english renaissance
undefined, object
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- date of the renaissance period
- 1485-1625
- first king of the renaissance; first Tudor king; his marriage ended the War of the Roses
- Henry 7
- split with the Catholic Church to form the Church of England; married 6 times
- Henry 8
- Elizabeth and Edwards sister; "Bloody Mary", Catholic
- Mary
- last Tudor monarch; historical and literay era named for her; never married, Protestant, patron
- Elizabeth 1
- first Stuart king, patron
- James 1
- became king at 9 and died at 15, Henry's son by Lady Jane Seymour
- Edward 6
- revolted against the ancient church, founded his own
- Martin Luther
- queen of Scotland, granddaughter of Henry 8, was next to the throne after Elizabeth
- Mary Stuart
- the most popular playwrights of the Renaissance
- Ben Jonson, William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe
- types of literature
- drama, poetry, prose
- noble characters and a central love plot
- romantic comedy
- domestic situation at the center of the plot
- domestic comedy
- middle class characters, a London setting, satire
- city comedy
- type of characters created on the theory that the predominance of a particular fluid
- humor comedy
- evils and problems seem destined to end tragically are brought to a sudden, happy resolution
- tragic comedy
- a tragdy or comedy
- drama
- essays, allegory, fiction, criticism
- prose
- pastoral, satire, allegory, lyric
- poetry
- first major theater
- Theatre
- catered to the upper class
- Blackfriars
- catered primarily to the lower class
- Globe
- narrative in which characters,actions,or setting represents abstract concepts apart from the literal meaning of the story
- allegory
- addressing an absent or inanimate object
- apostrophe
- unrhymed iambic pentameter
- blank verse
- lower genre than tragedy,and the style often mixed prose and verse
- comedy
- two lines
- couplet
- 3 Quatrains and a Couplet, Rhyme Scheme
- english/shakespearean sonnet
- 10 alternatiing stressed/unstressed syllables
- iambic pentameter
- octave/sestet, usually in problem/solution form, Rhyme scheme
- italian/petrarchan sonnet
- 8 lines
- octave
- presents a simple and idealized world inhabited by shepherds who are cheifly concerned to tend their flocks,fall in love,engage in friendly poetry
- pastroal poetry
- gives grants,offices, honors,or financial support to a writer in return to complements in the literature
- patron
- 4 lines
- quatrain
- holds up to ridicule and scorn a society peopled by fops and fools,l corrupt lawyers
- satire
- 6 lines
- sestet
- 14 line iambic pentameter poem
- sonnet
- rhyme scheme
- spenserian sonnet
- the fall of a great man from a high place
- tragedy
- what did dante write?
- Beatrice (italian renaissance)
- Petrarch wrote?
- Sonnet to Laura (italian renaissance)
- Edmund Spenser wrote?
- Amoretti, for his wife Elizabeth Boyle
- Philip Sidney wrote?
- Astrophet and Stella, about Penelope Devereaux
- a wronged protagonist plots and executes revenge,destroying himself or herself in the process
- revenge tragedy
- the protagonist is blatantly evil
- villian tragedy
- the hero is larger than life, continually challenging the limits of humnan possibility
- heroic tragedy