American Studies
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- black thursday
- october 24, 1929, investers sold stocks quickely at verylowprices
- lindbergh
- flew nonstop across the atlantic ocean
- national unemployment rate in the 1920's
- 20%
- what did harding do when he was elected that made people angry?
- he handed out jobs to his friends (spoil system)
- 18th amendment
- prohibition (ban of alcohal)
- kkk expanded...why?
- the more people they hate the more members they will get
- the teapot dome scandal
- sec.of interior Albert Fall caught leasing gov't oil reserves for personal profit
- what was special about the election of 1920 and 1924?
- first time in us history less that a majoritly of eligable voters voted
- Marcus Garvey (3)
- leader, created universal negro movement association to help develope independence, wanted to move all af.americans back to Africa
- what happened at the washington conference?
- britain, france,us, japan,and italy agreed to disarm some naval vessels
- what is special about al smith?
- heis the first catholic ever to run for president
- why did woman stay away from voteing booths?
- their husbands told them to
- rebirth of KKK
- appealed to those who felt forsaked in modern world,
- speak easy
- undergroud bar
- pleasure without guilt
- "roaring twenties"
- black tuesday
- october 29, 1929, market officially crashes
- what was coolidge's nickname? why?
- "silend cal" because he neverspoke up and incouraged people not to speak up
- sacco and venzetti
- immigrant men who were convicted of murder with little evidence
- reconstruction finance group
- lent government fundsto endagered banks insurance comp.RR
- flapper
- scandelous women
- fall of thew klan
- immigration restrictions eased fears, klan leaders were corrupt and criminal
- what did kkk promise to defend?
- family,morality,and traditional values against threat posedby blacks, immigrants, radicals, catholics and jews
- why were sacco and venzetti accused?
- they were immigrants and radicals
- what did the car bring to society?(3)
- ppl didntrelyon trains and buses anymore, oil industry profited selling gas,and made jobs in the assebly line
- smoot-tarrif act
- tariffs at an all time high under Hoover, accelerated global depression
- Fordney tariff act
- increased tariffs back to an all time high (occured under Harding)
- election of 1924
- rep.coolidge (winner) vs.dem John davis
- signed due to racism and fear of immigrants taking jobs
- emergency quota law (nativism)
- Calvin Coolidge
- took office when harding died
- Hoovervilles
- shanty towns for homeless
- rugged individualism
- hoover believed people would bring themselves out of the depression
- margin buying
- buying stockswith borrowed money
- Hiram wesley evans
- formed "claverns"across country
- scopes trial
- against the theory of evolution
- election of 1928
- rep.herbert hoover vs. dem al smith
- election ____vs. ______
- dem. james cox vs. rep.warren harding
- cotton club
- live jazz music and alcohal night club