Alphabet Soup
The Commitees of the New Deal
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- Federal Communications Commission : Regulatory agency with wide discretionary powers established to oversee wired and wireless communication ; Recovery
- Glass-Steagall Act (banking act, 1933) : Prohibited commercial banks from selling stock or finanching corporations, created FDIC ; Reform
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation : a federal guarantee of savings bank deposits initially of up to $2,500, raised gradually to $100,000 (today) ; Reform
- Civilian Conservation Corps : Provided jobs for young men to plant trees, build bridges and parks, and set up flood control projects ; Relief
- Tennessee Valley Authority : Built dams to provide cheap electric power to seven southern states; set up schools and health centers ; relief
- Agricultural Adjustment Administration : Paid farmers not to grow certain crops ; Recovery, Relief
- Federal Housing Administration : expanded private home ownership among moderate-income families through federal guarantess of private mortages, the reduction of down payments from 30 to 10 percent, and the extension of repayment from 20 to 30 years ; Reform
- National Recovery Administration () : Enforced codes that regulated wages, prices, and working conditions ; Recovery, Reform
- Federal Emergency Relief Administration : Gave relief to unemployed and needy ; Relief
- Civil Works Administrations : Emergency work relief program put more than four million people to work during the extremely cold winter of 1933-34 ; Relief
- Public Works Administration : Financed more than 34,000 federal and nonfederal construction projects at a cost of more than $6 billion initiated the first federal public housing program, made the federal government the nation's leading producer of power, and advanced conservation of the nation's natural resources ; Reform