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Honors World Geography Exam


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Basic Geographic tools
Direct observation, mapping, interviewing, statistics, and technology
the process where glaciers form and spread
long, narrow. steep sided inlets
a fine, rich, windborne soil
land reclaimed from the sea and drained by the dutch
dry winds that blow down from the mountains
a strong north wind from the alps
high, dry winds from North Africa
soil that is permanently frozen
collective farm
under communism; state owned farms under which farmers recieve wages
State farm
under communism; state owned farm manageed by government officials
dry farming
farming technique used in dry regions in which land is plowed and planted deeply to hold water
parrallel mountain ranges
grassy, treeless plains of southern south america
spanish for "high plane". A region in peru and bolivia encircled by the andes mountains
steep cliff or slope between a higher and lower land surface
Tierra Templada
Spanish term for "temperate land". The middle altitude zone of Latin America highlands climates.
Tierra Fria
Spanish term for "Cold land'. The highest altitude zone of Latin America
Tierra Caliente
Spanish term for "hot land'. The lowest climate region in Latin America
Fertile plains on inland areas of Columbia and Venezuela.
cities with more than 10 million people
a Latin American political leader from the late 1800's on, often a military dictator.
sustainable development
technological and economic growth that does not deplete the human and natural resources of a given area.
primate city
a city that dominates a countries economy, culture, and government
A blending of beliefs and practices from different religions into a single faith.
shanty town
Makeshift communities on the edges of cities
representative of the spanish government
large agricultural esates owned by families or cooperations
North America free trade agreement
death rate
the number of deaths per year per 1000 people
number of births per year per every 100 people
culture region
different countries that have certain traits in common
cultural diffusion
the process of spreading new knowledge and skills from one culture to another.
Unitary system
gives all key powers to the national or central government. Where does this system exist? Canada, switzerland, mexico, brazil, australia, and india
Federal system
Divides the powers of the government between national and state governments
Power and authority rule belong to a single individual
A small group holds power
government is based on religion
a system of government in which leaders rule with the consent of thier citizens
Primary industries
dependant on natural resources (farming, mining, limber, fishing)
Secondary industries
industries that refine and process natural resources (manufacturing)
Tertiary industries
service industries (law, medicine, retail)
Quaternary Industries
Industries that provide service and service tertiary (education, government)
systems that help improve lide and make work more efficient and production (water and sewer systems)
Developed economy
economy with well developed indicators, highly functional system of trade, educated workforce, and use of techonolgy
Developing economy
economy working toward freater manufacturing
Traditional economy
habit and custom determine rules of all economic activity
Market economy
individuals and private groups decide what they are going to produce
Mixed economy
the government supports and regulates free enterprise through decisions that affect the market
Command Economy
the government owns or directs the means of production. Ex: communism
Fidel Castro
"Leader" of Cuba
members of the revolutionary guerrilla movement
Juan peron
was an Argentine military officer and the President of Argentina.
Che Guevara
Cuban guerrilla leader. Guevara was a member of Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement that seized power in Cuba in 1959.
Pancho Villa
one of the foremost leaders of the Mexican Revolution.
Vincent Fox
Current president of Mexico
Amerigo Vespucci
an Italian merchant and cartographer who voyaged to and wrote about the Americas.

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