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History - Ch. 13 Test


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John Wycliffe
English reformer _____________ critized the Church's wealth, corruption of the clergy and the Pope's claim to absolute.
Thomas Aquinas
Summa Theologica
The best example of the style of architecture known as Romanesque is the abbey at ______________ in France, which became the center of church reform.
the English king's claim to the French throne
A primary cause of the Hundred Years War was
Mediterranean trade after A.D. 1200 was controlled by Italian towns including
Chronological Order: 1) War of the Roses 2) Council of Clermont 3) Trial of Joan of Arc 4) Massacre at Acre 5) Battle of Agincourt
The selling of Church positions was called
the plague becterium attcks the body the same way as the HIV virus
Dr. Stephen O'Brien conducted a study of the Black Death in 17th century England because
the fight to drive Muslims from Spain
The "Reconquista" was
Most popular literature in the High Middle Ages was written in ____________, or the language of everyday speech.
Dante Alighieri
The Divine Comedy
Eugenius III
Less than 50 years after the First Crusade, this Pope called the Second Crusade
By 1250, _____________ was the last Muslim stronghold on the Spanish peninsula.
Under the leadership of Joan of Arc, the French army broke the seige at
Town charters usually included all the following provisions Except: a) all citizens could come and go as they please b) citizens were free of feudal labor requirements c) no feudal lord could seize property in town d) citizens were not required to pay taxes on land
Peter Abelard
Sic et Non
Canterbury Tales describes the real world, while the Divine Comedy describes a fantastic journey
The Canterbury Tales differs from the Divine Comedy in that
Edward III
Battle of Crecy
the court of the pope moved from Rome to the city of France
During the Babylonian Captivity
towns collected sales tax on all goods exhcanged at the fair
Medieval towns sponsered Fair Days because
Joan of Arc
Charles VII
Joan of Arc
"We...abandoned you as a limb of Satan, infected with the leprosy of heresy, cut off from the Church, in order to prevent the infection of other members of Christ." This qoute refers to
Boniface VIII
Philip IV
Bologna, Oxford, Paris, Salerno
In the A.D. 1100's, universities were established in
After living and working with a master for several years to learn his trade, a young man became a _________________ and recieved daily wages.
Henry VII
War of the Roses
were wieghed down by their heavy armor and sank in the mud
the French knights at the Battle of Agincourt
a Pope was elected in Rome and another in France
The Great Schism was a period during which

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