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APUSH Unit 1 (Part 3)


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Declaration of Rights and Grievances 1776
1776 Richard Henry Lee + Thomas Jefferson (The Declaration of Independence) 1st: Declared Rights "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness 2nd: Grievances 27 causes for seperation 3rd: Declaration of Independence
Intolerable Acts 1774
1774 closed harbor untio damage were paid and order can be ensued + British official if they killed someone they get trial by jury in Britian where they were likely not to get charged. (in response when the colonist threw the tea)
Virginia Company
Joint Stock Company garanteed to to the oversee settlers same rights as Englishmen
Francisco Pizzaro
came from Spain came to S. America founded Peru 1532 contributed to the growth of capitalism
French + Indian War
struggle for control of N. America; disputes over land gained/lost in other wars
Quartering Act 1765
(1765)colonists must provide food + housing for British soldiers stationed in the colonies
Lexington/ Concord 1775
1775 April 18 Gage leads 700 soldiers to confiscate colonial weapons and arrest Adams and Hancock April 19 70 armed militia face the british out (shot heard around the world) British retreat to boston after suffering 300 casualties in concord
Poor Richards Almanac
1732-1758 containing many sayings called from thinkers of the ages emphasizing such home spun virtues as thrift industry morality and common sense Frankin wrote it
Amerigo Vespucci
named America after him
Declaratory Act 1766
(1766)the response after repealing the stamp act it stated that parliament has right to make laws without colonial consent
mounted attacks on the use of patronage + bribes by the kings ministers warned citizens to be on guard against corruption + to be viglilant against posssible conspiracy to denude them of the hard won libertys
Battle of Saratoga 1777
1777 Oct. 17 Turning Point Burgoyne(B) surrenders go Gates (A) Decisive victory brings French aid; Spain Holland help later
John Rolfe
1612 creates smokable tobacco; provided profit for VA created the plantation system
Great Awakening
big sweeping religious movement of the 1730's + 1740's leaders were George Whitefield and Jonathon Edwards; causes boring sermons salem witch trials new liberal ideas effects; ends puritanism denominations such as baptist increase of church attendance missionary work with indians increases foundation of religious colleges
John Winthrop
governor of Mass. Bay Colony help Mass prosper in fur trading fishing and shipbuilding "We shall be a city upon a hill"
Battle of Yorktown 1781
1781 Oct 19 Final Battle Cornwallis surrenders to Washington
King Philips War
1675-1676 coordinated assaults on New England villages
James Oglethorpe
one of the founders of Georgia mortaged his own personal fortune every christian had religious toleration except the catholics
18th century european philosophical movement that advocated the use of reason and rationality to establish a system of ethics and knowledge. this movement provided the framework for both the American and Frence Revolutions and the rise of capitalism. For; reason, education, tolerance Against: tradition, war, superstition, religion
John Peter Zenger
1734-1735 newspaper printer who wrote about the royal governor he was tried + found not guilty
John Locke
came up with a theory that all knowledge comes to the mind through the senses every person possesses an inner light that can illuminate the highest truth and put him or her in direct touch with God or the "Oversoul"
Olive Branch Petition 1775
1775 July 5-6 Created by John Dickson Reconciliation with Britian
New England confederation 1643
1643 four colonies bound together for defense foes or potential foes the indians french + dutch intercolonial problems such as runaway slaves; each member got one vote regardless of size (like a puritan club)
Jonathon Edwards
"Sinners in the hands of an angry God" believed in the salvation through good works and the need for complete dependence on the Gods grace and lurid details of the landscape of hell
Act of Toleration
Maryland 1649 toleration for all christians; death penalty for atheist and Jews; less toleration than there was before
Bacon's rebellion
1676-1677 VA government refuses to retaliate for a series of Indian attacks Colonists get mad led by a man name Nathanial Bacon where they burn the capital and chase Berkeley out of Jamestown; also angry cause there was no women and no land he was indentured servent
Mayflower Compact
led by William Bradford 1/2 were pilgrims(seperatists) agreement for consensual government
Peace of Paris 1763
1763 Ended the French+ Indian War Britian gets all french possessions in N. America + Florida/ Spain gets Louisiana and French land west of Mississippi River; Britian kicks out France out of N. America
Dominion of New England
was designed to promote urgently need efficiency in the administration of the English Navigation Laws America could only trade with people of the British rule
Headright system
1618 ;50 acres of land for people who buy a passage for someone so they can come to VA
Sugar Act 1764
(1764)tax placed on sugar, coffee, wine, (Prime Minister George Grenville) Effects; price of goods go up
Navigation Acts 1650
1650 Laws passed to enforce mercantilism; british ships must be used for commerce to and from the colonies; Enumerated Laws; certain products must be traded exclusively with Britain; the colonies would sell raw materials to Britain and then Britain would manufacture it and Britain would sell it for a higher price
Benjamin West
1738-1820 painter close friend of George III official court painter
Salutary Neglect
period when the monarch neglect the colonies or weakly enforced acts Ex:King Williams War
Great Puritan Migration
1630 group of puritans led by john winthrop found MA Bay Colony
Coercive Act 1774
1774 Boston Harbor closed until Tea is paid; reinforcement of Quartering act; 4000 troops arrive in Boston
Tea Act 1773
1773 taxed the tea at source (i.e. in India) so there was no tax collection in the colonies , allowed the tea to go directly to America instead of having to be imported to Britain and then re-exported to the colonies. This made the tea 9d per lb cheaper, even with the 3d tax. ,allowed the East India Company to sell the tea exclusively to chosen merchants (consignees) in the American colonies. This established monopolies in America and offended colonial merchants.
exporting more than importing; wealth=power economic wealth=gold/silver= power one country gains another loses colonies= raw material+market for British goods; created ties to " Mother England"
Treaty of Paris 1783
1783 Februrary 3; American delegates Franklin, Adams, John Jays; they were instructed to follow the lead of France; John Jay makes side treaty with England; Independence of the US End of Loyalist persecution; colonies still had to repay its debt to England
John Smith
1608 took over ' worked closely with Indians; "He that shall not work shall not eat"
Gaspee Incident 1772
1772 June 10 The burning of the British naval cutter, the Gaspée by the citizens of Rhode Island was an outstanding example of colonial opposition to the enforcement of the Trade and Navigation Acts in the events that led up to the American War of Independence.
against the law considered high heresy {Anne Hutchinson was charge}
Quebec Act 1774
1774 the British government where the French were guaranteed their catholic religion permitted to retain many of their old customs and institution which did not include a representative assembly or trial by jury in civil cases. old boundaries of the province of Quebec were extended southward to the Ohio River
Thomas Paine
writer of Common Sense; pamphlet detailing reasons for sepereation; idea of Republicanism; power from the people; "tis time to part"
Sir Edmund Andros
English military man affiliation with Church of England laid heavy restrictons on the courts the press, and the schools, and revoked all land titles he tried to escape wearing women clothing when boston mob tries to catch him he was sent back to england
Boston Massacre 1770
1770 March 5; 4 wounded 5 die soldier begin firing at colonist because they threw snowballs and rocks
congregated without paid clergy believed they were children in sight of God refused to support the established church with taxes lived in harmony with the indians
House of Burgess
VA 1619 formed representative government; assemblage form step to miniature parliament to flourish in america
William Berkeley
Virginia governor during Bacon's rebellion; hanged 20 rebels
Father Junipero Sera
Came from Spain, went to San Diego CA, 1769 founded San Diego 1st of chain of missions
Fundemental Order of Conneticut 1639
1639 like a modern constitution established a regime democratically controlled by the "substantial" citizens
Tories 16% of pop loyal to the king found in New York , Pennsylvania, New Jersey lost were persecuted they migrated up North
Philis Wheatley
1753-1784 poet that was a slave (female) she was brought to Boston at the age 8 never had no education she published a book of verses +subsequently wrote other polished poems that revealed the influence of Alexander pope
Hernando Cortes
August 13, 1521 discovered Mexico; conquered the Aztecs
Albany Plan of Union 1754
1754 British government summoned an intercolonial congress to Albany, NY the purpose was to keep the Iroquois tribes loyal to the British in the spreading war. The chief was presented with 30 wfagonloads of gifts including gun. purpose of Albany was to achieve greater colonial unity laster the common defense of France (F+I War)
Pontiacs Rebellion 1763
1763 Ottowa chief Pontiac led several tribes aided by a handful of French traders in a violent campaign to drive the British out of Ohio country
Second Continental Congress 1775
1775 May 10 Decision for war with Britian. Needed commander of continental army they chose George Washington
Christopher Columbus
1492 Landed in present day Dominican Republic/Haiti claimed land for Spain; Returned to Haiti in 1493 with conquering force; set up the encomienda system; 500 slaves brought back to Spain
Proclamation of 1763
1763 no english settlers could take land west of the appalachian mts Effects; colonist felt they could settle there cuase they fought for that land against france, resented having to pay taxes British army defending the frontier
Encomienda system
slavery; government gave colonists indians in return for the promise to try to christianize them
Cecil/ George Calvart
AKA Lord Baltimore founded Maryland in 1634; Wanted to create a refuge for fellow Catholics
Stamp Act 1765
(1765)official documents( marriage licenses, diplomas etc) required stamp proving payment of tax Effects; angered the colonists, Grenville states "virtual representation" riots
John Copley
1738-1815 painter Loyalist
Glorious Revolution
1688-1689 (Bloodless) the people of old england dethroned the unpopular catholic james II and enthroned Dutch born william III and English wife Mary daughter of James II
Whigs around 40% of pop colonist who were tired of pay taxes found in the south they won
Townshend Act 1767
1767 tax on glass, paper, tea, etc
George Whitefield
shook enormous audiences with emotional appeal his message was the human helplessness + divine omnipotence
Thomas Hooker
Led an energetic group of Puritans to the Hartford area
William Penn
established Pennsylvania for quakers
Hector St. John crevecoerur
Letters From an American Farmer: Describing Certain Provincial Situations, Manners, and Customs, Not Generally Known; and Conveying Some Idea of the Late and Present Interior Circumstances of the British Colonies of North America New York, where he was appointed French consul
Declaration of the Causes and Necessities for Taking Up Arms
A declaration by the representatives of the united colonies of North America, now met in Congress at Philadelphia, setting forth the causes and necessity of their taking up arms." Our cause is just, our union is perfect"
Roger Williams
fled to Rhode Island area 1636 built a baptist church complete religious freedom even for Jews+Catholics RI was liberal
Committees of Correspondence
Samuel Adams forms Boston com. o/corresp. organization to discuss issues w/ Britian ( Tea was the central issue) VA also forms one 1774; 12 colonies have committees
William Bradford
governor of Plymouth choson thirty times worried that independent non Puritans would corrupt his holy experiment

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