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The Franco Prussian war
S. Germans were Catholics and resisted domination, but Bismarck felt he could win support that if he started war with France. Parisians withstood a German siege until hunger forced them to surrender. Final stage of German unification, nationalistic fever seized people in S. Germany (accepted Prussian leadership)
Agustin de Iturbide
a creole officer that defeated Morelos and proclaimed independence, and who declared himself emperor, and refused to recognize declarations of independence . Was overthrown in 1823.
King Victor Emmanuel II
He named Count Camillo di Cavour as prime minister; Sardinia's king
Jose de San Martin
Argentina declared independence in 1816, but Chile/Peru posed a threat and he led an army with Bernardo O' Higgins and freed Chile (fight with Spanish forces against Napoleon) He planned to drive remaining Spanish forces out of Lima, Peru, so Martin left his army for Bolivar to command against the Spanish at the Battle of Ayacucho (major battle for independence/LA won freedom.
People who had been born in Spain, forming a tiny percentage of the population, the only people who could hold high office in Spanish colonial government.
a policy forcing Russian culture on the ethnic groups in the empire and strengthened ethnic nationalist feelings and helped disunify Russia
Why did the Russian Empire crumble?
There were many different ethnic groups and they had their own culture, but the Romanov dynasty of Russia was determined to have control over diversity so they instituted policy of Russification, causing people to grow nationalistic feelings and helped disunify Russia
Bernardo O' Higgins
son of a former viceroy of Peru, joined forces to help San Martin free Chile
Spaniards born in Latin America and could not hold high-level political office, but they could rise as officers in Spanish colonial armies. They led most revolutions.
Seven Weeks War
Bismarck purposely stirred up border conflicts with Austria over Schleswig/Holsten < provoked Austria declaring war on Prussia. Prussians used superior training/equip to win devastating victory (humiliated Austria, which accepted Prussian annexation) Took control of NGERMANY -- E+W parts of Prussian kingdom were joined
Camillo di Cavour
cunning statesman who worked tirelessly to expand Piedmont-Sardinia's power. Using skillful dipolomacy and well-chosen alliances, he set about gaining control of NITALY for Sardinia. Realized greatest roadblock to annexing NITALY was Austria. Nap III helped drive Austria out. C provoked war/ w the Austrians (French-Sardinian army won 2 victories) they won everything but Venetia. Helped nationalist rebels in SItaly and arranged King Victor Emmanuel II to meet Garibaldi in Naples.
Miguel Hidalgo
a priest from the small village of Dolores, took first step in independence and believed in Enlightenment ideals, called for a rebellion against Spanish after ringing bell (grito de Dolores); Indian/mestizo followers marched toward Mexico city; uprising of lower classes alarmed the Spanish army/creoles who feared lost of property, control of land, lives defeated in 1811
Jose Maria Morelos
rebels rallied this leader and he led revolution for four more years; 1815: Agustin de Iburtide defeated him.
Brazilian Independence
creoles demanded Brazil's independence from Portugal and 8K Brazilians signed a petition to make Dom Pedro ruler and Sept 7, 1822 he declared Brazil's independence < won through a bloodless revolution!
What weakened the Ottoman empire?
The Ottomans granted equal citizenship to all the people under their rule angering conservative Turks (no change). In Armenia, Ottomans massacred and deported Armenians.
Bismarck mastered this and it meant "The politics of reality"; used to describe tough power politics w/ no room for idealism.
persons of European and African ancestry, and enslaved Africans.
An early 19th century movement in art and thought which focused on emotion and nature rather than reason and society
Dom Pedro
King John's son who stayed in Brazil but his father planned to make Brazil a colony again, but Brazilians could not accept a return to colonial status. A petition asked him to rule and declared Brazil's independence.
persons of mixed European and Indian ancestry
Why did the Austrian Empire breakup?
Because Austria got defeated by Russia in the Austro-Prussian War and Prussia gained control of North German Confed and because of pressure, Emp Francis Joseph of Austria split his empire in half (Austria/Hungary) -- rule both; Nationalist disputes weakened empire, after WWI, Austria Hungary broke into separate nation states
Simon Bolivar
a wealthy Venezuelan creole who planned to unite the Spanish colonies of South America into a single country called Gran Columbia. Discouraged by political disputes tearing the new Latin American nations apart said America was ungovernable.
Guiseppe Garibaldi
Small army of Italian nationalist led by him captured Sicily and always wore a red shirt. Sicily was Italian mainland. Agreed to unite the southern states/ areas he had conquered with the kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia. He met with Cavour and let Sardian king rule. 1866: Austrian province became part of Italy.
Gran Colombia
Venezuela, Columbia, Panama, and Ecuador united. It attempted to fulfill Bolivar's dream, but the creoles weren't cooperating helped it fail.
The Red Shirts
Giuseppe Garibaldi's army always wore red during battle; fighter's for independence. They fought together as one, nationalistic feelings.
Otto von Bismarck
a conservative Junker [strongly conservative members of Prussia's wealthy landowning class] as prime minister. Master of realpolitik. He would rule without the consent of parliament and without legal budget. Purposely started wars to gain nationalistic feelings/people would rally and come together to fight.
Kaiser Wilhelm I
of Prussia was crowned kaiser, emperor; Second Reich (empire)
Mexican Independence
Creoles fearing loss of privileges joined together, led by Agustin de Iturbide to declare Mexican's independence in 1821. Iturbide was overthrown in 1821 and CEntral America had independence from Mexico.

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