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Final Exam Study Guide

Study guide for final exam with Mr. Diaz... Milford High School, DE


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People opposed the war
Flammable gasoline used during war
Organized killing of an entire people
Heinrich Himmler
Leader of SS
Mobile killing squad
The White Rose Movement
Anti Nazi party establish in Munich
Geneva Accords
1954 international conference in which Vietnam was divided into two separate nations
Richard Nixon
US President from 1969-1974 who ended Vietnam War
Killing certain people secretly
American policy of resisting further expansion of communism around the world
Joseph Goebbels
Hitler's Reich Minister of Enlightenment and Propaganda
During WW2, Great Britain, US, Soviet Union and other nations
Benito Mussolini
Italian dictator
Bay of Pig Invasion
Failed invasion of Cuba by a group of anti-Castro forces in 1961
During WW2; Germany and Japan
Ho Chi Minh
Leader of North Vietnamese Army during Vietnam War
The Final Solution
Nazi final plan to exterminate Jewish people
Kent State Shooting
National guard shot and killed 4 students during student protest and rise public anger
Martin Niemoller
Against HItler, formed alliance against Nazi and also against Jews as well.
Brown v. Board of Education
1954 Supreme Court casa in which racial segregation in public school was outlawed
Joseph Stalin
Leader of Soviet Union on the beginning of WW2, responsible for killing over 20 million people
Le Chambon sur Lignon
Village occupied by French and was a safe place for Jewish people
The 32th president of US who led American during ww2
Massacre at My Lai
US troops kill civilian in Vietnam and cause people agaist the war
Ngo Dinh Diem
South Vietnamese dictator who is supported by US but then ended up being assassinated
Largest concentration camp established in 1940 in Poland
Harry S. Truman
Vice president of US during FDR's presidency but then became president right after him. He is the one who agreed to drop A-Bomb in Nagasakai & Hiroshima
Night of Broken Glass, night when Nazy attacked arsenal and directly started Holocaust
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Starting point of WW2 in Pacific which mostly between US and Japanese
Nonaggression Pact
Agreement between HItler and Stalin that they are not going to attack each other, but then Hitler broke it
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee; pronounce "snick", began 1960 at North Carolina
Guerilla Warfare
Hit and run tactics used in war
Montgomery Buss Boycott
Protest in 1955-1956 by African Americans against racial segregation in the bus system of Montgomery
Cuban Missile Crisis
1962 crisis that arose between the US and the Soivet Union over a Soviet attempt to deploy nuclear missiles in Cuba
Winston Churcill
Leader of Great Britain who then decided to confront HItler
Viet Cong
Communist guerillas in South Vietnam
Bomb that made from Uranium that used to finish WW2 in Pacific by dropping it on Nagasaki & Hiroshima and caused tremendous destruction
William Westmoreland
Four stars general during Vietnam War of ground troops until 1968
Concentration Camp
Isolated area made to collect all Jews and other hated people by Nazi. It also is called killing camp because people were killing of an entire people
Warsaw Ghetto
Largest ghetto in Poland, most people die because of disease and starvation
Term describes the need of more space for Germany. It means "Living Space"
Study of sterilization
Jewish Resistance
A group of Jewish who fought back agains Nazi Germany
Kind of warfare emphasizing rapid & mechanized movement, used by Germany during WW2
VIetnam War
Fought to avoid Vietnam fall to Communist, last for 12 years between South Vietnam backed up with US and North Vietnam.
Code name for the allied invasion of France on June 6, 1944
Korean War
It is fought to stop spreading of communism on Korea, trying to eliminate the 38th parallel divison and unify South and North Korea. This war took place during 1950-1953, and as the result, nothing is changed.
in 1950s, people who criticized American Society as apathetic and conformist
Lend-Lease Act
1941 law that authorized the president to aid any nation whose defense he believed was vital to American security
The Nuremberg Laws
Racial law according pure blood
Oscar Schindler
Holocaust hero, save about 1200 Jews during Holocaust
Ho Chi Minh Trail
Route in Cambodia and Laos used to send supply to South Vietnam from North Vietnam
Dwight D. Eisenhower
The 34th president of the US
Southern Christian Leadership Conference, started by Martin Luther King Jr. and other African American people
A government that exerts total control over the nation & citizens' lives
Wansee Conference
Conference held by fifteen top Nazir officers, planning how to carry out the Final Solution
Iron Curtain
Imaginary curtain, used to describe tension between two world power countries after WW2, US, and Soviet Union
Lyndon B. Johnson
The 36th president of US during Vietnam War and issued the Great Society
Truman Doctrine
Doctrine issued bu Truman which basically implies that US will help other countries if communism will spread on that country
Adolf HItler
Dictator who led Germany and Nazi
The 35th president of US from 1961-1963 who then be assassinated
Neville Chamberlain
Issued Appeasement Policy
Supporter of a war
Hideki Tojo
Leader of Japanese army who led Japanese to WW2 and bomben Pearl Harbor
T-4 Program
Code name for euthanasia program during Holocaust
An extreme form of fascism shaped by Adolf Hitler's fanatical ideas about German nationatlism & racial superiority
Domino Theory
Belief that if one country fell to communism, neighboring countries would likewise fall
Political philosophy that emphasizes the importance of the nation or an ethnic group and the supreme authority of the leader over that of the individual
Manhattan Project
Secret American project during WW2 to develop A-Bomb
Agent Orange
Herbicide used as a chemical weapon during the Vietnam War to kill vegetation and expose enemy hiding place
Tet Offensive
1968 attack by Viet Cong and NVA throughout South Vietnam

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