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Chapter 13 - Prt4/4

Diagnostic, Operative, Therapeutic


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pneumatic otoscopy
otoscropic observation of the tympanic membrane as air is released into external auditory meatus (canal) immobility indicates the presence of middle ear effusion (fluid buildup) as occurs as result of otitis media
instrument to meausre hearing
vein graft of scarred tympanic membrane to improve sound conduction
drug that reduces congestion and swelling of membranes such as those of nose and eustachian tube after infection
surgery with use of microscope; delicate tissue
process of measuring hearing
allergic reactions - flammation of tissue; hay fever, urticaria (hives)
auditory prosthesis
any internal or external device that improves or sbstitutes for natural hearing
record of hearing measurement
cochlear implant
electronic device implanted in the cochlea that provides sound perception to patients with severe or profound sensorineural (nerve) hearing loss in both ears
measurement of compliance and mobility (conductibility) of tympanic membrane and ossicles of middle ear by monitoring response after exposure to external airflow pressures
person who specializes in study of hearing impariments
use of otoscope to examine the external auditory meatus (canal) and tympanic membrane
surgicla repair of external ear
tuning fork
two-pronged. fork-liked instrument that vibrates when struck; used to test for hearing; espcially bone conduction
ear instillation
introduction of medicated solution into external canal
hearing aid
external amplifying device designed to improve hearing by more effective collection of sound into the ear
excision of stapes to correct otosclerosis
myringotomoy, tympanostomy
incision into eardrum, most often for inservtion of small metal or plastic tube (polyethylene tube) to keep meatus (canal) open, avoiding fluid buildup (effusion) as that which occurs as result of otitis media
ear lavage
irrigation of external ear canal, commonly done to remove excessive buildup of cerumen
auditory acuity testing
physical assessment of hearing; useful in differentiating between conductive and sensorineural hearing loss
brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP)
electrodiagnostic testing using computerized equipment to measure involuntary responses to sound within the auditory nervous system- commonly used to assess hearing in newborns
treats otitis media

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