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LHHS OCAD Lang/Lit Basic #1


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the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words or within them, especially in
accented syllables
in ancient Greek drama, a group of actors who sang and danced in unison and provided commentary
on the actions of the main characters
a character in a story or play that opposes the protagonist
an elaborate, extended, and often surprising comparison made between two very dissimilar things
that exhibits the author's ingenuity and cleverness; (from the Italian "concetto," meaning concept, bright
What is connotation? Wa s denotatn?
Connotation is the emtiuona respone, whiedeootaiion i the trueeaning.
Dramatic irony-
a situation in which the author and the audience share knowledge by which they can
recognize that the character's actions are inappropriate or that the character's words have a significance but
these things are unknown to the character-the audience or reader has knowledge that the character does not
Deus ex machina
-a Latin term meaning "the god from the machine"; in ancient dramas, a god would often
descend to the stage to rescue the protagonist from doom; thus, this term is used to refer to any power,
event, person, or thing that comes in the nick of time to solve a difficulty; also can refer to providential
interposition, especially in a novel or play
What are the five stages of a story?
I. Exposition
II. Rising Action
III. Climax
IV. Falling Action
V. Resolution
What is a frame story?
A story that is part of a larger story, such as Chaucer's Caterbury Tales
What technique is used when a story starts in the middle, and then flashes back to the begginningn
In medias res. (latin for "In the middle")
What are three types of irony?
Dramatic, Verbal, and situational.
What is a Limerick?
A five line comic verse form.
-a type of understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by the negation of its opposite: for example, "This is no small problem.
What is the difference between an Oxymoron and a Paradox?
An oxymoron is two contradictory wods, while a paradox is a contradictory phrase.
that quality in speech, writing, music, or artistic representation that excites feelings of pity or sadness: the power of stirring tender or melancholy emotion

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