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8) What are the three levels of government in the United States? (hint: our
Legislative, Executive, and Judical.
7) What does it mean to "amend" the Constitution?
It means to change it.
our relatoins with other countries
what does the state department oversee
protecting the country from terisome
what does the department of homeland security oversee
what is another name for the Excutive department
the cabinet
2) Who is the Vice President of the United States of America
Dick Chaney
3) Who represents Massachusetts in the United States Senate?
John Kerry and Ted Kennedy
the military
what does the department of defense oversee
5) Who is the Governor of Massachusetts
Deval Patrick
protects natural resources and wildlife
what does the department of interior oversee
1) Who is the President of the United States of America?
George W. Bush
What is the mean job if the Executive department
to help president carry out the laws and to advise and to advise the president
enforces the us gov lows
what does the justice department oversee
6) What are the two ways to amend the Constitution
By having 3/4 of the Senate or the States.
9) The First Amendment protects the freedom of speech unless9) The First Amendment protects the freedom of speech unless
4) Who represents Wellesley in the House of Representatives?
Barney Frank
supervises the collection of taxes and the printing of money
what does the theasury Department oversee

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