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Greek To Roman Gods


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Hephaestus- God of Fire, black smith of the Gods and forger of the thunderbolts of Jupiter and weapons of Aeneas
Phoebus: Apollo- God of archery, music medicine and oraces. His priestesses predicted the future at Delphi (in Greece) and Cumae (in Italy)
Artemis- twin sister of Apollo and godess of the moon and hunting she is attended by a chorus of nymphs. The arc of the moon is her now and its rays are her arrows
Poesidon- God of the waters and creator of the horse; his symbol is the trident a three-pronged spear
Hermes- God of travelers and theives and messenger of the Gods; he caries the caduceus, a wand twined with two snakes. On his ankles and Helmet are wings. He conducts the souls of the dead to the underworld.
Hestia- Goddess of the Hearth, the center of family life and godess of the state (a community of families), symbolized by an eternal flame guarded by six maidens, the "Vestal Virgins"
Athena- godess of wisdom strategy in war spinning and weaving creator of the olive tree, and protectress of Athens
Demeter- Goddess of the harvest and agriculture, whos daughter Persephone is queen of the underworld and wife of pluto (the God of the Underworld)
Aphrodite- Goddess of Beauty and love usually attended by her winged son cupid whose arrows strike both mortals and immortals she was the devine mother of aneas the trojan hero and ancestor of the Romans
Zeus- King of the Gods and mortals, wisest of the divinities, and welder of the thunderbolt
Hera- Queen of the Gods and mortals, sister and wife of Jupiter and protectress of women and marriage

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