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Earth Materials


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settings of metamorphism
contact, cataclastic, regional, hydrothermal, burial
changes melting temperature and shears the rock
soil gas
conglomerate 2
deposited in high energy settings
quartzite 3
colors from impurities
dolomite (dolostone)
calcium-magnesium carbonate
Olivine, Pyroxene, Calcium feldspar
high temperature (first to crystallize), least resistant to chemical weathering
two types of shape
angular, rounded
Removal of overburden from igneous intrusions, causes joints parallel to the surface; sheeting
contact metamorphism 4
produces hornfels
heat's elements
geothermal gradient, contact with magma
contact metamorphism
caused by magma intrusions
metamorphic grade
B - some iron and aluminum oxides precipitated; all soluble minerals, such as carbonate leached away
temperate climate
A - humus and leached soil
dry climate
iron-rich clays and aluminum hydroxides
wet climate
chemically altered
regional metamorphism
caused by compression deep in crust
terrestrial environments include
fluvial (river), floodplain, dunes, salt flats, lacustrine (lake), alluvial fan, glacial
granite boulders are....
anthracite coal 4
used for fuel, mostly to generate electricity
claystone and shales
peat to lignite occurs at the ______ stage
travertine and tufa 2
Found in caves or CaCO3-rich evaporating waters
Solum or "true soil
topsoil and subsoil
broken rock accumulated at base of steep slopes
made of organic matter (and is sedimentary)
quartzite 4
used for graved and decorative stones
high energy settings
steep rivers, glaciers, coasts, landslides
humans increase ______ by land disturbance
soil erosion
residual parent material
developed on bedrock
marine environments include
estuary, delta, reef, deep sea fans, turbidity current, fluvial, lake, beach
pedocal describe
soil rich in calcite (B horizon); In mid-latitudes of low rainfall, soluble minerals are re-precipitated as "Caliche"; Found under brush and grassland vegetation; Western U.S.
metamorphism 2
through agents of increased heat, pressure, and chemical changes
iron oxide; occurs in water; important for ferromagnesiun minerals; produces hematite and limonite
intermediate grade; phyllite, schist, gneiss
biotite (mica), garnet, staurolite
dry climate
O, A, and E horizon
C - sandstone, shale, and limestone bedrock
dry climate
temperature (weathering)
warmer, faster reactions
two kinds of schist
mica schist and talc schist
cataclastic metamorphism 4
ductile at great depth produces "mylonites"
chemical sedimentary rock 1
biochemical precipitates by organisms, classified by composition (carbonates)
chemical sedimentary rock 2
chemical precipitates from enriched water, usually by evaporation (evaporation)
all levels of metamorphism and rock types
quartz, feldspar
anthracite coal
smooth texture
sedimentary environments
a geographic location characterized by environmental conditions and geological processes
plants and animals
organic matter, acids, burrowing
bituminous to anthracite occurs at the _____ stage
compaction, metamorphism
K-Spar, Biotite, Na-Plagioclase, Amphiboles, Pyroxene
moderate weathering rate
chemical fluids (water) sources
pores in rock (squeezed in burial), mineral structure (dehydration), sea water (circulating near spreading centers)
sedimentary structures
stratification, cross-bedding, graded bedding, ripple marks, mud cracks, rain drip imprints, trace fossils/bioturbation/fossil tracks
mechanical weathering purpose
increases surface area on which chemical weathering acts
low grade (200 deg.); no alteration; slate, phyllite
chlorite, muscovite (mica), biotite (mica)
lower energy settings
deltas, beaches, bars, deep sea fans
magma to igneous
angle, position, and aspect
siltstone 3
deposited lower energy rivers
siltstone 2
sand of minerals derived from igneous rocks (mostly quartz)
mafic igneous bedrock
wet climate
schist 4
accessory "index" minerals (garnet, staurolite)
metamorphic to magma
thermal expansion
requires great variation in daily temperatures; most effective in dry climates
depositional facies
coexisting sets of sedimentary environments
strongly foliated
thin or absent humus
wet climate
coquina 2
deposited on beach or reef flank
partially altered plant material
anthracite coal 2
uneven or conchoidal fracture
order of coal formation
peat, lignite, bituminous, anthracite
chemical sedimentary rocks; evaporites
travertine and tufa, rock salt, gypsum
changed form of a rock
C - granite bedrock
temperate climate
slate 2
low-grade metamorphism of shale
metamorphism 3
causes changes in rock properties
metamorphic rock to sediment
organic sedimentary rock
coal deposits of terrestrial vegetation
foliation occurs
through solid state solution and under stress
sedimentary rock to sediment
carbonic acid
carbon dioxide + water
gypsum 2
Similar environment to Halite
pedalfer describe
"Al"- aluminum-rich clays and "Fer"- iron-oxides in the B horizon; In mid-latitudes of moderate rainfall, soluble minerals are leached; Best under forests with large quantities of organic acids; Eastern U.S.
controls on weathering: rock characteristics
solubility, structure
contact metamorphism 2
creates "aureoles" of various sizes depending on size of intrusion and crock compositions
slate 5
used for billiard tables, roofs, blackboards
mineral matter
weathered rock
texture (metamorphic)
foliation and grain size
slate 4
color: black (organic), red (iron oxide), green (chlorite)
regional metamorphism 4
produces "migmatites"---a ig-met transitional rock
Tower Karst in "Stone Forest" China
calcite + carbonic acid = calcium + bicarbonate
clastic sedimentary rocks; detrital
conglomerate, breccia, sandstone, siltstone, shale
coarse fragments of shell fragments
gneiss 3
mostly elongated and granular minerals
cataclastic metamorphism 3
brittle near the surface produces "breccias"
near a mass of magma
average igneous rocks weathered chemically
composed of angular, poorly sorted, gravel sized particles
biochemical sedimentary rocks; carbonates
coquina, limestone, dolomite (dolostone)
rainfall (weathering)
more water, more weathering
reaction with water; silicates weather by this
laterite describe
contains virtually no organic matter; In tropical-latitudes of very high rainfall, intensely leaching Silica, leaving Al, Fe; Very poor for growing crops; Found under lush tropical vegetation; Southeastern U.S.
dfferential stress
exerted in a direction during mountain building (stress is applied unequally, usually compression)
sedimentary rock forming process
deposition, burial, and lithification
deposition, current action, drying, soft deformation/impressions, biologic activity
Features in sedimentary rocks formed by processes active in the environment of deposition
marble 4
used for carvings and building stones
gneiss 2
cleavage rare, usually breaks in irregular fashion
thick masses of insoluble iron and aluminum oxides; occasional quartz
wet climate
composed of poorly sorted, rounded, gravel sized particles
marble 2
carbonate parent, thus soluble in rain
detrital sedimentary rock
pieces of broken rock, classified by particle size
example of sedimentary environment
caribbean beach
what does texture tell you (3)
source of material, energy of environment, distance of travel
hard (H=6), coarse, crystalline, breaks across grains
recrystallization of minerals
temperate climate
rock salt 3
Inflow with evaporation causes precipitation
formation of coal
burial, compaction, greater burial, compaction, metamorphism, stress
B - calcium carbonate pellets and nodules precipitated
dry climate
during mountain building
C horizon
partially altered plant material
schist 2
splits into flakes or slabs
transported parent material
developed on unconsolidated deposits
A - Humus and leached soil (quartz and clay minerals present)
temperate climate
igneous to sediment
weathering and deposition
travertine and tufa
Inorganically precipitated CaCO3
hydrolysis chemistry
Feldspar +Carbonic Acid + Water = Kaolinite + Dissolved Silica +Dissolved Potassium + Dissolved Bicarbonate
anthracite is found in
high leveles of stress, pressure
Dissolving action of polar molecules of water and weak acids; Carbonic acid produced by dissolving CO2 in rainwater; Halite, Gypsum and limestone are particularly susceptible to dissolution
contact metamorphism 3
may have index materials present
agents of metamorphism
heat, pressure, chemically active fluids
chemical weathering purpose
weakens the rock for easier mechanical processes
soil (weathering)
humic acids aid chemical weathering
sediment to sedimentary rock
moderate energy settings
deltas, beaches, bars, deep sea fans
Hematite, Quartz, Clay Minerals, Muscovite Mica
slowest weathering rate
organic matter
shale 2
deposited in quiet energy environments
oxidation chemistry
Pyroxene + Oxygen = Hematite + Dissolved Silica
four mechanical processes
frost wedging, unloading, thermal expansion, organic activity
weathered products are removed by running water
chemically active fluids
water squeezed from minerals and rocks aid ion migration leading to recrystallization or ion exchange to form new minerals
igneous source of material
melting of rocks in hot, deep crust and upper mantle
A natural process, part of the Rock Cycle
soil erosion
cataclastic metamorphism 5
localized and not significant worldwide
high grade (800 deg); gneiss, melting
staurolite, sillimanite
parent material
residual or transported
metamorphic alteration is
textural and mineralogical
three chemical processes
dissolution, oxidation, hydrolysis
temperature and precipitation
calcium carbonate particles
quiet energy environments
lakes, lagoons, mudflats, deep sea
sedimentary rock to metamorphic rock
heat and pressure
between slate and schist
wet climate
B horizon
accumulation of clay transported from above
sheeting a.k.a.
igneous rock to metamorphic rock
soft (H=3), coarse crystalline
limestone 2
generally contains fossils of extinct marine invertebrates
mechanical weathering
solid rock is fragmented by physical processes that do not change the rock's composition
conservation farming reduces ______ rates
soil erosion
quartzite 2
sandstone parent, thus very resistant to weathering
2500 year old Greek ruins
Dissolution of (limestone) Carbonates
chemical weathering
minerals in the rock are altered or chemically dissolved
regional metamorphism 3
index materials present
E and B horizon
dissolved salts
average igneous rocks weathered by a solution
E horizon
light colored mineral particles; zone of eluvation and leaching
nonfoliated rocks
quartzite and marble
mechanical weathering describe
disintegration of rock into smaller pieces; each piece contains the chemical characteristics of the larger piece
changes in rock properities
textural and mineralogy, or grade
metamorphic grades
slaty, phyllitic, schistose, gneissic
metamorphic rock forming processes
recrystallization in solid state of new minerals
two types of sorting
moderately to well sorted, poorly sorted
phyllite 2
larger crystals but not yet visible (mostly muscovite and chlorite)
cobbles and pebbles
conglomerates and breccias
sedimentary source of material
weathering and erosion of rocks exposed at surface
low grade confining stress
hard, black coal; used in industry; high energy
dolomite (dolostone) 3
Takes a long time (no young Dolostone)
Transforming sediment into rock by heat, pressure and chemistry
weathering begins along...
occurs in various geological settings
phyllite 3
glossy sheen
chemical weathering describe
chemical reactions at the mineral surface; changes the chemical composition of mineral and rock
cataclastic metamorphism 2
rock is pulverized
anthracite coal 5
highest BTU and cleanest
naming metamorphic rocks involves
determining the texture (foliated or nonfoliated); determining the mineralogic composition
lithification involves
compaction, cementation, dissolution (of soluble minerals), recrystallization (of unstable minerals)
A horizon
mineral matter mixed with some humus
pressure's elements
confining pressure, differential stress
O horizon
loose and partly decayed organic matter
limestone 3
deposited on shallow seafloor
mass wasting
weathered products are removed by gravity down a slope
coal 3
terrestrial swamp environment
texture consists of
sorting and particle shape
soft, black coal; major coal used in power generation and industry; high energy
iron oxide (rust)
oxygen with iron
structure (weathering)
differential weathering
confining pressure
exerted by the load above during burial (stress is applied equally in all directions)
a combination of mineral matter and organic matter, water solution and soil gas
breccia 3
fragment compositions reveal source
lignite to bituminous occurs at the _____ stage
compaction, greater burial
coal 4
Anoxic, bacteria cause partial decomposition and increase in carbon content
Amphibole, Biotite, Sodium feldspar
moderate temperature; moderately resistant
frost wedging
freeze/thaw action on cracks
chemical fluids purpose
promotes mineral recrystallization, ion exchange and chemical alteration
sand of minerals derived from igneous rocks (mostly quartz)
Potassium feldspar, Muscovite, Quartz
lowest temperature (last to crystallize), most resistant to chemical weathering
metamorphic source of material
rocks under high temperatures and pressures in deep crust and upper mantle
the disintegration and decomposition of rocks at Earth's surface
texture: particle sizes
boulder, cobble, pebble, granule, sand, silt, mud, clay
regional metamorphism 2
produces "metamorphic zones"
cataclastic metamorphism
occurs at faults
anthracite coal 3
from bituminous, lignite, or peat
rock salt 2
Precipitated on bed of shallow arm of sea with restricted circulation
banded texture
biological activity
physical wedging by roots
marble 3
colors from impurities
soft, brown coal; moderate energy
controls of soil formation
parent material, slope, climate, plants and animals, time
breccia 2
deposited in high energy settings, but very close to the source area
controls on weathering: climate
rainfall, temperature, soil
rates of ______ vary by landscape features
soil erosion
average igneous rocks weathered mechanically
coal 2
accumulation and burial of plant remains
travertine and tufa 3
Deposited in shallow sea
gypsum 3
Different water chemistry, usually follows precipitation of Halite
sandstone 2
deposited in moderate energy settings
Unweathered parent material
slate 3
excellent rock cleavage at high angle to bedding
dolomite (dolostone) 2
Formed when magnesium in sea water replaces calcium in limestone
schist 3
contains 50% platy and elongated materials
solubility (weathering)
based on mineral composition
turning sediment into rock requires
deposition and burial
along fault zones
rock salt
gniess 4
commonly felsic minerals
similar to sandstone, smaller grains
clay sized particles derived from weathering of igneous minerals (feldspars)
igneous rock forming process
crystallization (solidification of magma)
thin leached zone
wet climate
Sandstones, Arches NP, Utah
product of oxidation
Ca-Plagioclase, Olivine, Calcite, Halite
fastest weathering rate
controls on weathering: time
length of exposure

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