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World History II Chapter 6



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What was the name of the city located on the Malay Penninsula that was the central point in the spice trade?
a large agricultural estate
Ferdinand Magellan
Portuguese-born Spanish explorer and navigator, leader of the first expedition to circumnavigate, or sail completely around, the world
a set of principles that dominated economic thought in the seventeenth century; it held that the prosperity of a nation depended on a large supply of bullion, or gold and silver
Who was the conquistador who overthrew th Inca Empire in Peru?
He knew the world was round, but underestimated the circumference.
What did Christopher Columbus believe about the size and shpae of the earth?
Vasco de Gama
Portuguese explorer and navigator, who was the first European to reach India by the sea route
balance of trade
the difference in value between what a nation imports and what it exports over time
gold, silver, and agricultural products
What did the Europeans want from the Americas?
Christopher Columbus
Italian Spanish navigator who sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean in search of a route to Asia but achieved fame by making landfall in the Americas instead
Francisco Pizarro
Spanish conqueror who took control of the Incan Empire high in the Peruvian Andes
Amerigo Vespucci
a Floentine Italian who went along on several voyages and wrote letters describing the lands; led to the use of the name "America"
King Afonso
King of the Congo who was concerned about the effects of slave trade
prisoners of war; rewards of victors
How did most Africans become slaves?
an administrative organization that relies on nonelective officials and regular procedures
What did the Europeans want from the East?
Who was the conquistador who overthrew th Aztec Empire in Mexico?
Southeast Asian monarchy taken over by the Vietnamese
seized a Portuguese fort in the Moluccas and then gradually pushed the Portuguese out of the spice trade
society of eastern Nigeria based on independent villages
a settlement of people living in a new territory, linked with the parent country by trade and direct government control
compass, astrolabe for direction and navigation; lateen sails made ships maneuverable and allowed them to carry heavy cannon and more goods
How did the Portuguese make effective use of naval technology
Spain, followed by Portugal
Which country sponsored the msot explorations?
mainland states
part of a continent, as distinguished from peninsulas or offshore islands
Middle Passage
the journey of slaves from Africa to the Americas, so called because it was the middle portion of the triangular trade route
triangular trade
a pattern of trade that connected Europe, Africa and Asia, and the American continents; typically, manufactured goods from Europe were sent to Africa, where they were exchanged for slaves, who were sent to the Americas, where they were exchanged for raw materials that were then sent to Europe
What European country conquered Brazil?
They had little or no resistance to European diseases.
Why were European diseases devastating to the natives of America?
John Cabot
a Venetian Italian navigator who explored the New England coastline of the Americas for England
a Spanish conqueror of the Americas

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