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Dental Anomalies


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missing teeth
e.g. missing lateral incisors or perm 2nd premolars (3rd common site of missing teeth)
supernumerary teeth
90% occur in maxillary
mesiodens (in between maxillary centrals)
common max: 3rd molars
common mand: 2nd premolars
aka Twinning
1 root, 1 pulp chamber
splitting of tooth germ
fused teeth
2 roots, 2 pulp chambers
caused by pressures during dental development and tooth eruption
Hutchinson's teeth
Mulberry Molars
due to congentital syphillis
also have notched incisors
Carabelli's Trait

Carebelli's cusp:
acessory cusps or tubercles on teeth
5th cusp on ML cusp of max 1st molar
Enamel Pearls
in furcation of max. molars
may lead to periodontal problems. seen in radiographs
Long pulp chambers.
aka Bull Teeth
Talon Cusps
enamel projection in cingulum area of anterior permanent teeth. may contain pulp horn. may cause occlussal interference

correct shape, smaller size. seen in lateral and 3rd molars
normal shape, bigger size. seen in incisors and canines
bend at the apical tip (45-90 degrees)
due to crowding during development
dens in dente
tooth within tooth. Due to invagination of enamel within crown of tooth. seen in incisors as deep groove. found on radiograph.
max laterals most commonly affected
joining of 2 teeth at the cementum around the root, after eruptoon
enamel hypoplasia
enamel growth halted. due to disturbance of ameloblasts during enamel matrix formation
caused by trauma or disease
e.g. turner's tooth (deciduous teeth infection)
enamel hypocalcification
disturbance in enamel matrix maturation. low minaral deposits, white spots
enamel dysplasia
high fluoride in diet
mild --> white spots
severe --> dark brown spots
can see mottling or pitting of enamel (severe)
dentin dysplasia
dentinogenesis imperfecta
teeth appear blue/gray to yellwish.
no pulp or root canals. teeth weak and prone to fracture
tetracycline staining
when taken during tooth formation
either dentition may be affected
misplaced tooth buds --> teeth develop in wrong place

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