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IS chapter 9


undefined, object
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data editing
the process of checking data for validity and completeness.
customer relationship management (CRM) system
a system that helps a compnay manage all aspects of customer encounters, including marketing and advertising, sales, customer scervice after the sale, and programs to retain loyal customers.
detailed scheduling
usedd the production plan defined by the demandmanagement process to develop a detailed production schedule specifying production scheduling details, such as which item to produce first and when production should be sweitched from one item to another.
accounting systems
systmes that include budget, accounts receivable, payroll, asset management, and general ledger.
best practices
the most effiecient and effective ways to complete a business process.
transaction processing systems
capture and process the detailed data necessary to upade records about the fundamental business operations of the organization
online transaction processing (OLTP)
a form of data processing where each transaction is processed immediately, without the delay of accumulating transactions into a batch
transaction processing cycle
the process of data colleciton, data editing, data corretion, data manipulation, data storage, and document production.
the financial services modernization act (Gramm-Leach -Bliley)
requires systems security for financial service providers, including specific standards to protect customer privacy
batch processing system
a form of data processing where business transactions are accumulated over a period of time and prepared for processing as a single unit or batch
materials requirement planning
determines the amount and timing for placing raw material orders with supppliers.
data manipulation
the process of performing calculations and other data transformaations related to business transactions.
sales ordering
set of activites that must be performed to capture a customer sales order.
data storage
the process of updating one or more databases with new transactions
enterprise resource planning (ERP)
a set of integrated programs that manage a compnay's vital business operations for an entire multisite, global organization
document production
the process of generating output records and reports.
health insurance portability and accountability act (HIPAA)
defines regulations covering healthcare providers to ensure that their patient data is adequately protected.
uses the detailed schedule to plan the details of running and staffing the production operation
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
enatced as a result of several major accounting scandals, requires public companies to implement procedures to ensure their audit committees can document financial data, validate earnings reports, and verify the accuracy of information.
soft copy
displays on comuter screens
radio frequency identification (RFID)
a technology that employs a microchip with an antenna that broadcasts its unique identifier and location to receivers.
data collection
capturing and gathering all data necessary to compplete the processing of transactions
data correction
the rocess of reentering data that was not typed or scanned prperly.
demand management
refienes the produciton plan by determining the amount of weekly or daily prodcution needed to meet the deamnd for individual products
order processing systems
order entry, sales configuration, shipment planning, shipment execution, inventory control, and accounts receivable.
enterprise system
a system central to the organization that ensures information can be shared acrosss all business functions and all levels of management to support the running and managing of a business.
purchasing systems
inventory control, purchase order processing, receiving, and accounts payable.
uses the information from materials requirement planning to place purchase orders for raw materials and transmit them to qualified suppliers.
transaction processing system audit
a check of a firms's TPS systems to prevent accounting irregularities and/or loss of data privacy.
disaster recovery plan (DRP)
a formal plan describing the actions that must be taken to restore computer operations and services in the event of a disaster
sales forecasting
develop an estimate of futre customer demand
integrated informaation system
the flow of information from one system to another is automatic and requies no manual intervention or reentering of data
sales and operations plan
takes demand and current inventory levels into account and determines the specific product items that need to be produced and when to meet the forecast future demand.
source data automation
data should be captured at its source and recorded accurately in a timely fashion, with minimal manual effort, and in an electronic or digital form that can be directly entered into the computer.

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