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Sentence Structure - Parts of Speech


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Name of a person, place, thing, quality, idea, or action.
Common Nouns
Refer to general persons, places, things, concepts, or qualities.
Proper Nouns
Name particular persons, places, institutions, organizations, months, and days.
Concrete Nouns
Refer to things that can be sensed through sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell.
Abstract Nouns
Refer to ideas, emotions, qualities, or other intangible concepts.
Count Nouns
Name things that can be counted, and thus can have a plural form.
Noncount Nouns, or Mass Nouns
Name things that typically are not counted in English and thus cannot be made plural.
Collective Nouns
Name groups, plural in sense by singular in form.
Substitue for nouns.
Noun Antecedent
The noun a pronoun substitutes for.
Personal Pronouns
Refer to specific persons, places, or things.
Demonstrative Pronouns
Point to their antecedent nouns.
Indefinate Pronouns
Refer to nonspecific perons, places, or things and do not require an antecedent.
Relative Pronouns
Introduce dependent clauses.
Interrogative Pronouns
Introduce questions.
Reflexive Pronouns
Refers back to the subject to show that the subject itself is the object of an action.
Intensive Pronouns
Used for emphasis.
Reciprocal Pronouns
Refer to the separate parts of a plural antecedent.
Expletive Pronouns
Serve as introductory, "empty" words, occupying the position of grammatical subject.
A word that expresses an action or a state of being.
Auxilary/Helping Verbs and Model Verbs
Critical parts of special verb forms that express questions, future tenses, past tenses, and various degrees of doubt about or qualification of the main verb's action.
Transitive Verbs
Transfer action from an agent to an object or recipient.
In-trasitive Verbs
May express action, but they do not transfer it to an object or recipient.
Active Voice
Active form of a verb.
Passive Voice
Passive form of a verb.
Indicative Mood
Make assertions, state opinions, ask questions.
Subjunctive Mood
Past-tense forms express unreal conditions or wishes.
Imperative Mood
Appear in the base form to issue a command.
A verb form that functions in a sentence as a noun, an adverb, or adjective.
Function as adjectives and can modify nouns or pronouns.
Verb forms that end in ING and function as nouns.
The base form of a verb that can function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs.
A word that modifies a noun or pronoun by qualifying or describing it, usually precedes the noun it modifies.
Predicate Adjective
The adjective falls on the other side of the verb linking it to the noun it modifies.
Possesive, Demonstrative, Interrogative, and Indefinite Adjectives
Pronoun-like adjectives.
Modifies a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or an entire clause or sentence and usually answers when, where, how, how often, or to what extent?
Conjuctive Adverb
Modify an entire sentence or clause while linking it to the preceding sentence or clause.
A word that comes before a noun or pronoun and its modifiers to form a prepositional phrase.
Prepositions Phrase
Made up of a preposition, the object of a preposition, and any modifiers of the object.
Object of the Preposition
The noun or pronoun in a preposition.
Phrasal Verbs
Prepositions linked to verbs.
The preposition in phrasal verbs.
Joins two sentences, clauses, phrases, or words.
Coordinating Conjuctions
Connect sentences, clauses phrases, or words that are parallel in meaning and grammatical structure.
Correlative Conjunctions
Pairs of conjunctions that give extra ephasis to the two parts of a coordinated construction.
Subordinating Conjunctions
Introduce dependent clauses and connect them to main clauses.
A short utterance that expresses an emotional response.

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