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Managing the Employement Relationship

Ch 1-8


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statutory freeze
a period when the employer is prohibited from making changes in the terms of employment
Labour market
the geographic area from which an organization recruits employees and where individuals seek employment
profit-sharing plan
A pan whereby most or all employees share in the company's profits
Provision that employer money placed in a pension fund cannot be forfeited for any reason
Being employed in a job that does not fully utilize one's knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs)
Independent local unions
Locals not affiliated with a parent national or international union
The annual amount of health/dental expenses that an employee must pay before insurance benefits will be paid
structured interview
A job interview based on a thorough job analysis. it applies a series of job-related questions with predetermined answers that are consistent across all interviews for a particular job
quantitative techniques
A variety of mathematically sophisticated techniques that have been developed to estimate labour demand and supply
The company's plan for how it will balance its internal strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats in order to maintain a competitive advantage
individual skills, knowledge, and behaviours that are critical to successful individual or corporate performance
grade/group description
Written description of the level of compensable factors required by jobs in each grade. Used to combine similar jobs
Business agent
A staff person who works for one or more locals providing support
union organizer
Union staff who direct an organizing campaign
Phased-in retirement
An arrangement whereby employees gradually ease into retirement using reduced workdays and/or shortened workweeks
bona fide occupational requirement (BFOR)
A justifiable reason for discrimination based on business necessity (that is required for the safe and efficient operation of the organization) or a requirement that can be clearly defended as intrinsically required by the tasks an employee is expected to perform
representation vote
a secret ballot vote to determine if employees want a union to represent them
Occupational segregation
The existence of certain occupations that have traditionally been male dominated and others that have been female dominated
Reasonable accomodation
The adjustment of employment policies and practices that an employer may be expected to make so that no individual is denied benefits, disadvantaged in employment, or prevented from carrying out the essential components of a job because of grounds prohibited in human rights legislation
A system of pay based on the number of items processed by each individual worker in a unit of time, such as items per hour or items per day
groups of jobs based on a set of rules for each, such as amount of independent judgment, skill, physical effort, and so forth. Usually contain similar jobs
Knowledge worker
An employee who transforms information into a product or service, whose responsibilities include planning, problem solving, and decision making
Human relations movement
A management philosophy based on the belief that the attitudes and feelings of workers are important and deserve more attention
pay for time not worked
Benefits for time not worked, such as vacation and holiday pay and sick pay
the practice of contracting with outside vendors to handle specified functions on a permanent basis
The study of handwriting for the purpose of measuring personality or other individual traits
Environmental scanning
Identifying and analyzing external opportunities and threats that may be crucial to the organization's success
Pay equity
Providing equal pay to male-dominated job classes and female-dominated job classes of equal value to the employer
group of jobs based on a set of rules for each , where jobs are similar in difficulty but otherwise different
the tendency of firms to extend their sales or manufacturing to new markets abroad
Business unionism
focuses on the improvement of the terms of employment through negotiation with the employer
Union Density
The percentage of nonagricultural workers who are union members
Industrial unions
Organize workers in different occupations in a firm
worker-requirement questions
Assess willingness to perform under prevailing job conditions
qualitative techniques
Rely on subjective estimates made by experts to forecast labour demand or supply
Having a higher proportion of designated group members in specific jobs, occupations, departments, or levels of the organization than is found in the labour market
gainsharing plan
An incentive plan that engages employees in a common effort to achieve productivity objectives and share the gains
Labour federation (congress)
associations of unions
Baby boomers
Individuals born between 1946-1965
unfair labour practices
contraventions of labour relations legislation
Human resources management
A management philosophy focusing on concern for people and prductivity
Common law
The accumulation of judicial precedent that do not derive from specific pieces of legislation
The process of generating a pool of qualified candidates for a particular job; the first step in the hiring process
dependent contractor
Someone who appears to be an independent contractor, but is economically dependent on a single organization
legally binding rules established by the special regulatory bodies created to enforce compliance with the law and aid in its interpretation
open period
The time span within which a second union can apply for certification
The percentage of expenses (in excess of the deductible) that are paid for by the insurance plan
A wide range of behaviours that a reasonable person ought to know is unwelcome.
Certification process
A way for a union to obtain bargaining rights for employees by applying to the Labour Relations Board
pay grade
Comprises jobs of approximately equal value
Glass ceiling
An invisible barrier caused by attitudinal or organizational bias, which limits the advancement opportunities of qualified designated group members
merit pay (merit raise)
Any salary increase awarded to an employee based on his or her individual performance
content validity
Assess the degree to which the content of the selection method is representative of job content
employment labour standards legislation
laws present in every Canadian jurisdiction that establish minimum employee entitlements and set a limit on the maximum number of hours of work permitted per day or week
Provincial health-care plans
Plans that pay for basic medically required hospital and medical services with no direct fee to patients
general cognitive ability (g)
measured by summing the scores on tests of verbal and quantitative ability, Measure of general intelligence
independent contractor
Someone engaged in his or her own business
As used in the context of human rights in employment, a distinction, exclusion, or preference, based on one of the prohibited grounds, that has the effect of nullifying or impairing the right of a person to full and equal recognition and exercise of his or her human rights and freedoms
ranking method
The simplest method of job evaluation, which involves ranking each job relative to all other jobs, usually based on overall difficulty
benchmark jobs
A job commonly found in other organizations and/or critical to the firm's operations that is used to anchor the employer's pay scale and acts as a reference point around which other jobs are arranged in order of relative worth
An organization of employees that has the objective of improving the compensation and working conditions of employees
A provision such that employees who change jobs can transfer the lump-sum value of the pension they have earned into a locked-in RRSP or into their new employers pension plan
organizational culture
The core values, beliefs, and assumptions that are widely shared by members of an organization
undue hardship
The point to which employers are expected to accommodate under human rights legislative requirements
Employment insurance
A federal program that provides income benefits if a person is unable to work through no fault of his or her own
Labour force
Individuals who are employed and those actively seeking work
International Unions
Have membership in both Canada and the United States, with headquarters typically in the United States
job-knowledge questions
Assess whether candidates have the basic knowledge needed to perform the job
Any attribute that humans are likely to use to tell themselves, "that person is different from me," and thus includes such factors as race gender, age, values, and cultural norms
Provincial labour federations
Organization composed of unions in a province who belong to the CLC
Federal Contractors Program
A provision of the Employment Equity Act that requires firms with 100 or more employees wishing to bid on federal contracts of $200,000 or more to certify their commitment to employment equity in writing and to implement an employment equity program
in-basket exercise
associated with assessment centres. Includes problems, messages, reports, and so on, that the manager needs to deal with
diversity audits
Audits to assess the effectiveness of an organization's diversity initiatives
job evaluation
A systematic comparison to determine the relative worth of jobs within a firm
Sexual annoyance
Sexually related conduct that is hostile, intimidating, and offensive to the employee, but that has no direct link to tangible job benefits or loss thereof
The process of making a "hire" or "no hire" decision regarding each applicant for a job; the second step in the hiring process
The characteristics of the workforce, which include age, sex, marital status, and education level
Equal pay for equal work
The stipulation, specified in the employment (labour) standards or human rights legislation in every Canadian jurisdiction, that an employer cannot pay male and female employees differently if they are performing substantially the same work, requiring the same degree of skill, effort and responsibility under similar working conditions
human resources planning
The process an organization uses to ensure that it has the right number and the right kinds of people to deliver a particular level of output or services in the future
Contract law
Legislation that governs collective agreements and individual employment contracts
Employment Equity Program
A detailed plan designed to identify and correct existing discrimination, redress past discrimination, and achieve a balanced representation of designated group members in the organization
The extent to which scores on a test or interview correspond to actual job performance
statistical strategy
The strategy in which the various pieces of information are combined according to some type of formula, and the job goes to the candidate with the highest score
fourfold test
Determines if an individual is an employee by considering control, ownership of tools, opportunity for profit and risk of loss
The process of orienting a new employee to the organization or the unit in which he or she will be working; the third step of the hiring process
electronic human resources (e-HR)
Self-service HR transactions conducted by employees
Canadian human rights commission (CHRC)
The body responsible for the implementation and enforcement of the Canadian Human Rights Act
strategic human resources management
the linking of HRM with strategic goals and objectives in order to improve business performance
systemic discrimination
unintentional discrimination that disqualifies disproportionate numbers of a protected class
employee share purchase/stock ownership plans
A trust is established to hold shares of company stock purchased for or issued to employees. The trust distributed the stock to employees on retirement, separation from service, or as otherwise prescribed by the plan
Social unionism
Concerned with broad economic and social change the benefits all of society
assessment centre
A set of simulated tasks or exercises that candidates are asked to perform
compensable factors
Fundamental elements of a job, such as skills, effort, responsibility and working conditions
Sandwich generation
Individuals with responsibility for rearing young dependents as well as for assisting elderly relatives who are no longer capable of functioning independently
National union
A union whose membership is situated only in Canada
Organizational Climate
The prevailing atmosphere that exists in an organization and its impact on employees
Short-term disability/sick leave plans
Plans that provide pay to an employee when he or she is unable to work because of a non-work-related illness or injury
Human capital
The knowledge, education, training, skills, and expertise of a firm's workers
situational questions
Questions that try to elicit from candidates how they would respond in particular work situations
Multiple hurdle strategy
The strategy in which preliminary selection decisions are made following the administration of each method
Worker's compensation
Provide income and medical benefits to victims of work-related accidents of illnesses and/or their dependants regardless of fault
Scientific management
The process of "scientifically" analyzing manufacturing processes, reducing production costs, and compensating based on their performance levels
local union (local)
An association of employees with its own officers and constitution
diversity management
Activities designed to integrate all members of an organization's multicultural workforce and use their diversity to enhance the firm's effectiveness
Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Federal law enacted in 1982 that guarantees fundamental freedoms to all Canadians
Generation Y
Individuals born since 1980
Employment Equity Act
Federal legislation intended to remove employment barriers and promote equality for the members of four designated groups: women, visible minorities, aboriginal peoples, and persons with disabilities
Canada/Quebec Pension Plans
Programs that provide three types of benefits payable to the employee's dependants regardless of age at time of death; and disability benefits payable to disabled employees and their dependants. Benefits are payable only to those individuals who make contributions to the plan and/or their family members' plan
voluntary recognition agreement
An agreement between a union and an employer providing that the employer recognizes the union as the bargaining agent for employees
Providing workers with the skills and authority to make decisions that would traditionally be made by managers
successor rights
protect the rights of the union and any collective agreement if a business is sold
Sexual coersion
Harassment of a sexual nature that results in some direct consequence to the worker's employment status or some gain in or loss of tangible job benefits
Employee benefits
Indirect financial payments given to employees
biodata form
A more detailed version of the application form in which applicants respond to a series of questions about their background, experiences, and perferences
Canadian Human Rights Act
Federal legislation prohibiting discrimination on a number of grounds, which applies to federal agencies, crown corporations, and businesses and industries under federal jurisdiction
the process through which a union
broad banding
Reducing the number of salary grades and ranges into just a few wide levels or "bands" each of which then contains a relatively wide range of jobs and salary levels
Craft Unions
Organize members of a trade or occupation
wage curve
A graphic description of the relationship between the value of the job and the average wage paid for this job
The ratio of an organization's outputs (goods and services) to its inputs (people, capital, energy, and materials)
cut score
applicants that score below this level and considered unacceptable
wage/salary surveys
Surveys aimed at determining prevailing wage rates for comparable jobs. Formal written questionnaire surveys are the most comprehensive
Directly chartered union
receives a charter from a labour congress and is not affiliated with a national or international union
Intentional discrimination
Deliberately using criteria such as race, religion, sex or other prohibited grounds when making employment decisions
team or group incentive plans
Plans in which a production standard is set for a specific work group and its members are paid incentives if the group exceeds the production standard
rate ranges
A series of steps or levels within a pay grade usually based upon years of service
States that prohibit the compulsory deduction of union dues (US only)
equal pay for work of equal value
Paying dissimilar jobs equally on the basis of skill, effort, responsibility,and working conditions
spot bonuses
Spontaneous incentives awarded to individuals for accomplishments not readily measured by a standard
Refers to one union persuading members of another union to change unions
contingent employees
Workers who do not have regular full-time or part-time employment status
Human rights legislation
A family of federal and provincial laws that have a common objective: providing equal opportunity for members of protected groups in a number of areas, including accommodation, contracts, provision of goods and services, and employment
Flexible benefits program
Individualized benefit plans to accommodate employee needs and preferences
Annual bonus
Plans that are designed to motivate short-term performance of managers and are tied to company profitability
human resources management (HRM)
the activities, policies, and practices involved in obtaining, developing, utilizing, evaluating, maintaining, and retaining the appropriate number of skill mix of employees to accomplish the organization's objectives
total rewards
All forms of pay or compensation provided to employees and arising from their employment
Labour council
An association of unions in a municipality or region
empirical validity
demonstrates the relationship between the selection method and job performance
Social contract legislation
rolled back wage increases in collective agreements
Clinical strategy
Strategy in which the decision maker subjectively evaluates all of the information and comes to an overall judgment
Employee assistance plan (EAP)
A company-sponsored program to help employees cope with personal problems that are interfering with or have to potential to interfere with their job performance as well as issues affecting their well-being and/or that of their families
organizing committee
A group of employees who work on the campaign to sign up union members
reverse discrimination
Giving preference to designated group members to the extent that non-members believe they are being discriminated against
Personal characteristics that tend to be consistent and enduring
Sexual harassment
harassment on the basis of gender or physical attractiveness or unattractiveness
constructive/systemic discrimination
Discrimination that is embedded in policies and practices that appear neutral on the surface and are implemented impartially but have an adverse impact on specific groups of people for reasons that are not job related or required for the safe and efficient operation of the business
Having a smaller proportion of designated group members in particular jobs, occupations, departments, or levels of the organization that is found in the labour market
point method
the job evaluation method in which a number of compensable factors are identified and then the degree to which each of these factors is present in the job is determined and an overall point value is calculated
cognitive ability test
Measure a candidate's potential in a certain ares, such as math, and are valid predictors of job performance when the abilities tested have been identified as relevant by job analysis
organizing campaign
Consists of union activities to convince employees to become union members
variable pay
Any plan that ties pay to productivity or profitability
Generation X
Individuals born between 1966 and 1980
capital accumulation programs
Long-term incentives most often reserved for senior executives
group life insurance
Insurance provided at lower rates for all employees, including new employees, regardless of health or physical condition
classification (or grading) method
A method for categorizing jobs into groups
work-sample tests
ask applicants to perform the exact same task that they would be performing on the job
pay equity
Providing equal pay to male-dominated job classes and female-dominated job classes of equal value to the employer
Consistency of measurement, usually across time but also across judges
Functionally illiterate
Unable to read, write, calculate, or solve problems at a level required for independent functioning or the performance of routine technical tasks
pension plans
Plans that provide income when employees reach a predetermined retirement age

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