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Study Guide 4 History Final

may have spelling mistakes, but is an awesome review of history! I would like to advise you not to take it written because of how i set up the questions!


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israel home of 3 religions
christianity, judisum, and islam
estimated years of the great depression
1929 - 1940
a state bought from france
united nations
discuss disputes peacefully
the time era after the revolutionary war
federal deposit insurance corperation - when people would put money in banks and were insured up to $40,000
world war II axis
germany, japan, italy
the dictator of ussr
north korea and south korea divided at this point
the DMZ 38th paralle
cause of the great depression
factories produced to many unwanted products, uninsured banks, people buying stock on credit
other name for the renaissance
year by year - 1941
germany's surprise attack on solviet union in search of their rich soil, mein kamf, japan bombs pearl harbor
15th admindment
ex - slave men the right to vote
executive branch
president is housed
year fdr was elected
a state won from mexico
number of people that died in the civil war
number of house of representitives in each state
depends on the population
the 6 day war involved
israel against syria, jordan, and egypt
domino theroy
if one country became comunist the surrounding countries would then become comunists
the symbol of the new deal
the blue eagle
inforces the laws, leads the military, and guides the country
civilian conservation corps - they had young men work in the national parks and forests
living space
years of the age of exploration
1300 - 1400s
year nasa was establish
year that england established 13 individual working colonies
number of house of representitives in all
year by year - 1943
allies invade italy
year by year - 1944
invasion of normandy france
world war II started by
germany invading poland
year by year - 1940
germany defeats france, lend lease act which brought the us out of the great depression
statement on which they said about england's empire
"the sun never sets on the british empire"
mein kamf
my struggle
causes of world war II
desire to rule the world, tready of versials, and japans anger with the us and wanted our resorces
other name for the new deal
national recovery act
years of the korean war
1950 - 1953
the dictator of italy
chinas old way of ruling
the president of the time of the great depression
president hoover
winner of the 6 day war
israel ended up destroying syria, jordan, and egypt
number of terms fdr served
branch with congress
countries we helped rebuild
germany and japan
president that established nasa
sun yat-sen
chinas 1st lead of a republic
the country established by the united nations
year of the 6 day war
chaing kai-shek
chinas 2nd leader of the republic who had to deal with the issue of chinas people being poor
year the us entered wold war II
the highest % of unemployment
year the untied nations was started
president of the us that ended up stopping the korean war
legislative branch
makes the laws
causes of the great war
treaties and germany and france hated each other
14th admindment
gives ex - slaves rights
tenessee valley authority - they build dams to stop the flooding and to generate electricity
year by year - 1945
battle of the bulge in france and germany, natzies chose to send jews to death over sending over their troops supplies
years of the renaissance
1300 - 1400s
chinas next door neighbor that had comunisum
year by year - 1942
darkest year of the war for the us because we weren't ready, batan death march in the philipeans, battle of midway, allies bump germans out of north africa
new weapons from world war II
jeeps, atomic bombs, battleships, flame throughers, radar, advanced planes, air craft arriers
other name for the great war
world war I
the countries that involved in the age of exploration
france, portugal, england, spain
the dictator of spain
years of world war II
1939 - 1445
works progress administration - they build building such as schools, bridges, and etc.
the only man elected for 4 terms
last dinesty of china
number of senates in each state
the dictator of japan
year by year - 1939
invasion of poland, world war II starts
world war II ally
england, us, france, ussr
building an empire
years of growth of nation
1780 - 1860
author of mein kamf
hitler in jail
13th admindment
abolished slavery
years of the revolutionary war
(1785) 1786 - 1781 (1783)
manifest destiny
belief that god targeted you for great things because you were american
year the us entered the great war
years of the great war
1914 - 1918
agricultural adjustment act - they paid farmers not to farm, taught them better methods, and gave them new equipment
the dictator of germany
marshal plan
we rebuilt the damages of other countries
years of civil war
1861 - 1865
the constitution
a framework of out government, laws, and granted freedoms

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