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Integrated Science Final


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How do islands form?
over a period of time lava from a hot spot will create a peak above water. As the plates move the newly formed piece of land mass will lose it's spot over the hot spot and a new island was formed.
Proper process of using the microscope
5. Place specimen on stage, over aperture and put on lowest objective, lower stage to the lowest point. When all of this is done plug in the microscope and turn on the light w/ light switch. Slowly turn coarse adjustment knob until specimen is in focus, then use fine adjustment knob to fine-tune the image. After the specimen is in focus turn objective lenses to higher magnification and refocus w/ coarse and fine adjustment knobs. To make image clearer adjust aperture w/ iris adjustment wheel.
a mineral deposite that is rich in valuable metals.
Seafloor spreading/ discovered by
Hess discovered it. People thought the seafloor was flat, proved it to have a variety of terrain. Plates were moving causing ridges, trenches, etc.
minerals resistance to scratcing
Name the 2 types of crust?
oceanic and continental crust
Any of the supporting strands of connective tissue projecting into an organ and constituting part of the framework of that organ or any of the fine spicules forming a network in cancellous bone.
Pivot (movable)
allows rotation, elbow and axis
theory of a super continent, all continents were connected at one time.
Types of weathering
mechanicle and chemical
muscle to bone
Nicitating Meambrane
transparent eyelid to see underwater
plastic like rock of the mantle (lower), floats and moves on
From what source do cells get their food?
During absorption, when nutrients pass through the small intestine and into the blood stream.
Pangaea Theory
What structures are in blood?
White blood cells, red blood cells and platelets.
produces bile
Iris Adjustment Wheel
make image clearer by adjusting aperture done by turning knob
How do you hold a microscope?
by arm and base
Smooth Muscle
muscle tissue that contracts without conscious control, having the form of thin layers or sheets made up of spindle-shaped, unstriated cells with single nuclei and found in the walls of the internal organs, such as the stomach, intestine, bladder, and blood vessels.
Crystal shape of quartz
[Convergent] Oceanic + Oceanic =
trench at the subduction zone. OLder plate slides under creating a trench
Volkmann's Canal
microscopic structures found in compact bone. They run within the osteons perpendicular to the Haversian canals, interconnecting the latter with each other and the periosteum.
Accesory Organs are?
liver, gall bladder, and pancreas
2 divisions of minerals
silicates and nonsilicates
point on the surface above the focus; where damage is the greatest
How do diamonds and graphite differ
diamonds are only stable under high pressures. When they are taken fom them it is unstable and spontaneously rearranges its crystaline structure to become graphite
[Convergent] Oceanic + Continental =
ocean plate subducts. A deep ocean trench is formed, oushing the contineantal plate up creating coastal ranges/ Hawaii Islands
What is a digestive problem?
Diarrhea - when the large intestine does not properly filter out water and causes the runs.
Ring of Fire
75% of the world's volcanoes. It is at a convergent plate boundary.
a small opening where the waste leaves the body.
on top and used to crush prey
Coarse Adjustment Knob
can raise or lower the stage by turning
What frog structures are the same as the human? (Homologous)
esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, gall bladder, liver, pancreas, phalanges, metaphalanges, tarsals, carpals, metacarpals, skull, humerus, spine, pelvis, scapula, femur.
Difference between weahering and eroson
weathering is rock decomposing and erosion is the particles being transported.
Sex of te frog?
by the padding on the front feet. If it is thick and darker it is a male frog.
on bottom and are angled inward for the prey can't escape
decomposition of rocks through mechanicle and chemical weathering.
Frog Heart
3 chambers. 2 atria and 1 ventricle
What is the core made of?
mostly iron and nickle
stops bleeding by clotting open area.
Heart (in circulatory system)
pump that drives blood around the body.
Aquatic Features
can breath through skin while underwater, never drowns. Webbed feet to swim faster. Nicitating meambrane
Corundum is part of which mineral group
silicates nonferromagnesian
Halite is part of what mineral group
non-silicate halides
What types of vessels are there in the circulatory system?
Arteries, capillaries, and veins.
What is another name for "Fire" or "Volcanic" rock?
Ore mind to using cvaporation
Hinge (movable)
allow forward/backward movement, knees
what objectives are connected to and what is used to turn the objectives
Large Intestine
removes water from what is left of the food and returns that water to the body. also called "reabsorption."
used to study EQ's
refers to damage or tearing of a muscle.
Right Atrium
recieves deoxygenated blood and goes to ventricle.
Tympanic Membrane
eardrum located behind the eyes
Intensity (Mercalli Scale)
strength of shaking experienced by EQ. Represents local effect or damage caused. Intensity decreases farther away from epicenter.
Capillaries (circulatory system)
small blood vessel from which materials are exchanged with blood tissue.
carry blood away from the heart
Mechanical Digestion
chewing, grinding, and tearing of food in the mouth.
Landscapes formed by
weathering and erosion
junction between 2 or more bones. [fixed, semi-movable, movable(ball and socket, pivot, saddle, gliding, hinge)]
Convection currents
driving force that moves the plates. Cycle in which hot rock rises, cools and then sinks. If it hits the lithosphere it may crack, causing the plates to spread apart (sea floor spreading)
Different bones?
tibio-fibula. radio-ulna
some movement (rib cage)
round opening where specimen is placed over, light also comes through
which coal is sedimentary/ how is it made?
lignite. Coal was formed when millions of years ago when the earth was covered with swamps. trees and plants would die and teir remaints would fall to the bottom of the swamp. B/c there was no oxygen, they did not decay and became peat. as the earth changed and rivers formed, sands, clay, and sediment settled over the peat. as sandstone and other heavy sedimentary rock formed, the peat lithified and became lignite.
1. What are the structures of the circulatory system?
Heart, blood vessels, capillaries, and blood.
exact point inside the Earth where rocks first break
Yellow Bone Marrow
the fatty tissue that occupies the internal cavities of long bones and begins to replace red bone marrow soon after birth.
Native elements
coppper, silver, sulfur, diamonds
where specimen is placed and clipped down
[Convergent] Continental + Continental =
equal forces creating mountains. Neither plate sinks beneath the other because of equal density.
Convergent Plate Boundaries
Come together and usually one subducts (subduction zone) Push together in 3 ways. Oceanic + Oceanic, Continental + Continental, Oceanic + Continental.
to hold microcope when carrying w/ base
Saddle (movable)
allows limited circumduction, thumb
how shiny it is
Red Blood Cells
carry oxygen throughout the body, (muscles/heart/etc.)
Blood Vessels (circulatory system)
(arteries & veins) carry blood to and from the heart
a small cavity, e.g. in bone or cartilage
refers to damage or tearing of ligaments or a joint capsule.
Cardiac Muscle
the specialized striated muscle tissue of the heart; the myocardium.
Left Atrium
recieves oxygenated blood (gas exchange) and goes to ventricle.
Surface Waves
last to appear and cause the most damage out of all. They travel above the crust. There are 2 types of surface waves: Rayleigh and Love. Rayleigh Waves move in a tumbling type motion while Love Waves move in a back and forth motion causing the Surface Waves to move all around. They are named after the discoverers.
Landscape shapes
hills, rock formations, etc
Gliding (movable)
bone slide over one another, wrist and ankle
color left behinde after you rub a mineral.
How do you know if it is a mineral?
has all 5 characteristics.
Functions of human skeletal system
Protect internal organs, support the body, allow for movement, produce red blood cells, mineral storage
Inner Core
solid metal, due to pressure and heat
Red Bone Marrow stored?
in spongy bone
when molten rock is turned into magma (melts)
look through to see specimen
sends oxygenated blood to brain, deoxygenated blood to lungs where there is oxygen, and mixed blodd to the rest of the body. Has enough oxygen to do it's job
White Blood Cells
part of immune system and therefore help fight disease
What crust is thicker?
oceanic crust
Carry blood to the heart
Richter Scale
measures magnitude
Structures of a long bone
epiphysis, diaphysis, periosteum, medullary canal, nutrient foramen
Fixed Joint
no movement (skull bones)
Structure of alimentary canal.
The mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus.
Volcanoes occur where?
Convergent or Divergent Plate Boundaries
Transform Fault Boundary
slide past one another causing a sheer
Hot Spots
stationary, exceptionally hot region deep in Earth's interior, usually near the mantle-coreboundary.
Divergent Plate Boundaries
the plates split apart from eachother. Spliting force. Cause ridges, as they split apart new magma rises turning into lava and as it cools turning it into new crust.
How do yoy put the microscope away?
You wrap the cord around the base. Then you put it on the shelf with the arm facing outward.
site of gas exchange.
Mercalli Scale
measures intensity. Uses Roman Numerals l-Xll (1-10).
Chemical Digestion
breaking down the food by using saliva and chemicals, which chemically changes its composition.
(red blood cell) made of iron
has 3 lobes of liver. The liver creates bile to help in digestion
Love Waves
move in a back an forth motion. Type of Surface Wave.
Absorption occurs where?
small intestine
to hold microscope when carrying w/ arm. And to set in upright position
Describe pathway of blood through the heart
Blood enters the heart through the right atrium (from the superior vena cava inferior vena cava and the coronary sinus). Then blood is pumped through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle then it goes to the pulmonary artery to the lungs. The enriched blood goes to the left atrium. Through the mitral valve into the left ventricle finally the blood leaves the heart though the aortic semilunar valves and flows into the aorta and through the body.
layer beneath the crust and mantle
S Waves
(Secondary Waves) are the second to come. They travel slower than P waves, but cause more damage. They can only travel through solid materials
amount of power that can be changed to make the specimen clearer and to enlarge the specimen. Eyepiece has magnification of 10x.
connects the mouth to the stomach, food passes through the it on theway down to enter the stomach
aggregate of minerals
What types of teeth does the frog have?
maxillary and vomeron
How many movable joints?
mainly all of them
Which coal is metamorphic?
bone to bone
Mouth (alimentary canal)
chemically and mechanically digests food by tearing, grinding, chewing, and mixing the food with saliva and chemichals.
Outer Core
liquid metal
breaking in rocks due to shifting plates releasing energy in the form of seismic waves
Small Intestine
where sugars, fats, and proteins are broken down by the substance "bile". And where "absorption" occurs.
Acid Test
the carbonation in minerals will create bubbles to form, point of the test to see how they react to the test.
process when weathered particles are removed and transprted by stream. glacier. wind, etc.
What structures are responsible for increasing the surface area of the small intestine?
Villi and micro-villi
How many interior layers are there in the Earth?
3. Outer core, Inner core, and Mantle
movable bones held together by ligaments-allowing free movement
What order do the waves arrive?
P Waves, S Waves, Surface Waves
Eyepiece Magnification is? Lowest? Medium? High?
10x, 10x, 25x, 65x
Function of muscular system
used to be able to do what we do every day, talk walk, MOVE
Examples of types of weathering
ice wedging, biological weathering--> tree roots
Haversian's Canals
Any of the tiny, interconnecting, longitudinal channels in bone tissue through which blood vessels, nerve fibers, and lymphatics pass
holds specimen down on stage
crust and upper mantle
Parts of Microscope
Eyepiece, arm, fine adjustment knob (FAK), coarse adjustment knob (CAK), light switch, light source/condenser, base, iris adjustment knob (diaphragm lever), stage, aperture, clips, objectives, nosepiece.
Theory of plate tectonics
changing of the Earth's surface.
produces juices to help in digestion
2 bone diseases
athritis and leukemia
Structures of human skeletal system
spongy bone, compact bone, medullary canal, periosteum, epiphysis, diaphysis, and the nutrient foreman
Light Source/ Condenser
directs through microscope's lenses
Why do Japan and California experience most EQ's?
on a transform fault boundary.
different magnifications, 3 different powers
How do you use a microscope to solve crime?
They can be used to solve crime by using sticky tape and fingerprints. By using sticky tape they can collect fragments of different particles to examine under the microscope to see what the criminal had been doing and where they had been. Also by getting fingerprints that can be used to compare to other fingerprints collected, etc.
the food is squished and mixed with hydrochloric acid and pepsin. These chemicals change the food into chime.
Rayleigh Waves
move in a rolling type motion. Type of Surface Wave.
Magnitude (Richter Scale)
amount of energy released at the focus point. Increase on scale = 30x of energy released
What structures are different on a frog?
gullet opening, tibio-fibula, radio-ulna,
Extracting ores for a prophet
Gullet Opening
opening that leads to the stomach, does not require chewing. Expands and can swallow prey whole.
produced by liver and stored in gallbladder. Breaks down fats into tiny drops that can pass through the walls of the small intestine
External features help hide/ escape?
dorsal surface (camoflauge, harder to hold), ventral surface (white on belly, from bellow looks like sky), eyes on head (peripheral vision while body is submerged), webbed feet (help swim even faster), breath while under water through skin.
Ores minded using underground mines
copper, iron
3 basic rocks
igeous, metamorphic, and sedimentary
Calcite is part of which mineral group
non-silictes carbbonates
What are the types of muscle found in the body?
cardiac and smooth
Richard Oldham
scientisit who studies EQ's
Classifications of nonsilicates/ examples
carbonates: calcite and dolomite. Oxides: iron ores, uranium
Is naturally occuring, solid, is not living, has a characturistic crystalline structure, and a chemical comosition
Fine Adjustment Knob
fine-tune adjustment by turning
Also known as lacrimal ducts, these tube-like structures carry the tears from the eyes to the lacrimal sac.
P Waves
(Primary Waves) also known as "longitudinal" waves are the first waves to appear during an EQ, they are the fastest waves but cause the least amount of damage. Can travel through any material. And have an up and down movement.
Blood (circulatory syste)
made of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. It carries oxygen (in red blood cells) throughout the entire body.
How are they made?
by "Hot Spots" or because of subduction.
Example of all 3 rocks
Igneous:(intrusive--granite. extrusive--basalt). Sedimentary--(chalk, limestone, sandstone, shale}. Metamorphic: (slate, marble)
Gall bladder
stores bile
Hemophilia is a result of genetic mutations, deficiency in blood clotting. Affects platelets
Ball and Socket (movable)
allows circumdation, shoulder and hip joints
What happens when foundation of building is not built in solid ground?
When the Earth shakes the foundation will move or cave in and the building will collapse.

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