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- What were some problems w/ Russia?
- rapid industrialization stirred discontent, Russia is an autocracy, and upper class resented foreign influence
- How & Why did the Marxist party split?
- 1903, Lenin saw the need of a revolution, but some disagreed, Mensheviks wanted the revolution to wait until the proletariat grew, but the Bolsheviks & Lenin wanted to solve the problem now.
- When & What was "Bloody Sunday"
- Jan. 1905, workers wanted labor unions & a Duma, so they revolted & marched to Nicholas's winter palace, but were fired upon, not ordered by Nicholas
- What were the results of "Bloody Sunday"
- Workers started to strike, peasants burned homes of landowners, middle class wanted a Duma, so Nicholas issued the october Manifesto, which granted civil liberites & created the Duma
- What was the Duma?
- Was a legislative assembly, Peter Stolypin was the prime minister. 1907, the octoberists were in power & set up the kulkas class. these "octoberists" supported the tsar and the manifesto, while the kulkas were an elite peasant farmer class
- March Revolution of 1917
- women led food riots which took place in Petrograd, and the soldiers sided with the crowd. this led to nicholas's abdication & kernesky was put into power.
- Provisional gov't
- It was led by Alexander Kerensky, and also made up of educated liberals who wanted to continue the war, universal male suffrage, western-style parliament, and 8 hour work days
- Fall of Provisional gov't
- The provisional gov't lost the support of the army, so lenin came in w/ "peace, land, and bread"
- When & where did the Romanovs die?
- July 16, 1918 in Ekaterinburg
- What is the April Theses & War Communism?
- The april These presented war communism which was set out to control the state w/ harsh tactics. strikes were forbidden, private trade was abolished, crops were seized, gov't owned industry, churches, banks & other privately owned companies, and men under 50 drafted for labor or the army.
- Whites, Red, Greens
Whites-Liberals & anti-communists
Greens-peasants - after Lenin died, who wanted power?
- Gregory Zinoviev, Lev Borisovitch Kamenev, & Joseph Stalin
- Who were Zinoviev & Kamenev?
Zinoviev-Farmer who was educated. 1903, became a bolshevik but was purged in 1925
Kamenev-educated middle class who became a bolshevik in 1903 & was purged in 1925 - STALIN!
- Stalin became Lenin's successor. Wanted to make Russia economically dependent, industrialize through the 5-year plans, & wanted to keep country communistic.
- What was the 5-year plans & its weknesses?
- System of quotas to be met to keep up industrialization & established goals for every citizen. However, only heavy industry recieved resources, the quotas were unreal, quality suffered, & conditons also suffered.
- Stalin's plans?
- TO control agriculture to control surplus. He also employed many people, started free state medical services, ederly pensions, & stopped illiteracy. To ensure this, created totalitarian state w/ huis secret police & the Great Purge.
- Toatlitarian vs. Dictatorship
T: want social & economic power through censorship, & secret police. Controlling everyday life
D: A single leader wants political power. - What is Fascism?
- Everything was for the good of the state, so it stressed nationalism. ALl power was in one leader.
- Why did fascism gain strength?
- People were scared of communism in Russia, and also wanted to restore the glory of Roman Empire. Eventually they stormed Rome to gain power.
- HOw did Mussolini build up a strong Italy?
- Started w/ getting the children to admire "il Duce" and also organized Italy like a corporation.
- How was the Weimar Republic broken up?
Executive Branch w/ President, chancellor, & a cabinet.
Legislative Branch w/ 2 houses (Reichstag & Reichstrat) & proportioal representation. - Important dates for Germany
1925-Locarno Treaty
1926 - TLON
1928 -Kellogg-Briand Pact - Kellogg-Briand Pact?
- Pact signed by most countries that outlawed war.
- Who was Sergei Kirov?
- head of leningrad, was the most popular of stalin's adevisors, and was assassinated in 1934, which triggered stalin's paranoia and led to the great purge.
- what happened in 1905 and 1917
1905-"Bloody" Sunday and the creation of the Duma
1917-March & Bolshevik Revolutions - What was the Dawes plan?
- Charles Dawes was an american economist that came up with the idea to make Germany pay the debt over a longer period of time to ease their troubles.
- Who were the Constitutional democrats in Russia?
- Middle class businessmen and also known as Kadets, who were part of the Bolsheviks/Mensheviks?
- What was the Politburo?
- The general electing body under the soviet union.
- Who were the Soviets?
- Workers and soldiers who favored violent means to get their ideas expressed, and wanted the end of the war and radical reforms. These people became part of the bolshevik party.
- What is the General Secretary of Communist Party?
- The head of the Soviet Party
- what is World Communism?
- The spread of communism all over the world, which was Trotsky's idea, but both stalin and lenin were aginst it for now.
- What were the Nuremburg laws?
- Laws that officially made Jews economically and politcally inferior.
- What is Supreme Soviet?
- the ideology thats soviets were to be the dominat world power
- How did the NEP modify Communism in Russia?
- It was a compromise that allowed private ownership as long as there was less than 20 employees. It also allowed farmers to keep their surplus that they could then sell.
- How did events between 1905 and 1917 produce the revolutions of 1917?
- Nicholas didn't help the crime and conditions that resulted from the industrialization. The people also saw through the Duma b/c in the end the tsar had complete power so no reforms could be made. The war also hurt the country severely. In addition, the famine worsened and unions were still outlawed.
- What are main points of the depression?
- the taxes went up and the middle and lower classes were affected the most.
- Mein kampf stressed what 2 main points?
- Racism and that national borders should reflect ethnic borders.
- What was the Popular Front?
- Leon Blum headed the Popular Front to make many radical liberal reforms in France. Such as 2 weeks paid vacations, 40-hour weeks, and a minimum wage. Unfortunately there were little results due to the uncooperative industrialists.
- What was the Nazi Economic Policy?
- The policy of rearming that created many jobs for the unemployed, and placed the state in control of the industry.
- Who was Ramsey MacDonald?
- He was a Prime Minister who brought about many reforms such as taxes based on the ability to pay, so all classes were taxed.
- Who was Chamberlain?
- Chamberlain was the Prime Minister after MacDonald and pushed for appeasement of Germany.
- Who was Deladier?
- The French Premier who was a part of the Munich conference about the Sudetenland issue.
- What are Keynesian economics?
- Keynes was a diplomat at the WWI peace conference who predicted the bad conditions that Germany would face. The donward economics would not be worht the stripping of the country.
- What was the Locarno Treaty?
- In 1925, a bunch of countries got together to ease the tension. Germany was admitted into TLON. France & GB aslo got allies to be buffers around Germany.
- what was kristallnacht?
- November 9 & 10 which was a mass jew wrangling that resulted in millions of dollars of damage. It means "night of broken glass"
- When did Mussolin & Hitler come into power?
Hitler-1933 - When was the Rhineland taken?
- 1936
- What was life like under the Nazi rule?
- Censorship was common, and only the Nazi party was allowed and worshipped. Jews also needed a license for their practice, there were no mixed marriages and as of Jan. 1 1939, they need to keep ID's on them at all times.
- How did Hitler come into power?
- Hitler was a very good speaker who appealed to everyone. He also introduced Mien Kampf. Hitler promised to win back lost lands, used Jews as a scapegoat for problems. The middle class turned to the nazis after they lost their savings & feared communism. 1933, appointed chancellor, and a convenient fire was blamed to be started by communists, so the Nazis gained power in the Reichstag and hitler evetentually received emergency powers through intimidtation.
- How did Mussolini rise to power?
- He formed the Fascist party and found followers among nationlaists, but then attracted many others. He also stressed anti-communism, which attracted many. Soon they started a violent campiaign against their opponents, which led to the march on rome and the elction as permier.