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History: Chapter 10 Vocabulary

History Chapter 10 Vocabulary


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Benjamin Butler
Union general who was placed in control of New Orleans after it fell to Union forces.
Port Hudson
Confederate fort on the Mississippi River that was the site of the longest siege of the Civil War; fell to Union forces in July 1863.
Abraham Lincoln
Illinois senator elected president of the US in 1860; ho election led to the secession of the southern states.
on who wanted to free the slaves.
a draft; compulsory enrollment for military service.
Bailey's Dam
a wing dam built by Union forces in 1864 in order to raise the water level in the Red River so that Union gunboats could sail downriver.
labeled as men draft dodgers, but they called themselves irregular guerrillas.
Confiscation Act
legislation passed by the US Congress in July 1862 that enabled Union forces to seize the property of rebels.
Missouri Compromise
the 1820 agreement Congress that Missouri would enter the Union as a slave state and Maine as a free state and slavery would not be allowed in any states formed north of a line even with Missouri's southern border.
Michael J. Hahn
was the first elected governor of occupied Louisiana.
David Farragut
Union naval admiral whose fleet captured New Orleans and Baton Rouge.
Nathaniel Banks
Union general; led Union at the Battle of Mansfield and Port Hudson.
Camp Moore
main training camp for LA soldiers, located north of Lake Pontchartrain.
States' Rights
the principle that the rights and responsibilities of the state should take precedence over the rghts and responsibilities of the federal government.
the withdrawl of a state from the Union.
Confederate States of America
the name the government formed the southern states when they seceded from the Union in the early 1860s.
Comprmise of 1850
legislation passed by Congress which California was admitted as a free state, part of Texas was given to New Mexico, the slave trade was banned in the District of Columbia, the fugitive state law was strengthened, and the issue of whether slavery would be permitted in New Mexico and Utah would be determined by a vote of the people living in those territories.
Thomas Moore
governor of Louisiana at the time of the succession from the Union.
P.G.T. Beauregard
key Confederate general; Louisiana native.
a member of a small military group that harasses the enemy.
Emancipation Proclamation
the 1863 proclamation by which President Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves in the Confederate states.
a military plan with a specific goal.
Richard Taylor
son of President Zachary Taylor Confederate general; led Confederate troops at the Battle of Mansfield and Port Hudson.
a one time reward.
Henry Watkins Allen
Confederate governor of LA elected in 1863.

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