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102.1 State the three objectives of first aid.
1) Save Life
2) Prevent Further Injury
3) Prevent Infection
102.2 State the methods of controlling bleeding.
1) Direct Pressure
2) Elevation
3) Pressure Points
102.3 Identify an example of a pressure point.
1) Facial
2) Superficial Temporal
3) Subclavian
4) Common Carotid
5) Brachial (Inner Upper Arm)
6) Brachial (Inner Elbow)
7) Radial/Ulnar
8) Femoral
9) Iliac
10) Popliteal
11) Anterior/Posterior Tibial
102.4a Describe the symptoms of shock.
Vacant/lackluster eyes, shallow/irregular breathing, cold, pale skin, nausea, weak/absent pulse.
102.4b Describe the treatment for shock.
Elevate patient's feet 6-12 inches, retain body heat and comfort patient if conscious.
102.5 Describe the three classifications of burns.
1) Mildest - redness, warmth, tenderness and mild pain.

2) Medium - red and blistered with severe pain

3) Worst - tissue, skin and bone destroyed (Pain may be absent do to nerve damage)
102.6a State the symptoms and treatment for heat exhaustion.
Symptoms - Skin is cool, moist and clammy, pupils dilate, profuse sweating

Treatment - Move to cool/air conditioned area, loosen clothing, apply cool cloths to head, groin and ankles, fan and give patient solution of 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water.
102.6b State the symptoms and treatment for heat stroke.
Symptoms - hot and dry skin, uneven pupils, not sweating and rapid/weak pulse.

Treatment - Immediate, rapid cooldown by dousing the patient with cold water, apply ice to head, groin and ankles, maintain a proper airway and treat for shock
102.7 State the difference between an "open" and "closed" fracture.
Open - AKA "compound" fracture involves an opening in the tissue

Closed - AKA "simple" fracture is entirely internal
102.8a State how to rescue a patient involved in electrical shock.
2) If power can not be shut off remove the object conducting electricity with a dry, non-conductive object.
102.8b State the treatment applied to victims of electrical shock.
1) Airway
2) Breathing
3) Circulation
4) Treat for shock.
102.9 Describe the methods for clearing an obstructed airway.
1) Finger sweep the mouth
2) Hymlec Manuever
3) Reclining Abdominal Thrusts
102.10a Describe the effects of Hypothermia.
Symptoms - The most serious of cold related injuries. General cooing of body, pale, slow/shallow breathing, faint/undetectable pulse.

Treatment - Wrap in warm blankets, treat for shock, seek immediate medical attention
102.10b Describe the effects of Superficial Frostbite.
Symptoms - Formation of ice crystals in the upper levels of the skin after exposure to 32°F or less.
102.10c Describe the effects of Deep Frostbite.
Symptoms - Formation of ice crystals in the lower levels of skin after exposure to 32°F or less.

Treatment - Remove patient from enviroment and rewarm affected areas using warm water or by placing the apendage under the armpits or against the abdomen.
103.1 Define the purpose of the Naval Aviation Saftey Program.
Primary objective is to preserve human and material resources.
103.2a Explain the safety responsibilities of the CO.
Overall responsible for the safety of the unit.
103.2b Explain the safety responsibilities of the Aviation Safety Officer.
Primary advisor to the CO on all safety issues involving aviation.
103.2c Explain the safety responsibilities of the Ground Safety Officer.
Primary advisor to the CO on all ground saftey issues.
103.2d Explain the safety responsibilities of the Department Head.
Coordinates the department's safety program and supervises the department's Division Safety Officer.
103.2e Explain the safety responsibilities of the Division Officer.
Ensures that all personnel comply with all safety instructions.
103.2f Explain the safety responsibilities of the Safety Petty Officer.
Ensures that all personnel have been instructed on all safety matters.
103.2g Explain the safety responsibilities of all hands.
Familiarize themselves with safety regulations and instructions applicable to themselves and their assigned duties.
103.3 Explain the functions of the Safety Council/Enlisted Safety Committee.
1) Set Goals.
2) Manage Assets.
3) Review Safety Related Recommendations
103.4a Discuss how Human Error contributes to aviation mishaps.
Highest cause of mishaps. Due to strength, ergonomics, stress, attitude and behavior.

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