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- 102.1 State the three objectives of first aid.
1) Save Life
2) Prevent Further Injury
3) Prevent Infection - 102.2 State the methods of controlling bleeding.
1) Direct Pressure
2) Elevation
3) Pressure Points
4) Tourniquet (USE ONLY AS LAST RESORT) - 102.3 Identify an example of a pressure point.
1) Facial
2) Superficial Temporal
3) Subclavian
4) Common Carotid
5) Brachial (Inner Upper Arm)
6) Brachial (Inner Elbow)
7) Radial/Ulnar
8) Femoral
9) Iliac
10) Popliteal
11) Anterior/Posterior Tibial - 102.4a Describe the symptoms of shock.
- Vacant/lackluster eyes, shallow/irregular breathing, cold, pale skin, nausea, weak/absent pulse.
- 102.4b Describe the treatment for shock.
- Elevate patient's feet 6-12 inches, retain body heat and comfort patient if conscious.
- 102.5 Describe the three classifications of burns.
1) Mildest - redness, warmth, tenderness and mild pain.
2) Medium - red and blistered with severe pain
3) Worst - tissue, skin and bone destroyed (Pain may be absent do to nerve damage) - 102.6a State the symptoms and treatment for heat exhaustion.
Symptoms - Skin is cool, moist and clammy, pupils dilate, profuse sweating
Treatment - Move to cool/air conditioned area, loosen clothing, apply cool cloths to head, groin and ankles, fan and give patient solution of 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water. - 102.6b State the symptoms and treatment for heat stroke.
Symptoms - hot and dry skin, uneven pupils, not sweating and rapid/weak pulse.
Treatment - Immediate, rapid cooldown by dousing the patient with cold water, apply ice to head, groin and ankles, maintain a proper airway and treat for shock - 102.7 State the difference between an "open" and "closed" fracture.
Open - AKA "compound" fracture involves an opening in the tissue
Closed - AKA "simple" fracture is entirely internal - 102.8a State how to rescue a patient involved in electrical shock.
2) If power can not be shut off remove the object conducting electricity with a dry, non-conductive object. - 102.8b State the treatment applied to victims of electrical shock.
1) Airway
2) Breathing
3) Circulation
4) Treat for shock. - 102.9 Describe the methods for clearing an obstructed airway.
1) Finger sweep the mouth
2) Hymlec Manuever
3) Reclining Abdominal Thrusts - 102.10a Describe the effects of Hypothermia.
Symptoms - The most serious of cold related injuries. General cooing of body, pale, slow/shallow breathing, faint/undetectable pulse.
Treatment - Wrap in warm blankets, treat for shock, seek immediate medical attention - 102.10b Describe the effects of Superficial Frostbite.
- Symptoms - Formation of ice crystals in the upper levels of the skin after exposure to 32°F or less.
- 102.10c Describe the effects of Deep Frostbite.
Symptoms - Formation of ice crystals in the lower levels of skin after exposure to 32°F or less.
Treatment - Remove patient from enviroment and rewarm affected areas using warm water or by placing the apendage under the armpits or against the abdomen. - 103.1 Define the purpose of the Naval Aviation Saftey Program.
- Primary objective is to preserve human and material resources.
- 103.2a Explain the safety responsibilities of the CO.
- Overall responsible for the safety of the unit.
- 103.2b Explain the safety responsibilities of the Aviation Safety Officer.
- Primary advisor to the CO on all safety issues involving aviation.
- 103.2c Explain the safety responsibilities of the Ground Safety Officer.
- Primary advisor to the CO on all ground saftey issues.
- 103.2d Explain the safety responsibilities of the Department Head.
- Coordinates the department's safety program and supervises the department's Division Safety Officer.
- 103.2e Explain the safety responsibilities of the Division Officer.
- Ensures that all personnel comply with all safety instructions.
- 103.2f Explain the safety responsibilities of the Safety Petty Officer.
- Ensures that all personnel have been instructed on all safety matters.
- 103.2g Explain the safety responsibilities of all hands.
- Familiarize themselves with safety regulations and instructions applicable to themselves and their assigned duties.
- 103.3 Explain the functions of the Safety Council/Enlisted Safety Committee.
1) Set Goals.
2) Manage Assets.
3) Review Safety Related Recommendations - 103.4a Discuss how Human Error contributes to aviation mishaps.
- Highest cause of mishaps. Due to strength, ergonomics, stress, attitude and behavior.
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