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Hx & PE


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What are the 3 levels of Triage?
1-Those need Tx to survive
2-Those recover w/out Tx
3-Those that will not survive even w/ Tx
What are the 5 signalments?
5-Reproductive Status
What is triage?
Medical screening to determine the priority of Tx.
When performing the standard TPR, what order should they be performed in?
What is a pulse deficit?
The pulse rate is less than the heart rate
At what temperature is a dog or cat considered to be hyperthermic?
>103 F
At what temperature is a dog or cat considered to be hypothermic?
<99 F
What is the normal respiration rate for a dog?
What is the normal respiration rate for a cat?
What is tachypnea?
Rapid breathing
What is hyperpnea?
increased rate and depth of breathing (>30)
What is bradypnea?
decreased rate of breathing <8 breaths/min
What is the normal pulse rate for a dog?
>25kg (55lbs) 70-100
<25kg (55lbs) 90-160
What is the normal pulse rate for a cat?
What is tachycardia?
incrased heart rate
What is bradycardia?
decreased heart rate
Pink mucous membranes is an indicator of?
normal, adequate oxygenation
Pale mucous membranes is an indicator of?
anemia, pain, hypotension, hyperthermia
Bright red mucous membranes ia an indicator of?
toxic phase of infection
Muddy mucous membranes is an indicator of?
septic patient
Yellow (or icteric) mucous membranes is an indicator of?
liver disease, hemolaysis
Blue (or cyanotic) mucous membranes is an indicator of?
late indication of poor tissue oxygenation
Ulcerated mucous membranes is an indicator of?
uremia, kidney disease
What is petechiae and what does it indicate?
submucosal or intradermal hemorrhage seen as purplish red spots.

indicates coagulation disorder
The normal capillary refill time is?
< 2 seconds
When differentiating heart murmurs, which level is loud but does not have a palpable thrill?
Category 4
When differntiating heart murmurs, which level is loud with a palpable thrill?
Catergory 5
Which heart valves have a PMI on the left thoracic wall?
pulmonary valve, aeortic valve, & mitral valve
Which heart valve has a PMI on the right thoracic wall?
tricuspid valve
What percentage of skin turgor is undectable?
What physical findings are found in a patient with 5-6% skin turgor?
skin is slightly doughy & a little inelastic, tacky mucous membranes
What physical findings are found in a patient with 6-8% skin turgor?
skin is inelastic, eyes are slightly sunken in
What physical findings are found in a patient with 10-12% skin tugor?
increased skin turgor, eyes sunken, dry mucous membranes, prolonged CRT
What physical findings are found in a patient with 12-15% skin turgor
shock & imminent death

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