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Health Chapter 4


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Examples of impulse control disorders
Klepptomania, gambling,
an idea or thought that takes over the mind and cannot be forgotten
warning signs of suicide
Giving away of possessions, talking about future as if not going to be there, same signs as clinical depression, writing or suggesting suicide
Somatoform disorder
a mental disorder in which the person complains of physical symptoms, such as pain, when no underlying physical cause can be found
What are the three main types of eating disorders?
anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder
Group therapy
meet with others with the same disorder
Risks of bulimia nervosa
maintain healthy body weight but suffer from dehydration, kidney damage, lack of vitamins, eroded teeth enamel, tearing and bleeding of gums, depression, suicidal
receive therapy in a closed setting
3rd leading cause of death among adolescents
What are symptoms of mental disorders?
abnormal thoughts, feelings or behaviors
Binge eating disorder
Eat large amounts of food, excess weight gain and unhealthy dieting, diffucult emotions, withdrawl from relationships, therapy
drug therapy
often combined with psychotherapy
Clinical Psychologists
Doctoral degree in psychology plus two years of practical training in clinic or hospitals, in some cases can prescribe meds
constant fear of disease, and preoccupation with one's health
Examples of mood disorders
Depression, bipolar disorder
personality disorder
Display rigid patterns of behavior that make it difficult for them to get along with others
recent experiences
life experiences that alter thinking
Medical doctors with advanced training in mental diosrders, can prescribe medicines
heredity: genetic predisposition to a disorder
signs of clinical depression
Change in appetite, weight gain or loss, changes in sleep patterns, change in activity level, loss of interest in usual activities, loss of energy, helplessness, excessive guilt, difficulty thinking or concentrating, repeated thoughts of death or suicide
self injury, outlet of pain, not trying to kill themselves, starts as impulse but eads to compulsion
Group B personalities
overly emotional or unstable, can be selfish and demanding, high value on themselves and little or no value on others: Antisocial personality disorder
Risks of anorexia
growth of fine body hair, loss of period, lower body temp, slowed heart and breathing rate, dry skin, lack of essential minerals, causing heart to stop, depression
Risk factors for depression
A parent or close biological relative with a mood disorder, major life change, stressful situation, victim of violent crime, previous bout of depression, sense of hopelessness
generalized anxiety disorder
intense worry or fear for six months or more; does not have a specific source
Types of phobias
animal, natural environment, situational, other
cognitive and behavioral therapy
situations objects or thoughts that trigger behavior
Hospitilization: doctors, nutritionists, social workers, psychologists, dieticians
impulse control disorders
cannot resist the impulse to act in a way that is harmful to themselves or to others
do not take in enough calories to maintain life, do not maintain healthy body weight
Kinds of treatment
psychotherapy, therapy, medication
Mental health counselors
School counselors, youth counselors, pastoral counselors, all work with specific groups
How to help sucidal
Never assume just trying to get attention, never leave them unattended, Don't tempt them to do it, don't try and convince them not to do it, listen to their concerns, get help immediately
psychosomatic illness
When stress affects the mind and body thus resulting in an actual physical disorder
Depression Treatment
Medication-restores normal brain function (prozac), psychotherapy
Occupational Therapist
Allows a person with mental disorders transfer into real world by providing training and ways to function in society
Post tramautic stress disorder
persons that survive a life threatening event have flashbacks and relive events-causes intense fear and psychological reactions
What is a mental disorder?
illness that affects the mind and ability to get along with others
Anxiety Disorders
Extreme fear with an identifiable source
Social workers
The link between people who need help and those that can help them, accept person and family adjust to life with a mental disorder
risk factors of suicide
previous attempt or family history, having both mental disorder and substance abuse disorder, lack of access to mental health treatment, influenced by suicide of others
Group A personalities
tend to be cold and distant, cannot form close relationships, absorbed in their own thoughts and withdraw from reality: paranoid personality disorder
Types of psychotherapy
Insight, Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy
Why is it hard to determine if a person has a mental disorder?
You have to make a personal judgement call
Is anorexia a personal decision?
NO. Those who have anorexia do have an apetite and a physical hunger.
Group C personalities
often cannot make decisions, strong need for approval of others, avoid people for fear of rejection: dependent personality disorder
What are four causes of mental disorders?
Early experiences, recent experience, physical factors, and heredity
bipolar disorder
shifting from one emotional extreme to another, also called manic-depressive disorder, alternate manic episodes with periods of deep depression
an unreasonable need to behave in a certain way to prevent a certain outcome
cluster suicides
series of suicides that occur within a short period of time in the same peer group or community.
mood disorders
extreme emotions that make it difficult to function well in their daily lives
steps for dealing with setbacks
1. think of setback as an isolated event 2. recognize that the setback is temporary 3. become aware of your "self-talk" 4. Take action
What types of doctors treat mental disorders?
Psychiatrists, neurologists, clinical psychologists, social workers, occupational therapist, mental health counselors
What are the two causes of mental disorders?
organic and functional
panic attacks
When a person experiences attacks of extreme anxiety that come and go for no reason; symptoms are similar to a heart attack
Early experiences
Negative experiences as a child that alter perception and thinking
Kinds of therapy
Drug therapy, hospitilization
Possible Causes of anorexia
lack of chemical that regulates mood, history of troubled relationships
Anxiety related to a specific source
Bulimia nervosa
take in abnormal amount of calories, then ride their food (either vomiting or laxatives): called bingeing and purging
Physical trauma to the brain: tumors, brain injury, infection, toxic fumes, prolonged use of drugs and alcohol
Doctors or the brain and nervous system, team up with psychiatrists
Reasons for their behavior

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