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Psychology Test 4


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Alarm Phase
the first phase of the GAS, in which a stressor is perceived and the fight-or-flight response is activated. Sympathetic mode
OCD neuroanatomy
Obsessive Part - having unproductive and repetitive thoughts. Compulsive Part - caring out the parts. Relieves the fear. Temporarily. Hyperactivity in caudate nucleus. Part of basal ganglia.
Systemic desensitization
Replace fear with relaxation. Make sure fear is legitimate. Ex) P.O.W. is afraid of his shed because it reminds him of the war. Reward him with his favorite meal in the shed and teach him to relax his body.
Impulse Disorders
Behaviors that are harmful to oneself or others. -- Intermittent Explosive Disorder - rage not sparked by anything specific. Kleptomania - stealing not for the money but for the thrill. Pyromania - fire setting. Pathological Gambling
Resistance Phase
the second phase of the GAS, in which the body mobilizes its resources to achieve equilibrium, despite the continued presence of the stressor. Parasympathetic mode
Exhaustion Phase
the final stage of the GAS, in which the continued stress response itself becomes damaging to the body. Enlarged adrenal glands, bleeding ulcers, weight loss, etc.
Pharmacology of antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications
Thematic Apperception Test
1 picture. You tell beginning, middle, end. Answers reveal issues.
Electroconvulsive Shock Therapy
The most effective treatment against depression. When all other methods fail, the person will receive ECT. Used with a muscle relaxant. Sends mild electrical shocks thru the brain. Shocking serotonin and neurophrine neurons (like the drugs do) but it last longer. If they only do half the brain it is just as effective with less side effects.
Positive symptoms of schizophrenia
Things that are there that should not be there. Persecution, controlled, grandeur, somatic (delusions from the body), hallucinations, disorganized speech or thought, grossly disorganized behavior (laughter at a funeral), Hebephrenic (adults acting childlike), Catatonia (holding an unusual position for a long period of time), Neologism (make up words), Word Salad (Just mixing up words)
amphetamine, cocaine, dopamine
What drugs make schizo worse?
Philippe Pinel
French physician who worked to reform the treatment of people with mental disorders. Unchained inmates, put them in sunshine, let them walk around and exercise
a steroid hormone released into the bloodstream by the adrenal cortex in response to stress. Cortisol helps the body cope with short-term stressors by raising blood glucose levels, and also inhibits the immune response. More stressed you are, the less cortisol you have. Stress keeps you sick longer.
individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting; relatively stable
the branch of neuroscience that studies the physiology of the nervous system
Anxiety disorder
emotional disorder characterized by feelings of apprehension, tension, or uneasiness arising typically from the anticipation of unreal or imagined danger
the employee finds a way within his/her conscience to justify the theft
Subjective. Ink-blot. Helps you tell the difference between a psychotic and non-psychotic. Answers reveal how you feel.
diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders-a book with hundreds of disorders and diagnoses
Percent of personality attributed to genes
Inability to experience or find pleasure.
Novelty-sensation seekers
Genetic mutation that decreases the action of dopamine (reward) in the brain. Common in sensation seekers. (drive fast, jump out of planes, etc) A certain mutation can create a certain personality style.
behavior therapy in which an individual is exposed to the item which they fear or find difficult to deal with in a safe environment; eventually the fear response fades away; commonly used to treat phobias
Dorthea Dix
Schoolteacher- started crusades against the institutions Responsible for starting state institutions. They eventually were under staffed and started resorting to old ways.
Predatory/Planning Murderer
Stalk, serial killers. Increased sub-cortical activity and increased prefrontal activity
Use extreme cold or heat to kill neurons in the anterior cingular cortex. Used for: extreme OCD, chronic pain, severe depression. For people who are at the point of suicide
a tendency to expect the best possible outcome or to look on the bright side. Recover from surgery faster. Live longer with cancer.
Type A
An enduring pattern of behavior linked to (twice the risk) coronary heart disease; the tendency to be hard driving, ambitious, easily annoyed, and impatient all seem to derive from the trait of hostility
Stress and cold virus experiment
400 healthy men and women volunteered to have a virus "dribbled" into there sinuses. Then quarantined. Before hand they were tested on how stressed they were in the past 2 years. Results= the higher stressed they were, the more likely they were to get sick
Their brains are less easily aroused than the brains of introverts. Less activity than the introverts in frontal cortex. They will do much better in stimulating environments. Ex) Listening to loud music while studying
Dissociative fugue
A dissociative disorder involving sudden and unexpected travel away from home, extensive amnesia, and identity confusion
Age at which personality becomes stable
Different personality disorders
Antisocial PD- violate your rights with out any guilt. Histrionic PD- excessively emotional, dramatic, confused, chaotic lives. Narcissistic PD- Obsessed with themselves, demand constant attention or admiration.
Internal locus of control
Blaming faults on oneself, the perception that one controls one's own fate (women tend to do this)
Characteristics of depression
the absence of pleasure. Anhedoina (loss of pleasure) ... in life and hopelessness. Risk of suicide. Major increase or decrease in sleep and appetite. Major Depression - life consuming. Bipolar Depression - dangerous. Manic episodes. Very inheritable. Turns people away.
Common perceptual distortions in schizophrenia
Somatoform disorder
a physical ailment that results from psycholgical factors without any accompanying physical basis
Han's Selye
General Adaptation Syndrome
Rat whiskers
Rats will swim up to 48 hours in a pool of water if they have to. If you cut their whiskers, after a minute they go to the bottom and die. They feel hopeless and die because they can not feel anything. Don't die of drowning, but heart attack. Parasympathetic mode to fast. If researcher picks them up before death then they can swim for 48 hours. Which shows one of the best coping mechanism is support.
Bipolar drug
Induced in a patient by a physician's activity, manner, or therapy. Used especially of an infection or other complication of treatment
Client-centered therapy
Therapist acts as a sounding board to client. Shows absolute regard to client. Treats all clients as normal people who are just having problems. Shows client that therapist is listening and understanding. Client: "I am so mad at my Mother!" Focuses on the emotion. "You seem angry." Gives the patient chance to correct and understand/reflect. "Not angry, just disappointed."
Gender Identity Disorder vs. Transvestism
1 ) when a person's biological sexual characteristics do not match the person's mental idea of his or her gender. 2), the practice of adopting the clothes or the manner or the sexual role of the opposite sex
Big five personality traits
The 5 dimensions of personality (extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness) Dr. Allport
Mental disorder criteria
Involve the stress or impairment of FUNCTION. Must be severe enough to warrant professional treatment. The source must be located within the person. Not the persons environment. It must be involuntary
History of biochemical basis of schizophrenia
sexual pleasure obtained from receiving punishment (physical or psychological)
Negative symptoms of schizophrenia
Things that are not there that should be there - missing emotion, Flat affect - flat emotions, Low motivation and drive, withdrawal from others, labored speech
bizarre imagery or acts that are necessary for sexual excitement (usually all in males)
Brains easily aroused. More activity in frontal cortex. Do much worse in stimulating environments. Ex) Sitting in library while studying
Dissociative identity disorder
a rare dissociative disorder in which a person exhibits two or more distinct and alternating personalities. Also called multiple personality disorder.
Person takes his or her own feelings, beliefs, wishes, and so on and thinks they are someone else's. (e.g., a cheating man thinks his wife is unfaithful)
External locus of control
the perception that chance or outside forces beyond one's personal control determine one's fate
saw that people revealed 2 different personality traits when playing games
Affective/Impulsive Murderer
Emotional killers. Increased sub-cortical activity and low prefrontal activity
the defense mechanism by which one successfully channels his or her socially unacceptable impulses into acceptable activities
sexual pleasure obtained by inflicting harm (physical or psychological) on others
% of folks who fare better with therapy?
relationship that our thoughts and emotions and our brain and nervous system have with our body's cellular defense against bacteria and viruses
Freud's theory of personality that attributes our thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and conflicts; the techniques used in treating psychology disorders by seeking to expose and interpret unconscious tensions. Good for anxiety, childhood sexual abuse, etc.
Therapies against phobias
aversion, implosion, flooding, systemic desensitization
Rational emotive therapy
Albert Ellis. Recognize the fears of speeches are irrational. Confrontal, in your face. --"Im going to fail my test" How does that make you feel? "Badly" Lets change that thought. Have you even taken the test? You still have a week to study! How do you want to feel? "Confident!" Okay how can we do that? "Start now!"
a fixed, intense dislike; avoidance of a thing, situation, or behavior because it has been associated with an unpleasnat or painful stimulus. Ex) Smoke 100 cigarettes in a row to make you never want one again.
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
the most widely researched and clinically used of all personality tests. Originally developed to identify emotional disorders (still considered its most appropriate use), this test is now used for many other screening purposes.
Coping mechanisms against stress
1) Support-church 2) Good health 3) Positive beliefs/ thinking 4) Problem solving skills-relaxation techniques 5) Material resources-rich people live longer
another term for flooding
Defense mechanisms
in psychoanalytic theory , the ego's protective methods of reducing anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality.
Type B
personality type which is more relaxed, easygoing, and unhurried and almost never experiences a heart attack before their 70's

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