Peds Exam
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- Newborn is irritable, crying, seizures, tachycardia, poor feeding, no weight gain, poor sleeping
- methadone withdrawal
- 16 yo female with normal secondary sex characteristics (pubic hair, axillary hair) but still no menarche. Best next step =
- TFTs + gonadotropin tests
- Cerebral brain tumors present with . .
- seizures
- Miliary TB presents as
- fatigue
- Best public health policy with someone dx with TB: relocate, find the person who gave it to them, prophylax all contacts, do not send back to school until treatment completed
- Children exposed to an infected household member must have a PPD placed.
- Newborn with swollen eye lids, conjunctivitis, clear discharge: gonorrhea vs Chlamydia vs chemical vs traumatic
- Silver nitrate. Gonorrhea after several days. Chamydia after 1st week.
- How many oz/ 4 hrs of formula do you give a newborn
- 3-4 (2-4 oz q 3-4)
- Murmur heard in PDA. what location
- Continuous, upper left sternal border or left infraclavicular area
- mesenteric lymphadenitis
- RLQ pain, fever, diarrhea, fatigue, RLQ tenderness
- meckel’s w/o intussusception
- Hematochezia or painless rectal bleeding, anemia
- intussusception
- Red currant jelly stool, colicky pain
- Infectious mononucleosis
- Fever, lymphadenopathy, pharyngitis, rash, periorbital edema, hepatosplenomegaly
- Could parietal fracture be a sign of abuse?
- ?
- Could vulvovaginitis be a sign of sexual abuse?
- y
- Presentations of child abuse
Round cigarette burn scars
Marks suggesting rope or strap burns
Suspicious scars at varying stages of healing
Burns in pattern suggesting immersion
Retinal hemorrhages in otherwise nml child, suggesting shaken baby syndrome
Multiple fractures at varying stages of healing
Hairline, tendon-avulsion fractures
Meningeal tears in absence of injury
Unexplained subdural hematoma - Child on breast milk, anemic, what should you check for?
- Jaundice. .
- How long does it take for infants weight to double from birth
- 4-6 mos
- How long does it take for infants height to double from birth
- 4 yrs
- Number of cal/oz in normal infant formula
- 20
- Prodrome, then slapped cheek, then .
- b19
- Gasoline breath: clinical presentation?
- Resp distress, HA, N/V, syncope
- Which test for SCD has least likelihood of compliations
- Neonaatal pustular melanocytosis
- PMNs palms, soles, sterile?
- Neonatal acne
- Yellow papules
- Erythema toxicum
- Multiple pustules
- Celiac disease dx
- bx
- Inheritance pattern of celiac dz
- hla
- autosomal dominant diseases
- ADPKD, Ehlers-Danlos (most types), OI
- Child once ppalpable testes no longer palpable
- Testicular retraction
- Px/tx for VUR
- px abx
- 3 yo w/ episode of unexplained coughing and spluttering while playing, followed 2 wks later by chest infection. RLL PNA. MCC?
- fba
- I yo girl wihth h/o of painful joints, fever, breathless. In HF, subcutaneous nodules, blowing mitral systolicmurmur
- rf
- Exogenous obesity in children and adolescents most commonly associated with
- ?
- 13 yo male with CF and S aureus PNA. Distressed and breathless, decresed breath sounds, trach deviation
- ptx
- Pancytopenia, fever, arthralgia
- all?
- Leading cause of meningitis in first 2 mos
- gbs?
- 12 yo male w/ mild fever, jaundice, liver tenderness, no lymphadenopathy, IgM and IgA antibodies positive for =
- hav
- Child w/ ALL w/ swollen painless testicle
- sanctuary
- Tx for M. pneumo
- erythromycin
- Tx fo r MCD
- steroids
- What to give at birth to infant of HbsAg +, HbeAg + mother
- hbig
- Beginning of stranger anxiety
- 7-12 mos
- Bronchiolitis vs bronchial asthama
- age
- Effects of placental infection with syphilis
- Rash, old man, FTT, menx
- ida vs thal
- mcv/rbc > 13 ida
- 7 yo child w/ blood mucus, PMNs in stool – MCC
- c jej
- #1 way to reduce mortality from diarrheal diseases
- ort
- Fresh water drowning
- hemolysis
- Salt water drowning
- pulm e
- Not a sign of child abuse: bruising on hands, linear bruising on back, multiple bruises below knees
- below knees
- A dz only x –linked
- hemophilia
- ALL labs
- lymphocytosis, anemia, thrombocytopenia
- sc
- glu6-b val
- 2 yo with fever
- Cbc, ua, bcx
- Drug-induced thrombocytopenia vs itp
- antibodies binding drug
- Which drugs can cause thrombocytopenia
- heparin, quinidine
- Which ab in mom’s milk
- a
- 3 do infant w/ cyanosis, resp distress, poor feeding, lethargy, rr 80, hr 150: prostaglandin vs intubate
- prostaglandin
- Dx of LCP
- bone scan
- Acne treatment of adol w/ attn to side effects: top retina vs systemic retinoate
- topical?
- AGE from day care, treatable w; flagyl
- giardia
- Presentation of child w/ brain tumor
- HA, V, lethargy, ataxia w/ posterior fossa
- 2 mcc menx 10 wo
- gbs, e coli
- Vaccines for 2 mo
- PCV, polio, hib, dtap
- Girl with h/o URI and now w/ petechiae and bruises with 40,000 platelets
- fluids
- Prevent asthma attack?
- roids
- arthritis and vaginal d/c. organism?
- gonorrhea?
- Otitis media most common? Age and season?
- 3 mos to 3 yrs, winter
- Don’t give fe in which anemia
- b thal
- 3 do tachypneic, cyanotic, dcreased po intake, vomiting, o2 no help. Dx ?
- cyanotic hd
- Febrile and irritable infant w/ dedcreased po intake and v who was given penicillin for previous uri with no improvement
- menx
- MCC dysmenorrheal in teenagers
- uterine contractions, pgs
- Boy w/ ataxia and blurring of optic cup
- infratentorial
- 12 yo boy unconscious s/p fight
- ct
- Child w/ hematuria, red colored urine, decreased compleemtnn
- mcd
- Best screen for celiac
- anti-gliadin
- 5 yo boy always been shy about to start school
- ?
- Cause of splenic sequestration
- parvo
- MC overdose in kids
- fe
- NFibro associated with ?
- meningiomas
- Baby feeding well on breast milk, what supplement: folate?
- folate?
- Tx of iron overdose
- deferroxamine
PNA not cured with abx. MCC
Denver ii, how many parts - fba
- Complication of varicella: diffuse encephalomyelitis?
- encephalitis and cereb ataxia
- Metabolic alkalosis in pyloric stenosis
- hypoK, hypoCl
- EtOH dysmorphisms
- smooth filtrum, thin upper lip
- Csf of bacterial meningitis
- elev prot, decr glucose
- apgar 1's
- acrocy, HR < 100, grimace, some flexion, RR slow and irregular
- tx of epiglottitis
- O2, intubate, cover s aureus or GAS
- Ground glass appearance on xray?
- rds
- #1 genetic disorder in Europeans?
- cf
- Treatment of enterobius vermicularis
- me
- Bulging fontanelle can be a sign of ?
- menx
- Age for visual tracking to midline
- nb to 1 mo
- Age for visual tracking to 45 deg
- 1 to 2
- Range of visual tracking at 2 mos
- 180
- Sx of thyrotoxicosis
- Diaphoresis, tremor, tachycardia, mydriasis, exophthalmos, heat intolerance
- Late side effect of hydrocarbon toxicity
- Leukoencephalopathy, peripheral neuropathy, bone marrow?
- Most serious compli of hydrocarbons
- coma
- Little kid with bug in his ear, won’t sit still
- vegetable oil, mineral oil, warm water
- Treatment of ITP: CS vs IVIG
- both
- NB w/ pea-colored amniotic fluid
- mec
- Breast milk deficient in which vitamin?
- d
- Types of musculoskeletal disorders
- aa joint instability, clavicular fracture, rickets, supracondylar fracture,
- Kid in er tachypneic and septic
- o2?
- Drug abuse
- ?
- CP, left facial paralysis, presentation:
- central - able to wrinkle forehead
- Congenital toxo
- chorioretinitis, seizures
- Congenital rubella
- cataract and heart dz
- Congenital CMV
- Chorioretinitis and seizure
- Congenital HSV
- Meningitis, encephalitis
- Adol F w/ dysmenorrheal never sexually active
- ocp
- Childhood malignancy regresses on its own, een with mets
- neuroblastoma s4
- MC childhood malignancy
- leukemia
- Child w/ strep tonsillopharyngitis w/ unreliable parent
- im pen g
- 6 mo with h/o eczema, recent URI w/ cough after infection, cough at night and eos in nasal aspirate. Dx ?
- asthma
- Treat measles in endemic area?
- vit a
- MC complication of mumps?
- orchitis
- Newborn w/ cyanosis after feeding, not resolved with crying, diffuse crackles
- Enlarging breasts w/ discharge, vaginal bleeding, and skin lesion?
- mccune-albright
- Polyhydramnios – indications for immediate surgery
- gastroschisis and diaphragmatic hernia
- Polyhydramnios and Down’s
- duoden atre
- Baby w/ jaundice who has failed phototherapy
- ivig, exch transfusion
- Treatment of cradle cap
- baby shampoo, hydrocortisone
- UTI vs cystitis
- Uti = bacterial infection only, cystitis = bacterial, viral, fungal, inflammatory, or drug-related
- 2 mo w/ fever, vomiting and irritability
- menx?, sepsis?
- Preventing tetanus in babies where common
- immunize mom at 5-6 mos
- Adenosine relieves which arrhythmia
- svt
- 12 yo boy with sudden scrotal pain
- testicular torsion
- MCC AGE in child
- rota
- Earliest way to diagnose child w/ cf
- cvs
- Greasy 8 wo w/ yellow flaky skin all over head and scalp
- cradle cap
- 17 yo w/ 1st day and 2nd day dysmenorrhea
- ?
- Treatment of epiglottitis
- o2, intubate, cover s aureus and s pneumo?
- 15 yo w/ 7 mo h/o abd pain, laxatives didn’t work, bone pain, mouth ulcers, anal granulomas
- crohn's
- ABG status asthmaticus
- Ph low, pco2 high, phco3 low
- Cataracts, hepatomegaly, vomiting, recurrent e coli
- galactosemia
- Si/sx bulimia
- Lacerations to metacarpals, enlarged parotid glands, tooth damage?
- Ataxia, vomiting, ha – diagnostic test?
- mri
- Neonate w/ coughing at feedings and now blue
- tef
- Even w/ early treatment, galactosemia can lead to
- neurological deficits, poor growth
- Well-differentiated WT: prognosis?
- 90%
- 4-do born to diabeti mother and twitching. Pt is euglycemic
- hypercal
- Encapsulated organisms
- s pneumo, neisseria, haemophilus
- Gold std of diagnosing toxic synovitis
- arthrocentesis?
- Presentation of nec
- abdominal tenderness, shock
- MC childhood tumor
- medulloblastoma
- Cause of cradle cap
- malassezia
- Gold standard for diagnosing osteo
- radionuclide
- Ave head circumference of newborn
- 35
- Long-term complications of otitis media: mastoiditis, abscess?
- abscess
- Typical stature of obese kid
- short?
- Alpha-fetoprotein levels
- Yolk sac tumor, ntd, atax telang
- 17 yo girl nml develop, no menses. Next step?
- Pelvic