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The most beautiful girl I know.
La ragazza piu' bella che io consca.
It's possible that they may have to leave.
E' possibile che debbano partire.
My parents want me to play the piano.
I miei genitori vogliono che io suoni il pianoforte.
Be careful!
Stia attento!
Long live the repubblic!
Viva la republica!
It seemed that Sally wasn't coming.
Sembrava che Sally non venisse.
The teacher slowed down, in order that we understand everything.
L'insegnante rallentava, affinche' capissimo tutti.
If I had a lot of money, I would buy many cars.
Se avessi molti soldi, comprerei tante macchine.
You would know if we were lying.
Sapresti, se mentissimo.
Although they didn't kill the doctor, the police arrested the men.
Benche' non avessero ucciso il medico, la polizia ha arrestato gli uomini.
I would have done it, provided you had helped me.
Lo avrei fatto, purche', tu mi avessi assistito.

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