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Apologia Biology Ed. 2 Module 2 Vocab


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(ehr oh' bik)
Respiration that requires oxygen (43)
Aerobic Respiration
(an uh ro' bik)
Respiration that does not require oxygen (43)
Anerobic Respiration
A temporary union of two organisms for the purpose of DNA transfer (47)
The DNA of a bacterium that is coated with several hard layers (50)
(pehr' uh syte)
An organism that feeds on a miving host (42)
(path' uh jen)
An organism that causes disease (37)
A small, circular section of extra DNA that confers one or more traits to a bacterium (48)
THe process by which food is converted into usable energy for life functions (42)
(sap' roh fyte)
An organism that feeds on dead matter (41)
A state in which members of a population die as quickly as new members are born (46)
Steady State
Organisms from the same species that have markedly different traits (57)
The transfer of a "naked" DNA segment from a nonfunctional donor cell to that of a functional recipient cell (49)
To grasp onto surfaces. It can also be used to grasp onto another bacterium during conjugation.
Function of Pilus
To adhere to surfaces as well as ward off infection-fighting agents
Function of a Capsule
To keep the interior of the cell together and to hold the cell's shape
Function of the Cell Wall
To negotiate what materials pass into and out of the cell as well as to metabolize nutrients
Function of the Plasma Membrane
To hold the DNA and ribosomes in place
Function of the Cytoplasm
To make protein
Function of the Ribosomes
To store information meeded to make this organism a living organism
Function of DNA
To move the bacterium from place to place
Function of the Flagellum

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