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History-the 1920's (chapters 24,25)


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Marcus Garvey
United Negro Improvement Association, "Back to Africa", militant approach to black problems
Washington Naval Arms Conference
Britain, US, and Japan, agree to demilitarize their naval forces
Henry Ford
assembly line production system
Charles Evan Hughes
secretary of state for Harding
Gene Tunney
boxing hero
"The Jazz Singer"
first speaking movie
Arthur Mellon
secretary of treasury for Harding
Al Smith
first Catholic to run for president in 1928 (vs. Hoover) "wet", Democrat
National Origins Act of 1924
replaced Quota Act, 164,000 immigrants per year, said each country could send 2% of what was sent in 1890 (to favor "old immigrants"), no Asians, didn't limit American countries
National Broadcasting Company (CBN)
fist national radio station
Quota Act of 1921
350,000 immigrants per year
Clarence Darrow
lawyer from ACLU who represented John T. Scopes
Jim Thorpe
1912 Olympic hero, Indian-American
Jeanette Rankin
first women elected to congress
Calvin Coolidge
"Silent Cal", took over presidency after harding died
Amos & Andy
radio show, dressed up as blacks
KDKA Pittsburgh
fist radio station
people who work during a strike
Poets of the Harlem Renaissance
Langston Hughes, Gwendalyn Brooks
Saco & Vanzetti
Italian immigrants, robbed shoe factory, sentenced to electric chair, caused riots
Herbert Hoover
secretary of commerce for Harding
Teapot Dome Scandal
government lands with oil could be used by private companies for a fee, many government workers took bribes
Charles Forbes
chairman of Veterans Affairs, had to flee country after stealing government money
"The Birth of a nation"
movie, KKK heroes
Albert Tall
involved in teapot dome scandal, secretary of the interior for Harding

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