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Health Midterm


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results of behavior; affect whether a person will repeat action
treating depression
cognitive therapy, antidepressants
spiritual health
sense of meaning and purpose, having hope, peace with self
generic drugs
medications marked by chemical name rather than brand name
an interaction of 2 or more drugs that produces more profound effects than would be expected if drugs taken separately
a colorless, strong-smelling gas released through out gassing; causes respiratory and other health problems
general adaptation syndrome
1. Alarm phase 2. resistance phase 3. exhaustion phase
furnace emissions
can allow deadly carbon monoxide to build up in home
leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
sources of stress
change, hassles, pressure, inconsistent goals and behaviors, conflict, overload, burnout, "isms" (bigotry)
naturally occurring radioactive gas resulting from the decay of certain radioactive elements
continued involvement with substance or activity despite ongoing negative consequences
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
chemicals that contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer
College students and alcohol problems
alcohol makes worse high risk for suicide, car crashes, falls; college customs encourage drinking; campuses are targeted by alcohol ads; more common for college kids to drink, vulnerable to peer influence, denial by campuses that alcohol problems exist
drug misuse
use of drug for purpose not intended
routes of administration of drugs (ways taken into body)
oral ingestion, injection, intravenous injection, intramuscular injection, subcutaneous injection, inhalation, inunction, suppositories
causes of alcohol abuse and alcoholism
biological and family factors; social and cultural factors
nongaseous air pollutants
psychedelics; substances capable of creating hallucinations; LSD/Acid; mescaline; psilocybin; PCP
a brownish, thick substance condensed from particular matter in smoked tobacco
Activities of Daily Living: bathing, stairs
measure of percentage of alcohol in a beverage
taking physical action
exercising reduces stress by raising levels of endorphins, mood-elevation, pain-killing, hormones into the blood stream; relaxing; eating right
pain releivers; Prostaglandin inhibitors: drugs that inhibit the production and release of prostaglandin, a hormone-like substance associated with arthritis or menstrual pain
a derivative of opium that is sometimes used by medical practitioners to relieve pain
resistance phase of general adaptation syndrome
begins almost immediately after alarm phase starts
chances of changing habits- slowly, make plan
components of psychosocial health
mental health, emotional health, social health, spiritual health
indoor air pollution
woodstove smoke, furnace emissions, formaldehyde, radon, household chemicals
Emotional health
feeling part of psychosocial health that includes emotional reactions to life
zero population growth
ZPG- couples should only produce 2 kids- when parents die, 2 kids are replacements and population stabilizes
positive stress that presents opps for personal growth
secondary disease prevention (intervention)
recognizing health risks and taking action to stop them before lead to actual illness
Ergogenic steroids
substances that enhance athletic performance
rules for proper use of over the counter drugs
always know what you are taking and identify active ingredients; know effects;read warnings; don't use anything for more than 2 weeks; cautious if also taking prescription drugs; ask pharmacist if have questions; if you don't need it, don't take it
managing stress
asses stressors, change responses, learn to cope, downshift (manage emotional responses, fighting anger urge)
nitrogren dioxide
amber-colored gas founding smog; can cause eye and respiratory irritations
Blood Alcohol Concentration
BAC- ratio of alcohol to total blood volume ; factor used to measure effects of alcohol
illness rate
anabolic, ergogenic
series of temporary physical and biopsychosocial symptoms that occur when addict abruptly abstains from addictive chemical or behavior
Holistic approach to wellness
emphasizes integration of and balance among mind, body, and spirit
water pollution/water contamination
point source pollutants; non point source pollutants
Predisposing factors influencing behavior change
life experiences, culture, heritage, beliefs/values, age, sex, income, etc
key to well-being;satisfaction with present life, relative presence of positive emotions, relative absence of neg emotions
dynamic, ever-changing process of achieving individual potential in the physical, social, mental, environmental, spiritual, emotional, and intellectual dimensions of life; more than absence of illness; capable of functioning at optimal level in areas
intravenous injection
introduction of drugs right into vein
health hazards of smoking
nicotine poisoning; cancer; cardiovascular disease; respiratory disorders; sexual dysfunction; gum disease; lose more teeth; use more meds
Controlled substances
stimulants; (cocaine; amphetamines); Marijuana; Opiates/narcotics; Hallucinogens; designer drugs/club drugs; inhalants; steroids
carbonated alcohol
champagne, sparkling wine- absorbed more rapidly; cause pyloric valve (opening from stomach into small intestine) to relax, emptying contents of stomach more rapidly into small intestine
an illegally-manifested derivative of Morphine, usually injected into bloodstream
introduction of drugs into body via hypodermic needle
Women's Health Initiative (WHI)
national study focusing on leading causes of post-menopausal women's death, in conjunction with NIH mandate for equal research priorities for women's health issues
intramuscular injection
introduction of drugs into muscles
tertiary disease prevention
treatment or rehab after person is sick
drug abuse
excessive use of drug
psychiatrist or psychologist with special training in psychoanalysis
mixtures of drugs and a waxy medium designed to melt at body temperature inserted into the anus or vagina
Seasonal Affective Disorder
treatments: light therapy, diet change, increased exercise, stress management techniques, sleep restriction, psychotherapy, antidepressants
psychological stress
stress caused by being in an environment perceived to be beyond one's control and endangering one's well being
large and varied group of synthetic gents that stimulate the CNS
oral ingestion
intake of drugs through mouth
dieting aids
laxatives: medications used to soften stool and relieve constipation; diuretics: drugs that increase excretion of urine from body
type of interaction when effects of one drug are are eliminated or reduced by presence of another drug at receptor site
Greenhouse gases
gases that contribute to global warming by trapping heat near the earth's surface- carbon dioxide, CFCs, ground-level ozone, nitrous oxide, methane
Designer drugs/ club drugs
synthetic analog of existing illegal drugs- ecstasy
setting events for a behavior; stimulate person to act in certain ways
Spiritual health
a belief in a supreme being or way of life prescribed by a particular religion, the feeling of unity with the environment, guiding sense of meaning or value in life, ability to understand and express one's purpose in life, feel a part of a greater spectrum of existence, experience love, joy, pain, sorrow, etc
long term effects of alcohol
nervous system has shrinkage in brain size and weight; cardiovascular= high blood pressure, increased heart rate and cardiac output; liver disease, cancer, other
mainstream smoke (ETS)
smoke drawn from inhaling
the sticky resin of the cannabis plant, which is high in THC
number of existing cases
signs of addiction
1. compulsion; 2. loss of control; 3. negative consequences; 4. denial
take mental action aka changing the way you think
worry constructively, look at life as being fluid, consider alternatives, moderate your expectations, weed out trivia, don't rush into action, tolerate mistakes, live simply
recovery of alcoholism
intervention (family's role); treatment programs (private treatment facilities; family therapy, individual therapy, group therapy; drug and aversion therapy)
depression facts/fallacies
-women 2x likely to be depressed; -true depression is not reaction to crisis and loss;-people not snap out of it with willpower;- crying not definitely depression;-depression not all in mind;-in-depth psychotherapy not only cure for long term depression
Theory of Reasoned action
model for explaining importance of our intentions in determining behaviors
drug derived from morphine; used in cough syrups and certain painkillers
Healthy People 2010
nationwide program with 2 broad goals: eliminate health disparities and increase life span and quality of life; 28 focus areas with objectives for nation during next decade
type of interaction when 2 or more drugs work at the same receptor site
Social health
aspect of psychosocial health that includes interactions with others, ability to use social supports, ability to adapt to various situations
mental and physical response of our bodies to the changes and challenges of our lives
non point source pollutants
pollutants that run off or sep into waterways from broad areas of land- runoff, or sedimentation
health promotion
combined educational, organizational, procedural, environmental, social, and financial supports that help people reduce neg health behaviors and promote positive change
Physical Health
body size and shape, sensory acuity and responsiveness, susceptibility to disease and disorders, body functioning, physical fitness, recuperative abilities; also includes activities of daily living (ADLs)
risk factors for young women
college attendance, nontraditional, low status, part time jobs or unemployed, single divorced, separated
Polydrug use
the use of multiple medications or illicit drugs simultaneously
carbon monoxide
gas found in cigarette smoke that binds at oxygen receptor sites in the blood; in the human body, carbon monoxide reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells by bindi9ng with the receptor sites for oxygen; this causes oxygen deprivation in in many body tissues
person with a PhD degree and training in counseling or clinical psycology
Social Health
ability to have satisfying interpersonal relationships, interactions with others, adaptation to social situations, appropriate daily behaviors
number of new cases
compulsion= sign of addiction
an overwhelming need to perform a behavior or obtain an addictive object characterized by obsession, excessive preoccupation with addictive behavior or object
over the counter drugs
analgesics, sleeping aids, dieting aids,
alternative stress management techniques
hypnosis, massage therapy, meditation, biofeedback
reinforcing factors influencing behavior changes
presence of support, encouragement, employer actions, health provider costs, community resources, access to health edu
licensed medical doctor who specializes in treating mental and emotional disorders
psychedelic drug causing sensory disruptions
type of interaction in which 2 or more drugs produce extremely uncomfortable symptoms
other effects of alcohol
chronic inflammation of pancreas; impairs body's ability to recognize and fight foreign bodies like bacteria and viruses
loss of control
inability to predict reliably whether a particular instance of involvement with the addictive object or behavior will be damaging
Nitrous oxide
the chemical name for laughing gas, a substance properly used for surgical or dental anesthesia
point source pollutants
pollutants that enter waterways at a specific point
negative consequences
physical damage, legal trouble, financial ruin, academic failure, family dissolution, etc
liver disease
Cirrhosis: last stage of liver disease associated with chronic heavy use of alcohol -liver cells die and damage is permanent; Alcohol hepatitis: condition resulting from prolonged use of alcohol in which liver is inflamed; can result in death
Amyl Nitrite
a drug that dilates blood vessels and is properly used to relieve chest pain
sulfur dioxide
yellowish brown gaseous by-product of burning fossil fuels
Anabolic Steroids
artificial forms of the hone testosterone that promotes muscle growth and strength
Emotional Health
feeling component- expressing emotions when appropriate, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-efficacy, trust, love
fetal alcohol syndrome
may affect fetus when mother consumes alcohol during pregnancy- mental retardation, small head, tremors, abnormalities of face, limbs, heart, brain
introduction of drugs through skin
effects of acid rain
1. destroys trees; 2. may cause bronchitis, asthma, respiratory problems; 3. can cause metals such as aluminum, cadmium, lead, mercury to leach (dissolve and filter) out of the soil;4. damages crops
exhaustion phase of general adaptation syndrome
physical and emotional energy used to fight a stressor has been depleted
dimensions of health
Physical, mental, social, intellectual, emotional, spiritual
Environmental tobacco smoke
smoke from tobacco products; mainstream and side stream
Alarm phase of general adaptation syndrome
when body is exposed to real or perceived stressors, the fight-or-flight response kicks into gear
nicotine poisoning
symptoms often experienced by beginning smokers; including dizziness, diarrhea, light-headedness, rapid and erratic pulse, clammy skin, nausea, vomiting
Warning signs of suicide!
1. recent loss and a seeming inability to let go of grief; 2. change in personality, such as sadness, withdrawal, anxiety, etc; 3. Change in behavior, such as inability to contrite, loss of interest; 4. diminished sexual interest; 5. expressions of self-hatred;6. change in sleep patterns; 7. change in eating habits; 8. direct or indirect statement about committing suicide; 9. final preparations; 10. preoccupation with themes of death; 11. sudden and unexplained happiness after depression; 12. excessive risk taking; 13. marked changes in personal appearance
metal found in exhaust of motor vehicles powered by fuel containing lead and in emissions form lead smelters and processing plants
mind body connection
interactions bw emotions and health
clinical/psychiatric social worker
person with an MSW degree and clinical training
enzyme that breaks down alcohol in stomach before reaches bloodstream and brain; women have half as much as men! if both drink, women's BAC 30% higher
Health Belief Model HBM
model for explaining how beliefs may influence behaviors
development of a tolerance to one drug that reduces effects of another similar drug
enabling factors influencing behavior change
skills and abilities, physical and emotional/mental capabilities, community/govt priorities and commitment to health, safe/convenient resources that make health decisions easy
Primary disease prevention
actions designed to reduce risk and avoid health problems before they start
carbon monoxide
odorless, colorless gas originating from motor vehicle emissions
Photochemical smog
brownish-yellow haze resulting from combination of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides
a powerful stimulant drug made from the leaves of the South American coca shrub
managing time
take on one thing at a time, clean desk, comfy work area, prioritize tasks, say no, avoid interruptions, reward efficiency, be aware of time patterns, use time to advantage, break tasks into small pieces, remember time is precious
cardiovascular disease
noise pollution
short term exposure to loud noises reduces productivity, concentration level, attn span, may affect mental and emotional health
active chemical in psilocybin mushrooms; produces hallucinations
chemical compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen
intellectual health
ability to think clearly, reason objectively, analyze critically, use brain power effectively to meet life's challenges and learn from successes and mistakes
laughter's effects
stressed-out people with strong sense of humor because less stressed; coping with humor good; recovery easier,; jokes increase sense of belonging, laughter sharpens our immune systems by activating T-cells and natural killer cells and increasing production of immunity-boosting interferon
factors of how quickly alcohol absorbs
concentration in drink, amt consumed, amt food, plorospasm, mood
taking action to preventing suicide!
1. monitor warning signals; 2. take threats seriously; 3. let person know you care; 4. listen; 5. ask if thinking about hurting/killing self; 6. don't belittle person's feelings or say doesn't matter; 7. help think about alternatives; 8. remember that relations with others involve responsibilities; 9. tell spouse, counselor, parents
analyzing personal behavior
frequency, duration, seriousness, basis for problem behavior, antecedents
fight or flight response
psychological reaction in which the body respires to combat or escape a real or perceived threat
Acid rain
precipitation contaminated with acidic pollutants- more than 95% from human actions- fossil fuel burning
a potent, inexpensive meth that has long-lasting effects
drugs that induce sleep and relieve pain
Mental health
thinking part of psychosocial health that includes values, attitudes, and beliefs
seeking professional help
if you think you need it, you have mood swings, a problem is interfering with daily life, fears or feeling of guilt distract you, withdraw from others, hallucinations. life not worth living, inadequate feeling, emotional responses innapropriate to situations, etc
Binge drinking
drinking for purpose of becoming intoxicated; five drinks in a single sitting for men, four for women
characteristics of healthy people
they feel good about themselves, comfortable with other people, control tension and anxiety, able to meet demands of life, curb hate and guilt, maintain positive outlook, enrich lives of others, cherish things that make them smile, value diversity, appreciate, respect nature
side stream smoke (ETS)
smoke nonsmokers breathe- secondhand smoke
immediate effects of alcohol
decreased respiratory rate, pulse rate, and blood pressure; dehydration; cause indigestion and heartburn, hangover
death rate
Tobacco products
cigars, bidis (hand rolled flavored cigarettes); smokeless tobacco
1 percent US pop
products that are sniffed or inhaled in order to produce highs; Amyl nitrite, nitrous oxide
ways to conquer insomnia
est consistent sleep schedule, evaluate sleep envir, exercise regularly, limit caffeine and alcohol, avoid eating heavy meal, get up if can't sleep after 30 min, nap only in afternoon, est relaxing night ritual
chronic bronchitis
presence of productive cough that persists or recurs frequently
Disease prevention
actions or behaviors designed to keep people from getting sick; primary, secondary, tertiary
person with variety of academic and experiential training wh deals with treatment of emotional problems
generalized anxiety disorder
a constant sense of worry that may cause restlessness, difficulty concentration, tension; treatment= medication and cognitive brain therapy
3 times more carbon monoxide and nicotine; 5 times more tar
mental health
an umbrella concept encompassing emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual healthq
introduction of drugs through nostrils or mouth
sources of GAD
biology- brain and brain functions; environment- learned response; social and cultural roles
tendency to return to addictive behavior after period of absence
Certified Health Education Specialists
trained health educators - passed national competency exam for prevention and intervention programming
reducing air pollution
most experts agree that shifting away from cars as primary source of transportation is the only way to reduce air pollution significantly
neg stress that has neg effect on health
chronic disease in which alveoli (tiny air sacs in lungs) are destroyed which impairs lung's ability to obtain oxygen and remove carbon dioxide
the achievement of the highest level of health possible in each of several dimensions
subcutaneous injection
introduction of drugs into layer of fat beneath skin
a mineral that separates into stingy fibers and lodges in the lungs, where it can cause various diseases
Clean air act of 1970
develop standards for 6 of most widespread air pollutants that seriously affect health
a powerfully addictive drug that strongly activates certain areas of the brain and affects the CNS
physical, social, psychological event or condition that causes the body to adjust to a specific situation
relatively stable set of beliefs, feelings, and behavioral tendencies in relation to something or someone
inability to perceive or accurately interpret the self-destructive effects of the addictive behavior
psychoneuroimmunology (PIN)
science of interaction between mind's response to stress and immune system
hallucinogenic drug derived from peyote cactus
psychiatric nurse specialist
registered nurse who specializes in psychiatric practice
gas formed when nitrogen dioxide interacts with hydrogen chloride
a psychoactive stimulant that intensifies reaction to environmental stimuli
appraisal of the relationship bw some object, action, or idea, and some attribute of that object, action, or idea
woodstove smoke
woodstoves emit significant levels of particulates and carbon monoxide in addition to other pollutants, like sulfure dioxide
signs of alcohol poisoning
inability to be roused, weak, rapid pulse, unusual or irregular breathing, cool, damp, pale, bluish skin
hormone released by adrenal glands that makes stored nutrients more readily available to meet enery demands
household chemicals
stick building syndrome (SBS): problem that exists when 80% of a building's occupants report maladies that tend to lessen or vanish when they leave the building
Phencyclidine (PCP)
a hallucinogen commonly called angel dust
Epinephrine (Adrenaline)
hormone that stimulates body systems in response to stress
stimulant chemical in tobacco products; impairs cleansing function of the cilia by paralyzing them for up to an hour after smoking a cigarette; allows tar and other solids in tobacco smoke to accumulate and irritate sensitive lung tissue

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