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Psychology 201 ch. 4


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depressant of control causes impaired judgment
Theories of Dreams (Latent content)
the underlying meaning of the dream
another form of physical dependence
drugs that are often found in diet pills
produces energy and alertness but have many serious health risks
drugs mimicking the effects of brains own endorphines, chemicals that have pain relieving properties and produce a feeling of well-being... morphine, and herion
concentrated forms of this drug can induce a heart attack, stroke, or seizure
Theories of Dreams (Manifest content)
a dream that is recalled by the dreamer
within each 24-hour period, the regular fluctuation from high to low points of certain bodily functions and behaviors
Stage 1 sleep
1. small irregular 2. transition between waking and sleeping
Sleep disorder (night terrors)
high arousal and an appearance of being terrified (most common in children)
Stimulant drugs
drugs that mimic the effects of epinephrine... amphetamines, and cocaine
damages serotonin-producing neurons
lowers sperm count and can impair attention and memory
Sleep deprivation effects (physical)
1. increases obesity 2. illness (cold, flu) 3. insulin resistance 4. hear disease
Stage 3 sleep
1. delta waves appear 2. beginning of deep sleep 3. transitional stage
Sleep disorder (sleep apnea)
periods during sleep when breathing stops and the individual must awaken to start breathing again
Stage 4 sleep
1. deepest of sleep 2. mostly delta waves 3. first cycle is 60 min then transition into REM sleep
increasing amounts are required to get the same effect
examples include Nembutal and Seconal
Occurs less often than once a day, once a year
Neodissociation Theory of Hypnosis
1. hypnosis induces a split, or dissociation, between two aspect of the control on consciousness 2. the planning function and the monitoring function
alters perception of time ad space
REM sleep
1. "active sleep" 2. rapid eye movement 3. paralysis of large muscles 4. irregular heartbeat 5. vivid dreams
Sleep disorder (insomnia)
persistent problems falling and staying asleep
Sociocognitive Theory of Hypnosis
the behavior of a hypnotized person is a function of that person's expectations about how subjects behave under hypnosis \
Theories of Dreams (Lucid dreams)
a dream where the individual is aware of dreaming and whose content the individual is often able to influence
"mind altering" drugs
Sleep Theories
1. protects from harm 2. restore and repair neurons 3. remembering 4. growth and muscle
more often than once a day, 90 day cycles
high doses can cause mood changes, anxiety, and sleep disruption
Sleep deprivation effects
1. difficulty concentrating 2. lapses in attention 3. irritability 4. cognitive performance decrease 5. increase in negative moods
Stage 2 sleep
1. sleep spindles 2. spend 50% of sleeo in this stage 3. slow wave sleep 4. easy to wake someone up
Biological rhythms
Circadian, Ultradian, Seasons
Sleep disorder (narcolepsy)
1. uncontrollable sleep lapses 2. attacks come from REM sleep
Depressant drugs
drugs acting on GABA receptors to produce a calming, sedating effect... alcohol, barbiturates, valium, and librium
NREM sleep
1. consists of 4 stages 2. little movement 3. brain activity at the 24-hour low point

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