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software infomation


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Information System
Computer system for gathering and processing data into information and distributing it to people who need it
Unprocessed Facts
Design System using computer technology to create models representing the design of a prodcut
Business conducted over the internet
Web Server
Computer that retrieves web pages
Processing System Information system used to record and process and organization's daily activities or transactions
Electronic collection of related data accessible to various users
Support System Information system used by lower-level managers to assist them in running day-to-day operations and making routine decisions
Expert System Program
that mimics the judgement of experts
Manufacturing System using computer technology to control production processes and equipment
Information Data
that have been processed or turned into some useful form
Artificial Intelligence
Science of developing computer systems that can mimic human behavior
Browser Software
such as Internet Explorer, that locates and displays web pages
Manufacturing System in which the capabilities of a CAD/CAM system are integrated with other computer-based functions
Local Area Network
Network that links computers that are in close proximity
Encryption Process
of encoding data so only individuals or computers armed with a secret code or key can decode it
Applications Software
Software that performs a specific task, such as word processing or spreadsheet creation
Client-Server System
System connecting client machines and server
Executive Information System
System that provides senior managers with strategic information customized to meet their needs and presented in a convenient format
Virtual Company
Company without a significant physical presence that relies on third parties to produce, warehouse, price, and deliver the products it sells over the internet
Enterprise Resource
Planning System Integrated computer system used to channel information to multiple users
Search Engine
Software program that scans web pages for specified keywords and provides a list of documents containing them
t Information System System used to extract data from a database and compile reports that help managers make routine decisions
Chief Technology Officer
High-level executive who reports to the CIO and oversees information technology planning and implementation
Service Provider Company, such as AOL, that links into the internet infrastructure to connect paying subscribers
Private network using internet technologies that are available only to employees
Chief Information Officer
Senior executive who oversees information and telecommunications systems
Financial and non-financial events that affect a business
Control Application of technology to monitor and control physical processes
Global network comprised of smaller interconnected networks linking millions of computers around the world
Data Communication Network
Large network used to transmit digital data from one computer to another using a variety of wired and wireless communication channels
Wide Area Network
Network that links computers that are spread over a relatively large geographical area
Support System Interactive system that extracts, integrates, and displays data from multiple sources to help managers make non-routine decisions
Mining Technique used to search and analyze data to reveal patterns and trends that can be used to predict future behavior
World Wide
Web Subsystem of computers on the internet that communicate with each other using a special language called HTTP
Data Warehouse
Centralized database that stores data from several databases to they can be easily analyzed
Manufacturing System System in which computer controlled equipment is programmed to handle materials used in manufacturing
Electronic Data
Interchange Computerized exchange of business transaction documents
Intranet that is partially available to certain parties outside the organization
Authority Third-party that verifies the identity of a computer site
Software program that controls access to a company's intranet
Information Manager
Manager with responsibility for determining the information needs of members of the organization and meeting those needs

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