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Invisible Man Vocab

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v. to throw the body about spasmodically; flounder (434)
Limpid (234)
adj. free from obscurity; lucid; clear.
Salvationist (410)
n. a person who preaches salvation, deliverance from sin, etc.
Discordantly (411)
adv. in a manner that is disagreeable to the ear; dissonant; harsh
Adjunct (129)
n. a person associated with lesser rank, authority etc.
Chiffonier (271)
n. a high chest of drawers, often with a mirror on top.
Perfidity (373)
n. deliberate breach of faith or trust; faithlessness; treachery
Fastidious (25)
adj. excessively particular, critical or demanding; hard to please.
Exhort (112)
v. to urge, advise or caution earnestly; admonish urgently.
Intrinsic (273)
adj. belonging to a thing by its very nature.
adj. turned away from what is right, good, or proper; wicked or corrupt. (431)
Agrarian (290)
n. a person who favors the equal division of landed property and the promotion of agricultural interests.
Vestibule (286)
n. a passage, hall, or antechamber between the outer door and the interior parts of a house or building.
Fyce (288)
n. a small mongrel dog, esp. one that is spirited or pugnacious.
Halitosis (131)
n. a condition of having offensive-smelling breath; bad breath
n. a keen or strong appeal; a keenly distressing feeling. (417)
Organdy (234)
n. a fine, thin cotton fabric usu. Having a crisp finish, used for dresses, curtains, etc.
Recant (265)
v. to withdraw or disavow (a statement, opinion, etc.) esp. formally; retract.
Languid (25)
adj. Lacking in spirit or interest; listless
Antithesis (350)
n. the direct opposite
Vehemently (326)
adv. in a manner marked by great energy or vigor.
Moil (107)
v. to whirl or eddy
Slough (164)
v. to shed as or like the discarded skin of a snake.
Extorter (365)
n. one who obtains things by force, threat, intimidation or abuse of authority.
Decorously (234)
adv. in such a manner as to show respect for social customs and manners
Nijinsky (349)
prop. n. 1890-1950, Russian ballet dancer and choreographer
Hoary (131)
adj. tedious from familiarity; gray or white with age.
Torpid (234)
adj. slow; dull; apathetic; lethargic
Sorghum (234)
n. the syrup made from sorgo.
adj. resembling a puzzling or inexplicable occurrence or situation; perplexing; mysterious. (411)
Caul (176)
n. a part of the amnion sometimes covering the head of a child at birth.
Chauvinism (312)
n. biased devotion to any group, attitude or cause.
Gimcrack (144)
adj. showy but useless
Opalescent (323)
adj. exhibiting a play of colors like that of the opal
adj. pertaining to verses, prayers, or songs to be chanted or sung in response; responsive.
n. any strong regional accent. (459)
Palaver (248)
n. profuse and idle talk; chatter
Strumpet (373)
n. a prostitute
Catharsis (92)
n. the purging of the emotions or relieving of emotional tensions; a discharge of repressed or pent-up emotions resulting in the alleviation of symptoms or elimination of the condition.
Nexus (110)
n. the core or center
Cauterize (394)
v. to burn for curative purposes; treat with a cautery.
Livid (98)
adj. having a discolored, bluish appearance caused by a bruise, congestion of blood vessels, strangulation, etc.
n. insidious cunning in achieving a goal. (441)

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