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psyc 478: chpt 3

Cells of the Nervous System


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Action Potential
When information must be communicated through a neural network.
Multipolar Neuron
The most common neuron in the brain and include interneuron and motor neurons.
Get rid of garbage.
Local Circuit Neuron
A neuron that communicate with neurons in its immediate vicintiy.
Synaptic Vesicle
Made of the same material as the membrane. Releases neurotransmitters into the synapse.
Refractory Period
All gates remain closed in order for action potential to go the correct way without any backflow.
Chemical messages.
Schwann Cell
Exist in the peripheral nervous system and provides myelin for axons.
Provide physical and functional support to neurons in the brain and spinal cord.
Transmitter-Gated Ion Channel
Open and allow Na+ ions in the extracellular fluid to enter the neurons. Requires a neurotransmitter.
An insulator that allows the action potential to move down the axon with less energy requirements.
Conducts electrical messages.
Provide structural support and may assist in neural communication.
Extracellular Fluid
Fluid surrounding the cells of the body.
The interior of the neuron becomes more negative than the normal resting potential (Moves away from zero)
Presynaptic Autoreceptor
Provides feedback to the presynaptic neuron on neurotransmitter levels in the synapse.
A small hyperpolarization produced in the postsynaptic cell as a result of input from the presynaptic cell.
Projection Neuron
Neuron with a very long axon.
Process and transmit information, acting as a bridge between input and action. (The majority of neurons)
Voltage-Dependant Ion Channel
Open and allow Na+ ions in the extracellular fluid to enter the neurons. Requires a change to voltage within the neuron.
Saltatory Conduction
Passive. "Jumping" from node to node.
Node of Ranvier
The unmyelinated spots on the axon.
Unipolar Neuron
Specialized sensory neurons.
(Branches) Dendrites and axon terminals.
Exist in the central nervous system and provides myelin for axons.
An enzyme that breaks down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
Sensory neuron
Specialized to receive information from the outside world. (Translate light/sound/pressure into neural signals)
Presynaptic Neuron
Neuron sending the message.
A process for ending the action of neurotransmitters in the synaptic gap in which the presynaptic membrane recaptures the transmitter molecules.
Resting Potential
The measurement of the electrical charge across the neural membrane when the cell is not processing information.
Sodium-Potassium Pump
Sends three sodium ions out of the cell while sending two potassium ions into the cell.
Postsynaptic Neuron
Neuron receiving the message.
Axon Hillock
Where the decision is made of a signal is going to be sent down the axon or not.
Neural Integration
The determination of whether or not to fire an action potential, based on the summation of inputs to a neuron.
Motor neuron
Have axon terminals that terminate onto muscle fibers and glands.
The interior of a neuron becomes more positive ( moves toward zero, the charge of the extracellular fluid)
Metabotropic Receptor
Protein structure embedded in the postsynaptic membrane containing a recognition site and a G protein. Neurotransmitters binding to these receptors do not directly open ion channels.
Receive chemcial messages from other neurons.
Bipolar Neuron
Specialized sensory neurons that only exist in the ear and the eye.
A small depolarization produced in the postsynaptic cell as a result of input from the presynaptic cell.
Spatial Summation
Transmitter-gated channels are activated at more than one site in the dendrites of a postynaptic neuron at the same time.
All Or None Law
Once started at the axon hillock, the action potential moves down the axon to the axon terminals.
Temporal Summation
Transmitter-gated channels at the same site are repeatedly activated in a postynaptic neuron over a short period of time.
Gaps that exist between axon terminals of a neuron and the dendrites of the next neuron.
Distribute equally throughout fluid.
Ionotropic Receptor
A receptor protein in the postsynaptic membrane in which the recognition site is located in the same structure as the ion channel.
Electrical Force
They are repelled by other molecules with a similar charge.
Axon Terminal
The swelling at the end of the axon specialized for the release of neuroransmitter substances.
Intracellular Fluid
The fluid found inside the cell.

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