Anthro Final 2
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- Omaha System
- Patrilineal equivalent of the Crown; the line of mother's patrilineal kin is equated across generations
- Fission?
- The splitting of descent groups into two or more descent groups.
- Ambilocal residence?
- A couple may choose whether to live with the matri or patrilocal residence.
- Mobility?
The ability to change one's class position
- Moiety?
Each group that results from a division of a society into two halves on the basis of descent.
- Group marriage?
- a marriage where many men and many women have sexual access to each other.
- Neolocal residence
A pattern in which a married couple may establish their household in a location apart of either their patri or matri relatives.
- Family?
- a residential kin group based on a woman, her dependent children and at least one male joined through blood relationship.
- Age grade?
- Organized category based on age, every individual in this set pass through things together as a group.
- Affinal Kin?
- Relatives by marriage
- Incest Taboo
The prohibition of sexual relations between specified individuals, usually parent/child and siblings at a minimum
- Natolocal?
as per the Nayar: everyone stays "home"
- Ambilineal Descent?
- Descent through wich the individual may associte with either the mother or the father.
- Age Sets?
- Groups of persons initiated into an age grade at a specific time, and who move through a series of categories together (ie "Warriors" and "Elders"
- exogamy?
- MArriage outside group.
- Lineal (eskimo) system
- Emphasizes nuclear family by specifically identifying mother, brother, father, sister, while lumping together everyone else into broad categories such as "aunt" or "uncle"
- stratified society?
division of society into two or more categories of people who do not share equally in the basic resources that support life, influence and prestige
- Open class societies
Stratified societies that permit a great deal of social mobility
- Marriage?
a transaction and resulting contract in which a man and a woman are recognized by a society as having a claim to the right of sexual access to one another and in which the woman is eligible to bear children.
- Avunculocal?
- A married couple resides with the husbands - mothers - brothers residence (Trobrianders).
- Patrilineal descent
Descent is traced exclusively through the male line for purposes of group membership
- Bride Service?
- A designated period of time after marriage where the groom works for the brides parents.
- Patrilateral Parallel Cousin Marriage
Marriage of a man to his father's brother's daughter, or a woman to her father's brother's son. [i.e. to a parallel cousin on the paternal side].
- Matrilocal residence?
a married couple lives in the locality associated with the wife's relatives
- Egalitarian societies.
- A society where there are as many imprtant positons exist as there are people.
- Forms of the family?
polyandrus? - Extended family.
- a collection of nuclear families, related by ties of blood, that live in one house.
- Endogamy?
- Marriage within a group,
- Phantry?
unilineal descent group composed of two more clans that claim to be of common ancestry. IF THERE ARE ONLY TWO SUCH GROUPS, EACH IS A MOIETY.
- Patrilocal residence
- A residence pattern in which a married couple lies in the locality associated with the husband's father's relatives
- Bride Price?
- Compensation paid ny the goom or the grooms parents to the family of the bride,
- Serial Monogamy
a marriage form in which a man or woman marries a series of partners in succession
- Social class
- a set of families that enjoy equal or nearly equal prestige according to the system of evaluation
- Descent group?
Any publically recognized social entity such that being a lineal descendent of a particular real or mythological descendent is a criterion for member
Descent Groups organize a society along kinship lines
Clan: [know Totemism]
Phratries and Moieties
Bilateral Descent [Kindred]
- Common-interest associations?
- Associations not linked by age, kinship, marriage territory, that result in the act of joining.
- Matrilineal descent?
Descent is traced exclusively through the female line for purposes of group membership
- Caste?
- A Special form of social class where membership is determained at birth, and remains fixed for life.
- Clan?
- A non corporate descent group with each member claiming a descent from a sommon anscestor without knowing the exact links to that ancestor.
- symobolic indicators
in a stratified society, activities and possessions that are indicative of social class.
- Kindred?
a group of consanguineal kin linked by heir relationship to one living individual; includes both maternal and paternal kin.
- totemism
the belief that people are related to particular animals, plants or natural objects by virtue of descent from common ancestral spirits.
- unilineal descent?
- descent that established group membership either through the male or female line.
- Verbal evaluation:
the way in which people in a stratified society evaluate members of their own society.
- Monogamy?
marriage in which an individual has a single spouse.
- Levirate?
A marriage custom according to which a widow marries a brother of her dead husband
avnunculocal - What are three marriage exchanges?
dowry - brides parents pay grooms family
bride service - groom works
bridewaelth - groom or family compenaste brides family. - functions of the family>?
Nurturance of Children
Economic Cooperation
- HOusehold.
basic residential unit in which economic production, consumption, inheritance, child rearing and shelter are organized and carried out; may or may not be synonymous with family.
- Lineage?
a corporate descent group whose members trace their genealogical links to a common ancestor.
- MAtrilnial cross cousin marriage?
marriage of a woman to her father's sister's son, or a man to his Mother's brother's daughter. [his cross cousin on the maternal side, her cross cousin on the paternal side].
- Crowe System?
- Usually associated with matrilineal descent. Fathers sister, and fathers sisters daughters are called by the same term. Mother and mothers sisters are merged under a term. Parallel cousins are merged with brothers and sisters
- COnjugal Family?
- A family consisting of one (or more) men married to one (or more) women, and their children.
- COnjugal bond.
- The bond between a man and a woman who are married.
- Iroquois System
One's father and father's brother are referred to by a single term, one's mother and mother's sister are referred to by a single term; one's father's sister and one's mother's brother are given separate terms; parallel cousins are classified with brothers and sisters; cross cousins are classified separately, but [unlike Crow and Omaha] not equated with relatives of another generation.
- Dowry?
- payment of a womans inheritence at the time of her marriage to her or her husband.
- Double descent.
- descent is traced matrilinealy for some purposes, patrilinealy for others.
- Consanguineal kin
Relatives by birth; blood relatives.
- Hawiian system?
- Kinship reckoning where all kin of the same sex and generation are called the same term.
- Consnguine Family?
- a Family consisting of related women, their brothers and the offspring of the women.
- Descriptive (sudanese) system.
- one's fathers, father's brother, and mother's brothers are one term. Mother, mother's sister, and father's sister are one term. Cross cousins are distinguished from each other and from siblings.
- nuclear family?
- family unit consisting of husband, wife, and dependent children