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ABeka History 11 - Chapter 5 - People


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Ottawa chief who led a confederation of tribes in a bloody uprising against England.
Patrick Henry
American lawyer who addressed the House of Burgesses with a plea for the colonies to fight for their freedom.
George III
Became king of England in 1760; ruled during America's War for Independence
James Otis
Boston lawyer who published "The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved"
Samuel Adams
led the protest against the Stamp Act in Massachusetts; organized the Sons of Liberty and helped form the first committee of Correspondence
William Pitt the Elder
one of Parliament's most respected members; rejected the idea of "virtual representation" for the colonies
Edmund Burke
Irish statesman who defended the colonies before Parliament
Charles Townshend
became Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1767; responsible for the Townshend Acts, which included the infamous tea tax
John Dickinson
Pennsylvania lawyer who drafted the resolutions of the Stamp Act Congress; wrote the pamphlet entitled "Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies"
General Thomas Gage
replaced Hutchinson as royal governor of Massachusetts
Paul Revere, William Dawes, and Dr. Samuel Prescott
rode through the night of April 18, 1775 to warn their countrymen of the British march on Lexington
Lemuel Haynes
black American patriot who fought with the Massachusetts minutemen at Lexington
Ethan Allen
formed a frontier militia known as the "Green Mountain Boys"; captured Fort Ticonderoga
John Hancock
elected president of the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia in May 1775
George Washington
appointed commander in chief of the colonial army
George Grenville
became prime minister of England in 1763; instituted a program of new taxes and stricter trade regulation for the colonies

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