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chemical reaction
react in a specefic way to certain chemicals
surface mining
used when ore is located at or near the surface of the earth
ex. of important metallic minerals
gold,silver and copper
The cullian diamond
found in jan. 1905 in south america the uncut diamond was 3106 carats was cut into 9 major gems 96 smaller gems
nonmetallic minerlas
can have shiny or dull surfaces,may let light pass through them(translucent),good insulators of elecrtricy, most widely used minerals in industury
subsurface mining
used when ore deposits are located too deep within the earth to be surface mined
how light is reflected from the surface
mass in a given space: mass per unit volume (D=m/v) measured in g/cm3
highly valued for their beauty and rarity rather than their usefulness
specefic gravity
ratio of an objects density to the density of water
seperate easily into sheets when broken
ex. of important of nonmetallic minerals
calcite in marble,calcite in concrete,silicon in comp.chips
cullinan diamond 1
the star of africa
are naturally magnetic (attract other metals or are attracted to magnets)
compounds that form when an element combines chemically with oxygen
hot water solutions
ground water workds its way down and its heated by magma reacts with minerals to form a liquid metals and other elemetns then a crystillaze to form a new mineral
minerals resist to being scratched determined by the mohs hardness scale- the higher the minerals resistance is being scratched the higher the minerals rating
magma forcing its way upward footm teardrop shapede bodies that cool and crystallize into minerals
a naturally formed inorganic solid that has a definite crystalline struchure
basic buliding block of many rocks
color of the minerals powder when the sample is rubbed on a streak plate
metallic luster
if a mineral reflects light like a metal
colors of gems
the more attractive th color the more valuable the gem
tenedency of some minerals to break along smooth flat surfaces
metallic minerals
have shiny surfaces, dont let light pass through them(opaque),are good conductors of heat and elctricity,can be pressed into strong metals that do not trust,some cqan be ponded or pressed into various shapes or streched thinly
gemstones must be durable enough to be precisly cut and polished
optical properties
will cause specefic visual changes in other materials
mian componet of most rocks on the earths surface
Is it a mineral? questions to ask:
Is it a nonliving materail? Is it a solid? Is it formed in nature? Does it have a crystalline struchure?
cullinan diamond 2
state crown of queen of england
possible mining damage:
disturb or destroy plant and animal habitats, waste products og yhr mining process contaminates surface and ground water
native element
a mineral that is composed of only one element
simplest way to reduce the effect of mining?
to recycle products made from minerals
silicate minerals
minerals that contain a combination of silicon oxygen and one or more metals (quatrz, feldspar,mica)
substance made when the atoms of two or more elements are chemically bonded
submetallic luster
if a mineral looks metallic but has a dull surface
have a specific taste associated with the mineral
the process by which land used for mining is returned to its original state or improved
cantains some radioactive material that be be detected by a geiger counter
special properties
properties that are only seen in a few types of minerals
minerals that contain sulfur and oxygen
sold geometric forms of minerals produced by a repeating pattern of atoms or moleculus present throughout the mineral
a pure substance that cannot be broken down into a simpilar substance
Enviorments in which minerals form:
evaporting salt water,metamorphism,limestones,hot water solutions,pegamites,plutons
magma that stops movin before it reaches the surface and cools into mineral crystals
ninmettalic luster
if the surface of the mineral does not look like a metal
tenedency of some minerals to break unevenly along curved ot irregular surfaces
compounds that form when flourine, chlorine,iodine or bromine combine with sodium, potassium or calcium
minerals that contain combinations of carbon and oxygen in their chemical struchure
the smallest unit of an element that still has all the properties of that element
density of water
surface water and ground water carry disloved minerals into lakes and seas where they crystaillize on the bottom
a mineral deposit large enough and pure enough to be mined for profit
evaporting salt water
when a body of water evaporates certain minerals are left behind
easily observed physical property but not enough to identify because impurites can cause changes in color
nonsillicate minerals
minerals that dont contain compounds of silicon and oxygen
minerals that contain one or more elements combined with sulfur
glowing under certain types of light

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