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U.S. History Ch. 22


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The conservative Congress passed the Taft-Hartley Act over President Truman’s veto because supporters of the act wanted to __________.
curb the power of organized labor
President Truman’s administration succeeded in all of the following EXCEPT __________.
A) raising the minimum wage
B) expanding the Social Security system
C) providing funds for low-income housing
D) creating a national health in
creating a national health insurance program
President Eisenhower worked to abolish “creeping socialism,” a term he used to describe __________.
the federal government’s continuing aid to businesses
All of the following sparked the growth of suburbia during the 1950s EXCEPT __________.
A) low-interest home loans for veterans
B) the savings from income tax deductions
C) the popular idea that a move to suburbia fulfilled the American
the appeal of suburbia’s cultural diversity
Which of the following is a TRUE statement about the American family of the 1950s?
A) Popular culture supported the expansion of women’s roles in jobs outside of the home.
B) The number of women who held jobs outside of the home increased.
The number of women who held jobs outside of the home increased.
Rock’n’roll developed from the sounds of __________.
African American rhythm and blues
The beats were a group of artists who used their art to express __________.
their contempt for American society
What was the effect of the government’s termination policy on Native Americans?
They were unprepared for living in cities, and their standard of living often deteriorated.
Although juvenile delinquency cut across class lines, most car thieves __________.
had grown up in middle-class families
Closed shop
the practice of forcing business owners to hire only union member
Right-to-work law
outlawed union shops where workers had to join unions
the practice of limiting work output in order to create more jobs
Union shop
a shop in which workers are required to join unions
Dynamic conservatism
the idea of balancing economic conservatism with some activism
GI Bill
also known as the servicemen's readjustment act. Provided loans to war veterans to help them establish businesses, buy homes, and attend college.
Do Nothing Congress
what Truman called the Republicans-majority Congress during his terms that would not pass any of the laws on his agenda.
Fair Deal
what Truman coined his program of having the government help the people
Federal Highway Act
a public works program that appropriated $25 billion for constructing interstate highways over ten years
Checkers Speech
a speech given by Nixon after he was accused of receiving gifts from California businesses. In the speech he said all the gifts had been used for legitimate political purposes, except for a dog, Checkers, who they were keeping
jobs in sales and managemnt
workers who perform physical labor in industry
Multinational Corporations
businesses which expand overseas to be located closer to raw materials and a cheaper labor pool
a type of business in which a person owns and runs one or several stores or a chain operation
on of the earliest suburbs, designed by Bill Levitt in New York
Baby Boom
the period following World War II where more than 65 million children were born from 45-61
the first satellite, launched by the Russians in 1957, caused the US to hasten in order to catch up with them
a disease which was an epidemic in the US and became a huge problem in the 1950s, vaccine discovered by Jonas Salk
Generation Gap
the cultural separation between children and their parents
Poverty Line
a figure set by the government to reflect the minimum income required to support a family
Urban renewal
a program that tried to eliminate poverty by tearing down slums and setting up nicer buildings, but failed when they destroyed more housing than they created
Termination Policy
a plan in which the federal government withdrew all official recognition of Native American groups as legal entities and made them subject to the same laws as white citizens
Juvenile delinquency
anti-social or criminal behavior of young people
Bracero programs
brought nearly 5 million Mexicans to the US to work on farms and ranches in the Southwest
Howdy Doody Show
a television show which featured Buffalo Bob. The first show in color, the first kids show to run five days a week, the first show to air 1000 continuous episodes.
Strom Thurmond
South Carolina governor who was nominated by the Dixiecrate party to run for president in 1948
the party the was formed in the south in 1948 that was an offshoot of the Democrats
Thomas Dewey
the Republican candidate who ran during the 1948 election. Many thought he would win, but Truman won
David Riesman
a sociologist who wrote a book, The Lonely Crowd, criticizing companies that forced employees to conform to company standared.
John Kenneth Galbraith
and economist who published The Affluent Society in 1958, where he said that the United States' postwar prosperity was a new phenomenon
Jonas Salk
the man who developed the vaccine for polio
Ed Sullivan
ran the "Toast of the Town" show
Alan Freed
a radio disc jockey who played African American rhythem and blues
Elvis Presley
teenagers' first rock 'n' roll hero, grew up in Memphis, Tennessee
Jack Kerouac
wrote On the Road, which commented on a values gap in the 1950s
Little Richard
an African American group who recorded songs in the 1950s
Charles Van Doren
a quiz show contestant on the show 21 who was accused of recieving questions in acvance. He confessed in from of the Supreme Court
Chuck Berry
an African-American rock 'n' roll singer who recorded in the 1950s
Ray Charles
an African-American singer who recorded songs in the 1950s
James Dean
a film star in the 1950s who was killed in a car crash in 1955
Michael Harrington
wrote The Other America in 1962, which chronicled poverty in America
What were the accomplishments of Truman's Congress?
In foreign affairs
Did legislators support civil rights legislation?
Who ran against Eisenhower in the 1952 election?
Adlai Stevenson
Which two new deal programs did Eisenhower abolish?
Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Tennessee Valley Authority
What did Eisenhower view as vital to the growth of the US?
Who were some opponents of suburbia?
Lewis mumford, John Keats

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