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a process of human growth by which one gains a greater understanding and control over oneself and the world around him. It involves the mind, body and relationships with others.
a specific, formalized process, usually limited to the young and those whose pattern traditionally has varied little from one setting to the next. A uniform practice throughout the US
the material focused on a certain level of learning and the methods used to teach it
Social Bet
What the school policy makers in a particular community belieive the young should know. KIt represents the curriculum.
Intellectual purposes of school
development of reason through intellectual pursuits that leads to individual enlightenment. Essential to us becoming rational human beings
Political and civic purposes of school
help establish and sustain the US. Helps us learn how to be good Americans and learn how to govern ourselves justly and wisely.
Economic purposes of school
primary purpose. It helps students obtain the skills and knowledge needed to attend college and get a job, this leads to a greater individual wealth and success as well as a society growth. A well educated work force
Social purposes of school
umbrella purpose-al encompassing. Teach us social skils and promote healthy social order to guide and mold students into what their society needs and expects of them
Schools as a trainor of the good worker
schools task is to turn children into good, productive workers, and adults who contribute to society and the economic system. Teahers are the first real supervisors. Encourage students to think logically and make decisions and analyze their situation.
School as a social escalator
school is a vehicle by which on rises in society. it is the royal road to economic well being and social prominence.
School as a shopping mall
the high school in particular is a large structure made up of different customer oriented enterprises all compteing for the "business of student consumers"
School as a family
a caring environment and communiety where emotions and family needs are addressed especially when families aren't available to due so
School as aculturator
brings people together from different backgrounds who must accomodate themselves to one culture
the task of passins on society's culture to the young through learning where the child learns how to survive in a particular social environment
Social reconstruction
the school forming the young into agents of change and also participating in the decision of how society needs to change-look at teh worlds problems
Democratic reconstructionists
the solution to certain trends and current issues such as racism and poverty. the school must prepare students for vigorous participation in their government, democratic processes and critical thinking
Economic reconstructionists
take a harsher view on culture where schools are the servants of those in power. Schools only serve the needs of the elites and they simply hide this fact
Characterisitcs of an effective school
Teachers expectations are high, communication between teachers and students is high, task orientation is serious, academic engagement time, behavior managemtn, the principla, parents, environment
School cultures
a set of belieifs, values, traditions, ways of thinking and behaving that distinguishes it from another institution. A good one engages students
revisiting your thoughts
Effective Schools
provide a better education for a larger percentage of their students
At-risk students
have greater chances of having difficluty getting an adequate education for reasons such as: single parent, low income, parents uneducated
Charter schools
public school that usually belong to a school district ut have been given a charter that provides them with a large degree of independence; control own budgets, hire own conslutants, design own curriculum,
Site-based decision making
exists in charter schools, participatory decision making is the mode of operation
School Vouchers
give the parent-consumer the widest array of choices, helps pay the cost for child to attend school of their choice. The vouchers are turned into the state for real money.
Equality of Educational opportunity
removing legal, racial and economic barriers to schooling
Magnet school
aletrnative schools designed to provide high quality instruction in specific areas and in the basic skills. They differ because they have a unified curriculum based on a specific theme, students can come from far to join, it is chosen, they are diverse.
Title IX
passed by congress as part of the Educational Ammendment act which says no student on the basis of sex can be ex\cluded from or denied the benefits of any prgram that recieves federal funding.
Zero tolerance policy
when a problem such as bullying persists some schools have this policy for aggresive behavior and automatically suspend any student who harrasess another
American Federation of Teaching (AFT)
represents key urban areas accross the country. Bargains for teachers on issues like salary but also is a defender of academic freedom and teacher participation on decision making. Has a progressive reputation
Professional Development
TThis is a continuing education for teachers or the groweth of new knowledge and the demand for new skills
National board for professional teaching standards (NBPTS)
established standards for teaching practice and has developed a series of broad certification assessments based on these standards. These standards allow teachers to gain a highly regarded, professional credential. Experieced teachers with at least 3 yrs experience. the certification means a salary bonus, free to move accross states, and creates recognition fo rskills.
National Education Assessment (NEA)
offered on natioanl and local level. To elevate character and advance the interests of the profession of teachingand to promote the cause of education in the US. offers variety of services like publications to research salary scales and travel prgrams, insurance policies. A political force.
an experienced teacher takes a rookie under his wing helping him make theory -into-practice transition and serves as a nonjudegemental colleague
more than a group of individuals all engaged in the same line of work
Culture Schock
the feeling of dislocation that people experience when they initially live in a foreign country
an experienced teacher willing to act as a guide and confidant through the first year
Social Distance
between teacher and student (natuarl vs. overly strict--find a middle ground)
Teaching Journal
any notebook that hols your teaching thoughts or suggestions
Formal curriculum
prepared amterial
Extra curriculum
learning beyond the classroom like athletics or band
Hidden Curriculum
socializes students in values that are acceptable to the institution or society. Deals with attitudes, beliefs, morals and behavior.
Subject Matter curriculum
content-most influenced by the standards=based reform movement in order to promote academic experience.
National assessment of educational progress (NAEP)
make assessments periodically on math, writing, science, history, geography, and other fields. The primary source of educational achievement in US> to assess progress accross the states. Basic, profieicent or advanced
Intergraded/Interdisciplinary teaching
a curriculum that cuts accross subject-matter lines to focus on comprehensive life problems or broad based areas of study that rbing together the various segments of the curriculum in meaningful association
Thematic Units
themes that overlay in different subjects or concepts that apply in different subjects
Cooperative Learning
trend that influences what is taught in schools, it is students working in groups to help one another learn academic material. It is organized, highly structured and involves formal presentation of information, learning in teams and public reocognition of team success, individual assessment of mastery
Critical thinking
helping studetns become better thinkers with the intent to help students evaluate the worth of ideas, opinions or evidence before making a decision or judgement
Writing accross the curriculum
ways teachers can use writin as a thinking tool for students to use and apply knowledge in their content areas. making word problems in math class
a practice that lets teachers stay with the same students for more than a single year
differentiated instruction
teaching in different ways to teach students as differnt levels and finding ways to reach them
block scheduling
less is more approach in whihc students take fewer classes each day but spend more time in each class
civic learning
calls for courses that will acquaint a racially and culturally diverse student population with the heritage common to the american democratic system. basic study of american law and government
new civics
courses that will help unify educators calling for issuescentered, traditional, historical, critical thoughtand character education approaches to teaching social studies
content standards
statements of the subject specific knowledge and skills that schools are expected to teach and students are expected to learn
core curriculum
every student is required to take this course of study
cultural literacy/core knowledge
an awareness of teh central ideas, stories, scientific knowledge, events and personalities of a culture
multicultural curriculum
cultual pluralism needs to be afact of curriculum and motivate students to learn by recognizing acheivements of other cultures
an approach to reading that teaches the reader to decode words by sounding out letters and combinng them
whole languag eapproach
reading instruction should empahsize the integration of language arts skills and knowledge in a literature based approach
problem solving
the process of either presenting students with a problem or helping them identify a problem and then observing and helping them become aware of the conditions, procudure or steps needed to solve it
the process in which students ar eplaced on a track to determine what courses they will take depending upon academic ability, motivation and vocational interests

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