Review Dental
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- The concept of ethics began?
- During primitive times
- Pt confidentiality is an implied promise that is a part of?
- Fidelity
- What ethic are you violating when you criticize your coworkers in public?
- Loyalty
- What organization supervises and regulates the practice of dentistry within the state?
- State Board of Dental Examiners
- What implies that the dental profession provides a significant service to society?
- Altruism
- The speciality training standard provides a significant service to society?
- silence
- What has occurred if you diagnose a pt's illness and fail to inform the attending physician or dentist?
- Negligence
- With regard to the hypertension screening program, what medical objective does dental services support?
- Early detection, evaluation, and treatment of hypertension
- What psychological need is satisfied when pt's are informed of delayed appointments beyond the scheduled time?
- Security
- Which general principle identifies desirable telephone manners for dental personnel?
- Speak as a representative of the dental treatment facility
- The types of dental care are
- Routine, Emergency, and Elective
- The correct priority of dental care is?
- AD, FM of AD, FM of AD who died. FM retirees, and FM of deceased retirees.
- What type of examinations may a qualified dental assistant or a dental hygienist perform?
- 4 and 5
- Which of examination includes a review of new or existing full mouth intraoral periapical, or panoramic radiographs with posterior bitewings, and a formulation of a comprehensive treatment plan?
- Type 1
- What type of examination is used solely to initiate a member's record?
- Type 5
- Remote or isolated clearance can be accomplished by evaluating the dental health record if member had a Type?
- 1-2 exam in the last 3 months. (90 days)
- A pt who requires maintenance therapy is placed in dental class?
- 2
- A pt receiving active ortho tx is placed in dental class?
- 2
- A pt with a periodontal abscess is placed in dental class?
- 3
- A pt waiting for a biopsy report is placed in dental class?
- 3
- A permanent mandibular left second molar is designed by the number?
- 18
- What information must be recorded when local anesthetic is used?
- Brand, % of soultion, type and ratio of vasoconstrictor and amount of anesthetic injected by cc or ml.
- With the exception of the children's preventive dentistry program, when must section I, presenting dental status, of the 603 be completed?
- When definitive care is provided
- What charting symbols are transferred when a SF 603A is initiated?
- Current treatment requirements in item 9.
- The AF Form 644 is not used to?
- Record dental attendance after normal duty hours.
- Which encounter type on the AF Form 644 indicates the primary purpose is to provide a periodic examination to an active duty AF member?
- D
- Which appointment-use codes on the AF Form 644 are authorized with encounter Type P?
- S and F
- Medical consultation or treatment is recorded on?
- SF 513
- The cell membrane is that part of the cell that functions to?
- Govern which nutrients and materials are taken into the cell.
- Which of these is not an active phase of mitosis?
- Interphase
- Which kinds of tissue have the special characteristics or irritability, contractibility, extensibility, and elasticity?
- Muscles.
- Which cells fight infection by enveloping and ingesting bacteria?
- Leukocytes
- Which body system performs certain functions in regulation body temperatures, and also functions to protect and cover the body?
- Integumentary
- Skeletal muscles includes?
- Origin, Belly, Insertion
- Which muscle is located on the side of the neck, serving as a liner, and acts to pull the head left of right on the shoulder and flex toward the chest of shoulders?
- Sternocleiodomastoid
- Which segment of the cardiovascular system gives oxygen and nutritive substance to the tissue as the blood passes through it?
- Capillaries
- What part of the neuron carries impulses away from the cell body?
- Axons
- The largest part of the brain-which contains the frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes is the?
- Cerebrum
- How many pairs of nerves are in the spinal column?
- 31
- Which subdivision of the automatic nervous system slows the heart and lowers the blood pressure?
- Parasympathetic
- Which cartilaginous flap, lying above the larynx, moves to direct food and liquid into the esophagus?
- Epiglottis
- What part of the lower respiratory system is a cylindrical tube composed of 16 to 29 c shaped cartilage rings and lines with cilia and mucous glands which help entrap dust and foreign matter?
- Trachea
- The process of breathing is a harmonious interplay of nerve impulses, muscular activity, and mechanical pressure changes, all influenced by chemical changes in the?
- Blood
- The nerve impulses which cause the muscles of respiration to contract originate in the cells of the?
- Respiratory Center
- What accessory organ of digestion helps maintain the proper level of sugar in the blood?
- Liver
- Which part of the urinary system is defined as a tube passing from the bladder to the exterior of the body?
- Urethra
- The pea-sized gland located at the base of the brain and has control over all other endocrine glands of the body is the?
- Pituitary
- Which of the following is the largest cranial bone?
- Frontal
- Which two bones form a large portion of the eye sockets and the prominence of the cheeks?
- Zygoma
- What are the perforations on each of the surfaces of the body of the mandible called?
- Mental Foramen
- What action does the orbicularis oris muscle perform?
- Closes and opens the lips and causes them to protrude.
- The facial muscles of expression are innervated by which cranial nerve?
- 7th
- A person's complexion and ethnic group may cause what difference in their gingival?
- Color
- Mamelons are found on which teeth?
- Newly erupted incisors
- What are the thread-shaped papillae located on the dorsal surface of the tongue called?
- Filiform
- What is the second hardest calcified tissue in the body that forms the major portion of the tooth?
- Dentin
- During what period of intrauterine life does dental development begin?
- 5 or 6 week
- The wearing on the occlusal and interproximal surfaces of the teeth during normal masticatory function is called?
- Attrition
- In a normal adult, how many teeth are located in each quadrant?
- 8
- Which permanent molar has five well-developed cusps?
- Mandibular First
- Which characteristic of inflammation identifies rubor?
- Redness
- Which characteristic identifies dolar?
- Pain
- Disclosable amounts of plaque will usually form within?
- 4-6 hours
- What is the average number of days required for the soft deposit to mature and change?
- 12
- Which stains will you be able to remove for the pt?
- Extrinsic
- Which bacteria causes dental caries?
- Lactobacillus
- Treatment of a nonvital tooth in the endodontic section entails?
- Pulpectomy
- What is a valuable diagnostic test when pt has a periapical abscess?
- Percussion
- What condition may develop as the result of a chronic periapical abscess that causes epithelial cells to proliferate and successfully surround the chronic abscess?
- Inflammatory cyst
- Which oral hygiene index indicates detection of subgingival cal?
- H2
- The primary custodian of dental records is the?
- Dental tx folders of flying personnel are identified by?
- Placing a strip of black tape on the right of the folder extending from immediately below black 9 to the bottom of the folder
- What is used as a primary reference to locate a dental health record that has been filed?
- Records that become separated from an active duty member should be sent to?
- Gaining organization
- To obtain dental records from a previous custodian, you would use?
- DD Form 877
- What actions is taken if an individual refuses to sign DD Form 2005?
- Indicate the refusal on the form and sign and date it
- Which nerve supplies sensory innervation to the tongue?
- 7th
- The soft tissue of the side of the face and nose, the lip tissues, and the muscles are supplies by what arteries?
- External maxillary
- Treatment of marginal gingivitis includes?
- Systemic Evaluation, Removal of irritants, Oral Pro, Oral Hygiene Instructions.
- Which condition is an inflammation of the soft tissue around the crown of a tooth?
- Pericoronitis