subect peoples
b. it created immensely profitable markets for European goods in the colonies
c. it introduced progressive economies to the non-W
The non-European peoples in the colonies did not have wealth enough to provide a rich market for European manufactured goods. The most profitable trade was between industrialized nations.
The transition from colonialism to the independence was LEAST chaotic in which of the following?
a. The Philippines
b. The Belgian Congo
c. The Dutch East Indies (Indonesia)
d. Algeria
e. Indochina
It was slated for independence in 1946, and, despite the ravages of World War II, which ended in 1945, the schedule was kept. However, the Islands are wracked today by guerrilla war and economic instability

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