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lit terms


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measuring the stresses in order to determine its metrical pattern
two dissimilar things that are compared using words such as "like" "as" "than" or "resembles"
giving human or animate qualities to nonhuman or inanimate things (ex: the raindrops danced on the sidewalk)
internal conflict
a struggle between opposing needs, desires, or emotions within a single character
Third person limited
the narrator is outside the story but tells the story from the vantage point of only ONE character; the character can enter the mind of this chosen character but cannot tell what any other characters are thinking except by observation
Point of view
the vantage point from which a write tells a story
fictional personality created by the author
static character
a character who does not change much in the course of the story
Dramatic Irony
when the reader or audience knows something important that a character in a story or drama does not know
Verbal Irony
when a speaker says one thing but means the opposite
central character the reader focuses on; the person whose conflict sets the plot in motion
perfect rhyme
Rhymes involving sound that are exactly the same (ex: love, dove)
the mood or feeling in a work of literature
the similarity or repetition of vowel sounds in two or more words with different consonant sounds (ex: she is free and easy)
imperfect rhyme
: rhyme involving words that sound similar, but are not exactly the same (ex: heart, smart)
Foil character
a character who is used as a contrast to another character; the contrast emphasizes the differences between the two characters, bringing out the distinctive qualities in each
the character or force that blocks the protagonist
a phrase or verse recurring at intervals in a song or poem, esp. at the end of each stanza; chorus.
a play on the multiple meanings of a word, or on two words that sound alike but have different meanings
Third person omniscient
all knowing, narrator is outside the story, a god- like observe who can tell the reader what all the characters are thinking and feeling, as well as what is happening anywhere in the story
a state or condition of mental uncertainty or excitement, as in awaiting a decision or outcome
poetic measure; arrangement of words in regularly measured, patterned, or rhythmic lines or verses
background information on characters and events necessary for understanding the story.
lyric poem
a brief, personal poem that is especially musical and filled with emotion; sonnets, odes, and elegies are types of lyrics
repeating a word or phrase within a poem- 3 reasons: pleasing to the ear, emphasis, and structure
a 2 syllable foot with the stress on the second syllable: most common in English language
the use of clues to hint at what is going to happen later in the plot
the repetition of the initial consonant sound in two or more words in a line of verse (ex: mark my melodious midnight moans)
a unit of meter, can consist of 2 or 3 syllables
eye rhyme
words that look like they rhyme but they don't (ex: daughter, laughter- move, dove)
Direct contrast; opposition
flat character
a character who is not well developed, but rather one dimensional; he/ she has only one or two personality traits
the attitude a writer takes toward the reader, a subject, or a character; tone is conveyed through the writer's choice of words and details
dramatic climax
the point of greatest interest or intensity in the story. This type of climax is not related to plot structure
direct metaphor
directly compares two things with a verb such as "is" (ex: my love is a red rose, red rose)
mixed metaphor
a combination of two or more metaphors that together produce a ridiculous effect
underlying structure of a story, purpose is to convey meaning and to provide an enjoyable or moving reading experience
free verse
consists of lines of poetry that do not have a regular rhythm and do not rhyme
the use of words that imitate the sounds they define (ex: buzz)
a person, place, thing, or event that stands for both itself and for something beyond itself (ex: snake symbolizes evil) something concrete to represent something abstract
One of the divisions of a poem, composed of two or more lines usually characterized by a common pattern of meter, rhyme, and number of lines.
implied metaphor
suggests a comparison without using "is" (ex: my love blossoms and flowers)
figure of speech which something is used to signify the whole (ex: behind bars- in jail)
a type of poem of poem that is meant to be sung and is both lyric and narrative in nature
round character
a character in fiction whose personality, background, motives, and other features are fully delineated by the author
a struggle or clash between two opposing characters, forces, or emotions
the process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character
a poem, properly expressive of a single, complete thought, idea, or sentiment, of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter, with rhymes arranged according to one of certain definite schemes, being in the strict or Italian form divided into a major group of 8 lines (the octave) followed by a minor group of 6 lines (the sestet), and in a common English form into 3 quatrains followed by a couplet.
narrative poem
a story told in verse form
exaggeration for the sake of effect, for emphasis, not to be taken literally; overstatement (ex: I cried my eyes out!)
Rhyme scheme
the pattern of rhymes used in a poem, usually marked by letters to symbolize correspondences
Second person
the person used by a speaker in referring to the one or ones to whom he or she is speaking: in English you is a second person pronoun.
addressing something nonhuman as if it were human (ex: Death, be not proud..)
technical climax
turning point of the plot, outcome is determined, and the protagonist often changes or has an opportunity to change but does not
First person
the narrator is a character in the story, uses the pronoun I
dramatic characterization
showing, more indirect, less quick, more attention- getting. The reader has to experience her own judgment, putting clues together to figure out what the character is like
the time and place of events in a literary work
saying the opposite of what is true
rhythmic, compressed language uses figures of speech and imagery to appeal to emotion and imagination, often contain rhyme and meter, but not all of the time
plotless short story
plot has minor function; these works may focus instead on characterization and point of view
all of the problems or mysteries of the plot are unraveled.
frame story
a secondary story or stories embedded in the main story
dead metaphor
: a metaphor that has occurred so often that it has become a new meaning of the expression (e.g., 'he is a snake' may once have been a metaphor but after years of use it has died and become a new sense of the word 'snake')
expository characterization
direct, telling, quicker, less- attention- getting, factual
the central idea or insight of a work of literature; most themes are implied rather than directly stated
end stopped line
line has a pause at the end
language that addresses the senses, allows us to experience things in our imagination, conveys emotion& mood
the teller of the story
internal rhyme
rhyme between words that occur within a single line of poetry (ex: o fleet, sweet sorrow)
blank verse
consists of unrhymed iambic pentameter
Situational Irony
what actually happens is the opposite of what is expected or appropriate
the reasons that cause the characters to act as they do
an apparent contradiction which proves, upon examination, to be true (ex: poor little rich girl)
the pattern of stresses and unstressed syllables in words in a line of poetry
external conflict
a character struggles against some outside force: another character, society as a whole, or some natural force
extended metaphor
a metaphor that is developed over several lines of writing
run on line
line that ends without a pause and continues into the next line for its meaning

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