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fluid-filled region between nucleus and plasma membrane (interior)
granum (plural: grana)
chloroplast's solar power packs--where chlorophyll trap solar energy
neutralize free radicals
a sticky outer coat for some prokaryotes
channels between adjacent plant cells tat form a circulatory and communication system connecting the cells in plant tissues
tight junctions
bind cells very tightly together, forming a a leakproof sheet
central vacuole
functions as a large lysosome in the general maintenance of a plant cell
very long protein fibers that the nucleus is attached to
nucleoid region
DNA of a prokaryotic cell is coiled into this
scanning electron microscope (SEM)
microscope used to study the detailed architecture of cell surfaces
Golgi apparatus
finishes, sorts, and ships cell products
endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
extensive network of flattened sacs and tubes in the cell
prokaryotic cells
what consists of bacteria and archea
extracellular matrix
sticky layer of glycoproteins that helps hold cells together in tissues
photosynthesizing organelles of all photosynthetic eukaryotes
digestive compartments within a cell, can break down molecules
sugars linked to polypeptide making this sugar-protein molecule
actin filaments, solid rods made of globular proteins called actin arranged in a twisted double chain
folds of inner membrane that make ATP
cellular metabolism
chemical activities of a cell
electron microscope (EM)
microscope that uses a beam of electrons
photograph taken through a microscrope
intermediate filaments
varied group of fibrous proteins rather than globular and have a rope-like structure
cell wall
this is fairly rigid and is outside the plasma membrane of most prokaryotes
meshwork of protein fibers in eukaryotic cells
smooth ER
network of interconnected tubules that lack attached ribosomes
each fiber of a chromatin
plasma membrane
cells are bounded by these
endomembrane system
how the organelles are connected/work together
organelles tat carry out cellular respiration in nearly all eukaryotic cells--they harvest chem energy from food
structures in a cell with a specific function
basal body
anchoring structure that the microtubule assembly extends to. It has a pattern of nine microtubule triplets
sacs made of cell membrane
mitochondrial matrix
inner membrane of eukaryotic cell mitochondria contains this fluid
anchoring junctions
rivet cells together with cytoskeletal fibers, to form strong sheets
tiny structures that make proteins according to instructions from the genes
a measure of the clarity of an image
gap junctions
channels similar in function to plasmodesmata of plants--allowing molecules to flow between cells
transport vesicle
when the molecule is ready for export from the ER, the ER packages it in this
protein synthesis
one of the major functions of the cell
nuclear envelope
double membrane perforated with pores that control the flow of materials in and out of the nucleus
short projections that help prokaryotes attach to surfaces
building blocks of ribosomes are produced here and exit the nucleus via the pores
light microscrope (LM)
microscope that passes visible light through a specimen
rough ER
makes membranes and proteins in the cell
locomotor appendages that ropel protists, such as paramecium
intermembrane space
one of two mitochondrion compartments with fluid (not the one with matrix)
transmission electron microscope (TEM)
used to study the details of internal cell structure. Specimens cut & stained with heavy atoms
cell theory
statement that all living things are composed of cells and that all cells come from other cells
eukaryotic cells
what all other forms of life consist of, except for bacteria and archea
membranous sacs, larger than vesicles, that belong to the endomembrane system
longer, generally less numerous appendages on protists, such as sperm
straight, hollow tubes composed of globular proteins called tubulins

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