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- avanti
- An Italian socialist newspaper that Mussolini was a journalist for.
- people of italy
- The newspaper that Mussolini starts after he is fired as an editor, and becomes a fanatical italian patriot.
- treaty of london(1915)
- The reason why Italy entered World War I. It gave Italy the right to unclaimed Italy.
- fiume
- A city of mixed Italian Slavic population that was taken over as a result of the lack of unclaimed italy received.
- D'Annunzio
- Fascist leader who seizes Fiume.
- Fascist Combat Groups
- Paramilitary formed by Mussolini. Fight for Fascism.
- Victor Emmanuel II
- Constitutional monarchy that lets Mussolini set up his own government.
- Giacomo Matteotti
- Leader of the socialist party in Italy.
- Fascist Grand Council
- The Italian equivilant of the Politburo that was the leading group after the Chamber of Deputies voted itself out of existence.
- Syndicates and Corporations
- System implemented by Mussolini where private corporations would run the economy in cooperation with the government.
- Il Duce
- Mussolini's title - "The Leader"
- Shicklgruber
- Family that Hitler was born into.
- free corps
- vigilante military organization with some NAZI inclinations
- Storm Troops(sa)
- The NAZI military group. “The Brown Shirtsâ€.
- Roehm
- Psychopathic leader of the Storm Troops.
- Goering
- Member of the NAZI party. Military leader, eventually the guy who puts together the German airforce.
- Hess
- Secretary of the NAZI party. Third in command.
- Rosenberg
- Helps develop theory of eugenics.
- Eugenics
- Theory of racial purity. Germans/Aryans are the superior racial group. Bottom of the order are Jews, Slavs, Blacks.
- Goebbels
- Minister of publicity and propaganda.
- ebert
- One president of the reichstag.