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What are diagnostic methods for collecting samples of external parasites?
1. Skin Scraping
2.Cellophane Tape
3. Specimen collection for ID
4. Vaccuuming
What is a life cycle?
Describes the development of a parasite thru its various life stages including definitive host, intermediat host (if there is one)
What is the definitive host?
Definitive host harbors the adult, sexual or mature stages of a parasite
What is the intermediate host?
Intermediate host harbors juvenilve, asexual or immature stages of a parasite.
What are ectoparasites?
A parasite that resides on teh surface of its host.
What is the classification scheme?
What phylum & class do external parasites belong?
Phylum: arthropoda
Class: Insecta
What insects are included in the order Hymenoptera?
Ants, bees, wasps, hornets,
What order are "true Bugs" and wname 2 groups ofinsects are included?
Order: Hemiptera
2 groups of vet importance:
1. Reduviid bugs (kissing bugs)
2. Bed bugs
What order do lice belong to and what differentiates them?
1. Mallophaga - chewing/biting lice
Smaller & parasitize birds, dogs, cats, cattle, sheep, goats & horses
2. Anoplura - sucking lice
Do NOT parasitize BIRDS or CATS.
What are the 4 stages of an insect's life cycle?
1. egg
2. larva
3. pupa
4. adult
What are teh 4 stages of an arachnid's life cycle?
1. egg
2. larva
3. pupa
4. adult
Why is the arachnid nymph unusual?
Because it only has 6 legs unlike the adult which has 8 legs
What are the life stages of the family: psoroptidae?
1. egg
2. larva
3. protonymph
4. duetonymph or pubescent female
5. adult ovigerous female
What is a capitulum, what does it contain & who has it?
The capitulum is the head of a tick which has cutting organs called chelicerae.
What is a scutum, who has one?
A scutum is the body of a tick.
What is a host?
A host is an animal in which a parasite lives.
What adult parasite has 6 legs and three body parts? What are the e body parts
An insect has a head, thorax and abdomen & 6 legs
What is a vector?
An animal that transfers an infective agent from on host to another.
What external parasites have zoonotic potential?
1. scabies mites
2. northern mite of poultry
3. Feline fur mites
What adult parasite has 8 legs and 2 body parts? What are teh body parts called?
Arachnids has a head and an abdomen
Which parasite infectations must be reported to state & federal authorities?
1. Screw worm infestation
2. Scab mite of large animals
Name 2 common external parasites ithat are arachnids?
1. Mites
2. Ticks
What is the largest parasitic arachnid?
What can flies transmit?
Bacterial, viral and parsitic diseases
What causes mange?
What problem do horn flies cause?
Fly worry
What problem do screw worms cause?
What problems do horseflies cause?
They are vectors for
1. antthrax,
3.bovine anaplasmosis
4.equine infectious anemia
What is a "nit"?
It is the egg stage of lice
What are the life stages of lice?
1. Egg
2. Incomplete metamorphosis - 3 nymphal stages with NO REPRODUCTIVE CAPACITY
3. Adult - larger version of nymph
How is lice transmitted?
Direct contact
What is a lice infestation called?
How do you diagnose lice?
1.Close examination of haircoat or feathers of infested animals
2. Examine hair clippings
3. use a magnifying glass
4. collect specimen with thumb forceps & examine inder microscope
5. examine head size to differentiate btwn Mallophagan or Anopluran specimens
What are the charactistics of the order: diptera.
These are flies, gnats, sheep keds:
1. One pair of wings
What diseases are spread to people by mosquitoes?
1. Malaria
2. yellow fever
3. elephantiasis (in people)
What best known disease does the mosquito spread to animals?
Canine heartworm
What causes demodicosis? And what does the parasite look like?
demodex canis - looks like a little alligator
What are the clinical signs of DEmodex?
1. alopecia
2. crusting
3. erythema
4. Severe cases: secondary pyoderma
5. more easily develped in immuno-compromised animals
Is demodex contagious?
No, but mother can transmit the mites to the puppies within a few days of birth
Deer ticks are vectors for what?
Lyme Disease (bacterial)
What mites cause mange?
1. sarcoptes
2. demodex
3. chorioptes
4. psoroptes
How do you diagnose flea infestatons?
1. adult fleas
2. flea dirt
3. larva looks like timy flying maggots, sparcely covered w/ hairs
4. eggs are non-sticky, tiny pearls
What is the most common flea found on cats & dogs?
c. felis or cat flea
Do horses and ruminants usually get fleas?
Fleas serve as an intermediate host for what orher parasites?
1. Tapeworm
2. dipetalonema reconditum - a filarial parasite residig SQ tissues of dogs
What diseases can fleas transmit to humans?
1. bubonic plage
2. endemic typhus
What are the 2 basic families of sarcoptiform mites?
1. sarcoptidae - burrowing
2. psoroptidae- surface dwelling
What are the 2 types of lice?
!. Mallophaga - aka chewing lice
2. Anoplura - sucking lice
What are characteristics of lice?
1. DV flattened
2. No wings
3. 6 legs
4. Head, thorax, abdomen
What are the big differences between Mallophaga and Anoplura?
1.Mallophaga - has mouth phaga with which to eat all debris from skin, hair & feathers.It is smaller in size & yellow.
2. Anoplura has a small head, claws for hold on & is red to grey in color &looks darker after feeding They are NOT ON BIRDS.
What is a nit? And where can it be found?
The egg stage of lice.

It can be found glued to the hair or feather shaft
What is pedicullosis?
Lice infestation
What are the clinical signs of pedicullosis?
1. Blood loss
2. Irritation by parasite and self-trauma
3. Dermatitis can be a 2nd infection
4. Mostly seen in winter/cold months althou Dr. Y has seen more in spring
Tx for pedicullosis?
Lice need to be poisoned w/ pyrethran or organo phosphates.
2. Ivermectin may work on Sucking lice
3. Topicals may work on short haired animals
What order do fleas belong to?
Describe the anatomy of a flea.
1. Head, thorzx, abdomen
2. Little head combes which wil help to ID
3. Genal comb - near mouth
4. Pronotal comb on thorax
5. 6 legs
6. Compressed laterally - ie taller than wide
7.No wings
8. Long back legs for jumping
9. Parasitic mouthparts for penetration
What is saltitation?
long back legs for jumping
What are the similarities between lice and fleas?
No wings & parasitic mouth parts
What is the most common flea for both cats and dogs?
Ctenocephalides felis or "cat flea"
Where do yo find most fleas on dogs?

On Cats?
Back end on dogs

Head on cats
Who is the definitive host?
The host where the sexually mature adult parasites live
Who is an intermediate host?
Host where immature forms of the parasite live. These are sexually immature forms of the parasite
Who is an accidental host?
A host who is NOT required as part of the life cycle of the parasite but get it anyway. Humans are occasionally accidental hosts.
What is metamorphosis?
Different body forms of a parasite changing forms.
What is complete metamorphosis?
This is when the adult parasite differs from the immature forms.
EX: eggs- maggots- pupa- fly
What is incomplete metamorphosis?
This is when the adult is similar to the immature parasite only it is larger and sexually mature/
What are 2 ways of collecting samples of external parasites?
1. Skin Scraping
2. Cellotape
How many orders of insecta are there?
6 orders
What ar the characteristics of insecta?
1. 3 distinct body divisions:
Head: sense organs
Thorax: 6 legs, wings
Abdomen: contains most of organ systems
2 Chitin completelly covers the exo-skeleton
Pathogenesis of fleas
1. pruritis: itching
2.Self-trauma - biting, chewing
3. Alopecia
4. Moist dermatitis (hot spot)
5. Allergic dermatitis
6. Anemia
7. Tapeworm
9. Rickettsia
What are the life stages of fleas?
1. Eggs- 0.5 mm. hatch in 1-6 days
2.Larvae-visible to the naked eye, 1-5 mm, 5-11 days +
3. Pupa - sticky outer coat. if opened - little pale thing with legs, 1-2 weeks,
won't emerge until there is a host
4. Young adult - needs blood meal w/in 1-3 days ofemergence
Remains on host unless forced off
What is the difference between the male & female flea?
Males are small & dark. Females with a big belly b/c they are always gravid.
What are the anatomical parts of arachnida?
1. 2 parts: head and abdomen
2. 8 legs altho some larval forms only have 6 legs
What is the best way to determine the efficacy of treatment of external parasites?
Live:Dead ratio
What is another name for fly larvae?
What is the name for the fly's cocoon?
How many species of fleas are there world wide?
How to control fleas infestations?
1. treat the animal
2. treat the environment
Give examples of arthropod parasites
1. Lice
2. Fleas
3. Flies
Flies belong to which order?
What are key behaviors of flies?
1. Transmit disease b/c they bite
2. Each fly has a preferred spot to bite
3. Very irritating to the animal
4.Some liek wate
5. SOme are terrible flyers so a fan can deter their presence
6. Some are seasonal
7. Some prefer particular time of day
What are the 3 types of flies?
1. Opportunistic
2. Obligatory
What is the class of arachnid parasite?
Acarina - 8 legged
What is a capitulum?
A tick's head
A prodromal period is?
Involves mild signs and symptoms
Which ectoparasites have zoonotic potential
sarcoptic mange
Which ectoparasite is barely visible to the naked eye
Which mange mites reside on the surface of the skin
Psoroptes cuniculi
Which of the ff parasite ova are best collected using cellotape
a. Dirofilaria
b Dipylidium
c. Oxyuris
D. Ancylostoma
c. Oxyuris - pinworm in horses
Which tick is the vector for Lyme disease?
Iisodes scapularis
How do you differentiate between sucking lice and chewing lice?
Chewing lice have a head that is broader than the thorax, whereas sucking lice have a head that is narrower than the thorax
What ectoparasite is known for its HOST specificity & SITE specifity>
What parasite is distinguished by white, operculated eggs that are cemented to the hairs of its host?
What can the ELISA heartworm test detect that the Di-Fil cannot?
Occult infection. Di-Fil is a filter test that detects the presence of microfilaria only.
ELISA test may detect presence of the antigen of adult parasites in an occult infection
Tapeworms infestions are most often diagnosed in small animals by ____
You see little pieces in their poop
What does IGR stand for
Insect growth inhibitors
What type of chemicals SHOULD NOT be used on a cat to control fleas?
What family do mites belong to?
What is really distinctive about mites
They have pedicels on their 8 legs
What is the scidetific name for scabies
sarcoptes scabiei
What are the clinical signs of sarcoptes?
1."elbows & eartips"
2. leasions on limbs
3. Eventual lesions on abdomen
4. Crusts
5. eruthema
6. papular rash
7. zoonotic
8. self-trauma
How do you diagnose sarcoptes?
Skin scrapping
What are the 3 types of sarcoptidae? and who do they effect
1. sarcoptes - dogs & pigs
2. notoedres - cats
3. Cnemidocoptes - birds
What are teh characteristics of sarcoptidae?
1. resinde in teh skin but still an ectoparasite b/c just under the skin
2. Entire life cycle spent on the host
How do Psoroptidae differ from sarcoptidae?
1. Reside on the surface of the skin
2. External ear canal
3. 2 week life cycle
4. not burrowers
5. Larvae & nymphs have 6 legs
6. beefer legs b/c move around the surface so need legs that can be functional
What are the 3 groups of psoroptida and who do they primarily affect?
1. psoroptes - rabbits
2. Chorioptes - aka head & tail mite - large animals
3. Otodectes - ear mites - cats & dogs
What are the clinigal signs of Otodectes?
1. Inrense irritation
2. shake, scratch
3. "coffee groudns"
4. otitis media
5. head tilt - inner ear
6. circling
7 convulsions
8 hematomas
What is the anatomy of Otodectes?
Short unjointed pedicels
2. Some legs have suckers
What is the anatomy of Psoroptes?
Long jointed pedicels
How do you diagnose Otodectes?
1. otoscope
2. ear swab
Which mites do NOT cause great itching?
1. Demodex
2. Chelyletiella
3. Ornithonyssus
What looks like an 8 legged alligator?
What is also known as "walking dandruff"?
Where do you find demodex?
in the follicles
What is the anatomy of Cheyletiella
1. hooks on mouth - big identifyes
2. Stout legs
What is the best way to diagnose Cheyletiella? & why>
Tape test b/c they life on the surface
Anatomy of a tick
1. DV flattened
2. red-brown
3. plain - not lots of back design
4. less active in cold weather
5. can live 2-3 years w/o blood
6.Blood is REQUIRED for egg fertilization & deposition
7. incomplete metamorphosis
Life cycle of a tick?
egg-larvae - nymph - adult
can have 1 - 3 hosts
What is an argasid? & what are its characteristics
soft tick -
leathery appearance
usually do NOT see head
What soft tick is peanut shaped?
Describe other characterisitcs
Otobius megnini
Ear tick
soft tick
adult lives off host
leathery w/o obvious head
What are the clinical signs of Otobius megnini?
1. shake
2. scratch
3. less irritating thanmitess
4. in the ear
What stages of the Otobius megnini are parasitic?
Larval & nymphal stages
What is the technical name for a hard tick?
Where do you find Rhipicephalus sanguineus? & what is its common name?
Found exclusively on dogs

Brown dog tick
What is the best way to remove a tick?
Use a hemostat & remove as close tothe skin as possible. It is important to be sure to get the head
What diseases are caused by ticks?
Rocky Mt. Fever
Lyme Disease
Yellow fever
Why is it important to know the life cycles of parasites?
It is the best way to eradicate all life stages
How many legs does a flea have?

Describe their special adaptations.
* 6 legs
* hind pair have reilinwhich endow jumping ability
* alos legs have hooks tograb onto hair or fur

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