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WWI Test (Phillips)

Chapter 11, sections 1-4


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Railroad Administration
run by William McAdoo, set transportation limits and limits on wages
War Industries Board
Government's Central War Agency (1) allocated scarce materials (2) established production priorities (3) set prices
3 Challenges to Neutrality
(1) Britain stops any US ships bound for neutral countries to inspect them (2) Germans established "war zone" around GB - any ships entering got blown up by Uboats (3) May 7, 1915 - Germany sinks Lusitania (british) killing 128 Americans
National Defense Act
(June 1916) Increased the number of US soldiers in the army, navy and national guard.
Central Power Weapons
Machine Guns
Triple Entente
Russia, France, Great Britain
Lots of fighting, no one really gained anything.
Treaty of Versailles
(1) Germany's colonies & Ottoman Empire were divided among allies (2) Mandate System required new colonial leaders to report their administration of LON (3) New Nations -> Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia (4) France reclaimed Alsace-Lorraine, and Germany lost its colonies
Trench Warfare
Fighting in ditches dug in the ground (rats, lice, floods, delayed burial, disease)
General John G Pershing
led the first US troops into France to build hospitals, camps, phone and telegraph lines, docks, and railroads
Great Migration
1915-1930; 200,000 - 550,000 African Americans moved north for better standard of living (racial violence still powerful)
main causes of WWI
militarism,alliances, imperialism, nationalism (m.a.i.n.)
Allied Powers
Great Britain, France, Russia, US LATER
spark of WWI
assassination of austria-hungarian arch duke franz ferdinand by serbian nationalist
8.5 million people died... 21 million wounded... Germany & Russia suffered greatest losses... Northern France completely destroyed
Paris Peace Conference
1919, Big Four attended, everyone but Wilson wanted to blame Germany for WWI
Zimmerman Note
Asked Mexico to side with Germany, so it could reclaim lost territories in Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico
Espionage Act
1917, outlawed treason (opposing draft, criticizing government, flag, or military)
Everyone's Weapon
Poison Gas (green mist, mustard gas)
Self - Determination
the right of the people to govern themselves (9 pts deal with it)
Sussex Pledge
A promise Germany made to America, after Wilson threatened to sever ties, to stop sinking their ships without warning.
Central Powers
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire(Turkey), Bulgaria
League of Nations (LON)
Est. 1920...Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, consisted of permanent admin staff, an assembly, and a council. Members tried to negotiate peacefully, then a waiting period if this failed before war.
Sedition Act
1918, outlawed treason (opposing draft, criticizing government, flag, or military)
Big Four
Woodrow Wilson (US president), Georges Clemenceau (french premier), David Lloyd George (british prime minister), Vittorio Orlando (italian prime minister)
Allied Power Weapons
Wilson's 14 Points
program for world peace after WWI (creation of League of Nations)
Triple Alliance
Germany, Italy, Autria-Hungary
U-Boat Warfare
Germany resumed this in 1917 to try to win before the US entered the war.
Selective Service Act
Required men between the ages of 21 and 30 to register for the draft
Herbert Hoover
head of the Food Administration
LON Intended Council Countries
France, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, US (US walked out)
Herb's Food Ideas
(1) encouraged an increase in agriculture (2) conserve food supply (3) guaranteed high food prices ("food will win the war") (4) encourage meatless, sweetless, wheatless, and heatless days
British Ship, sunk by U-boats on May 7th, 1915, killing 128 Americans and causing America to go to war.
Committee on Public Information
(1) Est. by Wilson in 1917 (2) Headed by George Creel (3) attempted to sell the war to Americans (4) pictured Germans as evil monsters

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